Ways EALD teachers can work in DECD schools The EALD Teacher Ways EALD teachers can work in DECD schools
Why work as a DECD EALD Teacher? Learn from students who have diverse life experiences Enable other students to share these experiences and enhance the learning of others Work with a range of students (eg migrants, international full-fee payers, students with a refugee experience) Work in a range of contexts (eg Intensive English Language Centre, Intensive Secondary English Course)
Why work as a DECD EALD Teacher? Deliver the learning in various ways (eg one to one, parallel teaching, direct teaching) Mentor/Coach/Lead colleagues in a range of areas Accelerate your career (eg TESMC tutor, literacy co-ordinator, international schools) Satisfaction gained from working with students in need who have a desire to learn
The EALD Teacher supports EALD students to develop the practices and language skills to achieve learning area outcomes and participate in schooling. supports the use of data including LL Levels to inform programming, monitoring and reporting on EALD student progress. works flexibly and collaboratively within the school in response to the diversity of EALD students and to maximise the support available to them.
Well being and engagement The EALD Teacher Well being and engagement Language development
Key ways of working Work strategically to establish supportive and inclusive school practices Plan and deliver EALD programs Collaborate with mainstream teachers Provide leadership in EALD data management
Communication and relationships Work strategically to establish inclusive supportive school practices Plan and deliver EALD programs Collaborate with mainstream teachers Provide leadership in EALD data management Communication and relationships communicate your role within your school engage actively with school leadership and learning teams build relationships with a wide range of staff members propose initiatives be proactive
Work strategically to establish inclusive supportive school practices Plan and deliver EALD programs Collaborate with mainstream teachers Provide leadership in EALD data management Inclusive practices transition and enrolment processes inclusive of non English speaking parents/caregivers counselling processes sensitive to issues of resettlement and cultural difference structures in place to hear and respond to EALD student voice celebrations of diversity eg Harmony day use of bilingual services and Community Liaison Officers for students and parents/caregivers use of community agencies reflective practices which create safe environments
Work strategically to establish supportive school practices Plan and deliver EALD programs Collaborate with mainstream teachers Provide leadership in EALD data management Supportive programs programs that support literacy and language development eg homework centres EALD support program curriculum offerings that meet student needs eg EALD as a subject
Plan and deliver EALD programs Work strategically to establish supportive school practices Plan and deliver EALD programs Collaborate with mainstream teachers Provide leadership in EALD data management Plan and deliver EALD programs establish the EALD student cohort negotiate and deliver EALD support program and / or direct instruction use EALD informed pedagogy
Identify the EALD student cohort Work strategically to establish inclusive supportive school practices Plan and deliver EALD programs Collaborate with mainstream teachers Provide leadership in EALD data management Identify the EALD student cohort Yes Has the student achieved the outcomes expected of that year level No support required Is he / she of non-English speaking background? Is Standard Australian English an issue? EALD learner No Does he / she speak an Indigenous language or Aboriginal English?
Prioritise students in need of EALD support Work strategically to establish supportive school practices Plan and deliver EALD programs Collaborate with mainstream teachers Provide leadership in EALD data management Prioritise students in need of EALD support establish who are the EALD students collect data about the students prioritise where the need lies determine how EALD and bilingual support should be delivered
EALD informed curriculum pedagogy Work strategically to establish supportive school practices Plan and deliver EALD programs Collaborate with mainstream teachers Provide leadership in EALD data management EALD informed curriculum pedagogy functional model of language Language and Literacy Levels to program, monitor, report teaching learning cycle explicit about cultural and linguistic understandings scaffold towards independence
Direct teaching of EALD as a subject Work strategically to establish supportive school practices Plan and deliver EALD programs Collaborate with mainstream teachers Provide leadership in EALD data management Direct teaching of EALD as a subject EALD teacher has full responsibility for EALD as a subject including planning, implementation, assessment, reporting generally occurs in secondary schools where there are sufficient numbers of EALD students to form classes
Direct teaching in senior secondary Work strategically to establish supportive school practices Plan and deliver EALD programs Collaborate with mainstream teachers Provide leadership in EALD data management Direct teaching in senior secondary direct teaching of ESL at Stage 1 & 2 (using Tier 1 funding) EALD teacher has responsibility for meeting SACE requirements
Direct teaching of new arrivals in regional schools Work strategically to establish supportive school practices Plan and deliver EALD programs Collaborate with mainstream teachers Provide leadership in EALD data management Direct teaching of new arrivals in regional schools regional schools receiving new arrivals can set aside part of the day for “intensive English” teacher provides support for English language, settlement, integration in other mainstream classes requires collaboration and planning with school leadership and teachers
Collaborate and share practices with mainstream teachers Work strategically to establish supportive school practices Plan and deliver EALD programs Collaborate with mainstream teachers Provide leadership in EALD data management Collaborate and share practices with mainstream teachers to build capacity of all teachers to provide supportive teaching / learning programs for EALD students
