Ofsted framework 2012 Feedback from inspections carried out under the new framework and implications for clerks and governing bodies Clerks briefings April.


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Presentation transcript:

Ofsted framework 2012 Feedback from inspections carried out under the new framework and implications for clerks and governing bodies Clerks briefings April 2012

Anecdotal feed back from inspections in the spring term; Best practice for minute writing; Encouraging your governors to challenge; Keeping the minutes’ book.

Subsidiary guidance: governance In assessing the role and impact of the governing body, inspectors take account of how well the governing body: knows the school supports and strengthens school leadership provides challenge to school leaders, particularly with regard to improving the quality of teaching works efficiently with the school.

Subsidiary guidance: governance Sources of evidence about the effectiveness of the governing body include: a discussion with one or more members of the governing body minutes of governing body meetings references to the work of the governing body as part of more general discussions with key staff, for example, the headteacher; the special educational needs coordinator; the child-protection officer; staff with links to particular governing body committees; or governors with designated responsibilities discussions with other members of staff and, where relevant, pupils about the impact of the governing body on the work of the school.

Safeguarding Whilst there is no longer a dedicated “safeguarding inspector” in inspection, this area remains a key issue for all Ofsted inspections. What can the clerk do to contribute? Ensure that the Child Protection Policy is reviewed and adopted on an annual basis and that other policies that relate to safeguarding (including personnel policies such as Dealing with Allegations against Staff) are kept up to date and reviewed regularly. Ensure that new governors complete self-declaration forms and an enhanced CRB check when appropriate.

Safeguarding What can the clerk do to contribute? Appoint a nominated governor for safeguarding and agree (and minute) that a named governor – usually the Chair - has the responsibility to facilitate any allegations made against the headteacher. Appoint a Health and Safety Governor and encourage them to undertake regular “climate walks” of the school premises. Ensure that safeguarding is a regular item on the full Governing Body agenda (best practice, every term) and also on committee agendas when required.

Safeguarding What can the clerk do to contribute? Encourage all governors to attend safeguarding training, and recommend that governors monitor staff training and induction to ensure that child protection is discussed by new and existing staff. Make sure that at least one governor has undertaken Safer Recruitment training and is accredited. Suggest that the Governors’ Induction policy and procedures include information about child protection, confidentiality and the school’s complaints procedures.

Sources of evidence about the effectiveness of the governing body include minutes of governing body meetings What can the clerk do to contribute? Ensure that your minutes clearly record decisions that are made, and also reflect a level of challenge, questioning and support from a range of governors – demonstrating their role as “critical friend”. Ensure that actions and decisions-and unanswered questions - are followed up at a later meeting, and encourage governors to discuss the impact of those actions. Suggest that you or your Chair writes a termly “summary” of challenge and support by governors – making reference to the minutes of meetings or additional opportunities.

Encouraging your governors to challenge What can the clerk do to contribute? Encourage governors to undertake training to increase their knowledge and confidence to ask informed questions. Make sure that supporting papers are sent out with the agenda at least seven days in advance of the meeting, so that governors can familiarise themselves with reports and ask relevant questions.

Effective and Efficient Governing Bodies What can the clerk do to contribute? Ensure that the committee and meeting structure is well organised, efficient and effective. Encourage governors to look at the membership of their Governing Body and recruit governors with professional knowledge and expertise, to add to the effectiveness of strategic decision making and accountability.

Effective and Efficient Governing Bodies What can the clerk do to contribute? Encourage governors to keep a policy schedule up to date, demonstrating their compliance with legal responsibilities. Advise governors to undertake as much training as possible, particularly in key areas including safeguarding, finance, and other statutory responsibilities.

Maintaining the minute book –best practice suggestions Maintain an “inspection” copy of the minutes book available in the school. When sending out agendas and supporting papers, ensure that a copy is included in the inspection file. If you generally get your “own” copy of the minutes signed, when the minutes are approved at the meeting ask the chair to sign two copies of the minutes (including a signature at the bottom of each page – you could create a footer for this) and include one of the sets in the inspection file. Ensure that confidential agendas and minutes are included in a separate file, which is kept securely and not made available to the public.