1 Airport as an economic and spatial regional driver Airport of the Future; March 30, 2006 Meiltje de Groot; sr advisor Airport Development.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Airport as an economic and spatial regional driver Airport of the Future; March 30, 2006 Meiltje de Groot; sr advisor Airport Development

2 Agenda Mainport as driver of Dutch economy Added value of the Mainport Environment & spatial impact –Possible solutions??

3 Amsterdam Airport Schiphol Hub of SkyTeam/Air France-KLM Group Fourth Largest Passenger Airport in Europe 247 destinations and 3641 flights (summer week) destinations flights

4 b Maintain primary hub and top position in Europe # intercontinental destinations and frequencies determines strength of network High quality through connections (connectivity) needs a strong network carrier (SkyTeam) Connectivity “best in class” due to small home market Accommodate growth (4-5% per year) and cost level comparable to CDG View and objectives of the Dutch aviation sector

5 Competitive position of hubs Position determined by: Home market (O/D passengers) Home carrier network Position within main traffic flows Available capacity Growing importance of visit costs

6 Hub is heart of Mainport And is an important driver of Dutch economy b Internationally competitive business climate. Development of infrastructure and business sites. Competitive region With regard to working and living conditions, accessibility and reinforcing Amsterdam as a destination Reinforcing worldwide network (destinations & frequency) Competitive airport With regard to visit costs, reliable and swift handling and accessibility

7 Added value of the mainport 3000 extra jobs per million additional passengers York billion Euro added value 2% contribution to Gross National Product Nyfer 2000 / York 2004 Every passenger contributes €450,-- to regional economy 20% contribution to Gross Regional Product Nyfer 2000 Freedom of travel

8 Efforts to reduce environmental impact Dutch aviation sector has invested in more quiet airplanes en a new runway Government has set and monitors environmental standards (2003)

9 Calculated Noise Load lower than ever….

10 But number of Noise complaints higher than ever… 2004: 714,000 complaints, by 10,756 people Legal limit number of noise affected houses

11 And there are limited possibilities for building new houses Nota ruimte, VROM Demand for new housing: 150,000Demand for new housing: 150,000 Spatial policy makes realizing them almost impossibleSpatial policy makes realizing them almost impossible This will lead to deterioration of amenities in the Schiphol area This will lead to deterioration of amenities in the Schiphol area

12 Possible solutions?? (1) Innovation on policy focused on noise reductions at the source –Level playing field European and International rules –Create incentives to use aircrafts with quieter engines –ATM (CDA)

13 Possible solutions?? (2) Supply information that fits need –Measuring noise

14 Agreements with local community on use of runways and flight paths Possible solutions?? (3)

15 Possible solutions?? (4) Offer choices instead of fixed solutions Insulation Compensation for moving expenses Public parks …. menu

16 Possible solutions?? (5) Optimize Land use  Study effects of concentration of flight paths

17 Possible solutions?? (6) Develop a metropolitan strategy

18 Possible solutions?? (6) Develop a metropolitan strategy b Internationally competitive business climate. Development of infrastructure and business sites. Competitive region With regard to working and living conditions, accessibility and reinforcing Amsterdam as a destination Reinforcing worldwide network (destinations & frequency) Competitive airport With regard to visit costs, reliable and swift handling and accessibility Thank you !