SPACE CAMP RUSSIA summer 2009 Baltic State Technical University – Bodø University College
Cultural component Space Camp Russia – Welcome! Experience and involvement Meeting with “space” people Space Camp Russia is an international educational program of technical visits to many interesting space travel related sites in St. Petersburg and Moscow with lectures and workshops Educational component (ECTS)
Space Camp Russia : St. Petersburg The museum of Cosmonautics and Rocket Technique (Gasodynamic laboratory) – the place where the first rockets were constructed and tested under the guidance of the most important space scientist of that time, Sergey. P. Korolev. St. Petersburg, which is called the cradle of soviet cosmonautics, provides unique historical space travel objects to see and explore:
Saint Petersburg - history and lectures Space Camp Russia: main destinations Moscow - operating space centers
Space Camp Russia: St. Petersburg Pulkovo Observatory – the oldest operating observatory in Europe, Baltic State Technical University – Voenmeh, named after D.F. Ustinov– cosmonautic institute in St. Petersburg
The Museum of Military Troops and Artillery: Space Camp Russia: St. Petersburg dozens of real military rockets and launchers
In Moscow there are plenty of facilities to feel like being a cosmonaut as well as to increase space knowledge. Space Camp Russia: Moscow Replica of the Mir satellite, a unique functioning hydro-laboratory and the world’s biggest space centrifuge. Star City, located 30 km from Moscow is one of the most attractive space sites in Russia. The Cosmonaut Training Center
Plesetsk Cosmodrome (Arkhangelsk Oblast’) Plesetzk cosmodrome is located 180 kilometers from Arckhangelsk. The cosmodrome’s territory is 1762 square meters. Established in 1960 as the first Russian rocket base. The first launch took place on 17-th March There are technical and starting facilities for all types of light and medium carrier rockets. Number of the city Mirny citizens – – (depending on activity). Special option: Plesetzk
Space Camp Russia: Cultural Experience Splendid St. Petersburg! Sightseeing Boat trips on rivers and canals Culture events
Space Camp Russia: Cultural Experience Grand Moscow!