Short sessions for all levels of staff Accompanied by pocket guide ( How to communicate in 12 steps) Link Nurses will take this forward in their own areas Dementia CNS for all other areas
Covers all aspects of care from What is Dementia to End of life care Accompanied by a workbook All sessions include knowledge components and reflection on practice as well as practical advice
In the process of facilitating this unit Knowledge based 20 questions and reflective account Will evaluate
20credit degree module run with Plymouth University Students encouraged to make small changes in own area of practice 3 rd cohort in progress Students from across region and disciplines Previously funded by SHA Aim is to evaluate this course in the next year
Nurses from across the trust and also from community hospitals Meet X 4 year Encouraged to make small changes of practice relevant to own area For example use of Care booklet/This is me booklet Introduce the Dementia standards Auditing care Changing the environment
1-1 teaching Website on the intranet Road shows Conferences