Transition to Practice Regulatory Model: Implementing Change Nancy Spector, Director of Regulatory Innovations NM Statewide Nursing Faculty Conference June 4, 2009, 1:00-2:30 p.m.
Mission of NCSBN The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN), is composed of Member Boards, provides leadership to advance regulatory excellence for public protection.
Resources for Educators Go to: programs & services For Transition: Leader to Leader
Background of the Problem
Benner’s work over 20 years Kramer’s “Reality Shock,” from 1974
Background… NCSBN delegates voted in 2002 to: “Identify and promote effective models to facilitate a successful transition of new nurses from education to practice.” and “Participate in strategies for retention of the new graduate.”
Background… NCSBN 2002 & 2004 Employer Studies: “Yes definitely” to survey question regarding novice graduates being prepared to provide safe and effective care: 45% (2002) & 48.8% (2004)-diploma graduates 40% (2002) & 41.9% (2004)- BSN graduates 35% (2002) & 41.9% (2004)- ADN graduates 30% (2002) & 32.9% (2004)- PN graduates
Background… Advisory Board Company (2008) Surveyed 5,700 frontline nurse leaders 400 nursing deans/directors/chairs
Background… 90% academic leaders believe their new students are prepared. 10% of health system nurse leaders believe new nurses are prepared.
Advisory Board Study Biggest Improvement Needed: Follow up Initiative Quality improvement Time management Tracking multiple responsibilities Conflict resolution Delegation
Transition to Practice: A Missing Piece in Nursing
Background… Turnover rates (2006 Nurse Executive Center: “Transitioning New Graduates to Hospital Practice”) One Year- 36% Two Years- 75% Three Years- 50%
Background… NCSBN hosted the Transition Forum February 22, 2007 Speakers from other disciplines and countries all came together. Various research findings showed need for transition programs. Stakeholders agreed to a standardized regulatory model (AACN, AONE, ANA, NAPNES, NLN)
Background… Computerized NCLEX, allowing for almost immediate licensure Context of practice: “frenzy” Health care becoming more complex Nursing shortage IOM and other studies on patient safety
Transition to Practice Work Goals: To promote public safety by supporting newly licensed nurses during their critical entry period and progression into practice. Premises Definitions
Transition to Practice Model
Description of Model Pass NCLEX Separate Orientation Flexible and robust 6 month preceptorship
Description of Model 1 year institutional support Feedback and reflection License renewal
Description of Model Website plans for modules Preceptorship training QSEN for RNs
Transition to Practice Fact Sheet The problem The impact The solution
Transition to Practice Evidence Grid International Work National Work Individual Work
FAQs… Why should this be implemented through regulation? How was the model designed? Are you seeing this as a failure of education and/or practice?
FAQs… Are the modules just re-teaching? What about cost? How can this be implemented in rural areas?
FAQs… Will NCSBN mandate transition to practice in all boards? What about the current climate of job shortages?
It’s a Collaborative Model
Collaborative Input… Formally with 14 organizations as well as our membership: Pilot before mandating through regulation Consider costs
Collaborative Input… Outcomes from pilots will be important Successful national programs are being implemented Be sure LPN needs are met Tightening of job market
Collaborative Input… Preceptor training Several states are interested in piloting Timeframe needed Embraced the model for being inclusive Willingness for collaboration
Transition Dashboard Pilots (June 2011) Modules Marketing Business Plan
Transition Dashboard Preceptor Development Research Funding
Transition Tool Kit Available at:
Transition Tool Kit Evidence grid Fact sheet FAQs Most recent article Dashboard
Transition Tool Kit Goals/definitions/premises Model description Example of model rules for Boards Example of Transition to Practice Verification form (TPV form)
Timeline Business plan Content outline for nurse (LPN and RN) modules Convene research advisory panel Develop specifics of pilots Identify funding sources stakeholder collaboration
Timeline Develop nurse (LPN and RN) modules Develop preceptor modules and online connections Establish pilot sites Identify funding sources stakeholder collaboration
Timeline Implement pilots Collect data Identify funding sources stakeholder collaboration
Transition to Practice… “…the one goal that unifies us all – improvement both in individual patient care and in the health care delivery system – might be achieved.” - Marlene Kramer, 1974
The Future!!