Project Internationalisation: The implementation of student mobility into a Faculty's award portfolio Dr Iain Garner Sheffield Hallam University
Project Internationalisation Key Points on the Project: All UG students will have the opportunity to undertake a study or work placement abroad 100% increase in inward and outward student mobility over 3 year project All staff encouraged and supported to participate in teaching, research or other work in partner institutions abroad 100% increase in the number of staff participating in exchange activity over 3 year project
Project Internationalisation Project Rationale - why bother? Competitiveness of university- securing student numbers and attracting students from diverse backgrounds 2007 Mobility Project survey of 1800 first year undergraduate students found that 45% of students would like to be mobile Enhanced employability of students who have experienced mobility Skills development and contribution to the national economy
Project Internationalisation What do the students think? Ask students! (Mobility Project questionnaire of 1800 first year undergraduate students) Popular destinations: US/Canada Europe also popular where delivery is in English Growing demand for work placement Wide range of study period preferences from 1 year to 1 month
Project Internationalisation Enhancing employability? One of the key selling features of Mobility is enhanced employability. But do Employers value such experience and skills? Blue chip multinationals appear to be positive advocates. But most are employed by SMEs and they appear to have almost no voice at all. Does such experience really enhance employability?
Project Internationalisation Key Points on the Project Do SMEs value mobility experience If so what features are valued and why? If not why not? And considering the above how should an applicant demonstrate there mobility experience?
Project Internationalisation Research approach 14 semi structure interviews were carried out with SMEs The SMEs were subdivided into Professional services and Manufacturing organisation Thematic analysis was utilised to identify common themes between the SMEs and their perspectives on the value of international mobility during HE study.
Project Internationalisation Key Aim of the Project The over arching aim of the research was to gain an insight into 'SMEs perception of the value of international mobility with reference to the needs of their organisation.' This would address the primary concern of whether the key selling feature of mobility was valued by SMEs
Project Internationalisation Key Findings - contradictory. Long story short - SMEs don't value international mobility as a primary selection tool SMEs commonly are unsure as to what international mobility is and view it only as valuable in terms of language skills or if they have a notable overseas operation. However, when at interview the experience of international study or work was seen a positive discriminator Core professional skills get applicant get shortlisted but international experience could help get appointed
Project Internationalisation Possibly a bad thing? There were some concerns that international mobility could even be negative –take away from core subject development –simply an overseas jolly The key selling feature of the experience seemed to be in question in relation to SMEs
Project Internationalisation Why so cautious? The SMEs justified their notable caution around internationalisation via Job specific skills are essential in a close working environment. To not focus on these could compromise the success of the company.
Project Internationalisation However… International mobility was seen as a way of contextualising or demonstrating certain skills and enthusiasm –energy and drive to become involved –wider experience of communication contexts so enhancing communication skills –experience from other context which could positively inform professional understanding It is the professional meaning of the experience that is important not the experience in isolation
Project Internationalisation Internationalisation as a discriminator Therefore mobility become a key discriminator In that the student wouldn't be at the interview without the key skills But in a competitive interview schedule being able to illustrate ones skills effectively via mobility becomes very valuable
Project Internationalisation Key Points on the Project Students need to understand their experience as skills development not simple experience Employers need to be informed of /inform what international mobility is and what skills it is designed to develop
Project Internationalisation Key Points on the Project Therefore mobility become a key discriminator In that the student wouldn't be at the interview without the key skills But in a competitive interview schedule being able to illustrate ones skills effectively mobility becomes very valuable