By supporting planning of teaching/learning assessment programs Work strategically to establish supportive school practices Plan and deliver EALD programs Collaborate with mainstream teachers Provide leadership in EALD data management By supporting planning of teaching/learning assessment programs resource development to address the language demands of the subject assessment and reporting understandings of students’ Language and Literacy Level and background
informal conversations mentoring planning meetings Work strategically to establish supportive school practices Plan and deliver EALD programs Collaborate with mainstream teachers Provide leadership in EALD data management Through informal conversations mentoring planning meetings staff meeting presentations promoting, supporting and engaging in EALD professional development
EALD support modes in-class support withdrawal parallel teaching Work strategically to establish supportive school practices Plan and deliver EALD programs Collaborate with mainstream teachers Provide leadership in EALD data management EALD support modes in-class support withdrawal parallel teaching mentoring team teaching
Work strategically to establish supportive school practices Plan and deliver EALD programs Collaborate with mainstream teachers Provide leadership in EALD data management In-class support EALD teacher works with EALD students to support them with the tasks and language demands of the lesson allows EALD students to work in class but degree of intervention of EALD teacher may be limited EALD teacher may also support other students promotes whole school approach to EALD support joint planning is essential to understand the students’ and teacher's needs but often occurs informally
Work strategically to establish supportive school practices Plan and deliver EALD programs Collaborate with mainstream teachers Provide leadership in EALD data management Team teaching EALD teacher provides language specific lessons in mainstream classes to all the students provides modeling/professional development for mainstream teacher in explicit language teaching may limit degree of targeted intervention for EALD students unless mainstream teacher is able to take on this support role joint planning is essential for determining what the EALD teacher will deliver within the whole unit of work
Work strategically to establish supportive school practices Plan and deliver EALD programs Collaborate with mainstream teachers Provide leadership in EALD data management Withdrawal EALD teacher withdraws EALD students for an individual or a sequence of lessons to support specific skill development allows for focus on specific language needs of individuals within a secure environment can be a good use of resources when a small number of students with similar needs are scattered over several classes joint planning with the mainstream teacher is essential although it often happens informally
Work strategically to establish supportive school practices Plan and deliver EALD programs Collaborate with mainstream teachers Provide leadership in EALD data management Parallel teaching EALD students are taught same content as classmates by the EALD teacher in a separate location EALD teacher responsible for assessing and reporting on learning of the students allows EALD students to work in smaller groups initial joint planning with mainstream teacher/s is essential
Work strategically to establish supportive school practices Plan and deliver EALD programs Collaborate with mainstream teachers Provide leadership in EALD data management Mentoring formal mentoring eg focus teacher supporting site based participants of an EALD course informal mentoring eg modelling language focused lessons, providing advice during joint planning, teaching and assessment
EALD data management provide leadership collect data Work strategically to establish supportive school practices Plan and deliver EALD programs Collaborate with mainstream teachers Provide leadership in EALD data management EALD data management provide leadership collect data ensure accuracy of data access and use data
Work strategically to establish supportive school practices Plan and deliver EALD programs Collaborate with mainstream teachers Provide leadership in EALD data management Provide leadership collaborate with school leadership to establish a plan for moving to a whole school approach to collecting and using EALD data eg Levels collaborate with staff to establish processes for collecting and analysing EALD data eg for collecting student texts and assigning a Level
explain the processes to other staff at staff meetings and informally Work strategically to establish supportive school practices Plan and deliver EALD programs Collaborate with mainstream teachers Provide leadership in EALD data management explain the processes to other staff at staff meetings and informally establish quality processes for accuracy of data be familiar with the capabilities of EDSAS and other software to collect and analyse data use school processes to communicate the data and implications
Accuracy of data be familiar with Levels attend moderation sessions Work strategically to establish supportive school practices Plan and deliver EALD programs Collaborate with mainstream teachers Provide leadership in EALD data management Accuracy of data be familiar with Levels attend moderation sessions be a driving force in establishing school based moderation processes
Access and use data use EDSAS and other software functions to Work strategically to establish supportive school practices Plan and deliver EALD programs Collaborate with mainstream teachers Provide leadership in EALD data management Access and use data use EDSAS and other software functions to access student data analyse data monitor student progress
Monitor student progress Work strategically to establish supportive school practices Plan and deliver EALD programs Collaborate with mainstream teachers Provide leadership in EALD data management Monitor student progress set targets track Levels match with other data sets eg NAPLAN, attendance use data to inform practice and school provision