Pilot Clubs Can “Go Green” (A LITTLE AT A TIME ) Presented by: Rene’ Naughton Pilot Club of St. Augustine
DEMOGRAPHICS OF THE PILOT CLUB OF ST. AUGUSTINE 18 Active Members 5 retired; 3 under the age of 50 3 have no computer 6 E-Pilots 3 come when work allows 2 come to every meeting 1 lives out of town (former member) 6 Emeritus Members 6 have no computer 4 live in Nursing Homes 2 have ill health
With this information, we brain stormed the question: HOW CAN WE GO GREEN AND WHY?
THE WHY It’s good for the planet It will save the club money THE HOW Take a close look at each committee Support those “not-so-tech-savy” Pilots
LAST YEAR Executive Board (10 members) Agenda, Minutes & Treasurer’s Report (printed 30 copies) Meeting’s Agenda (printed18 copies) Treasurer’s Report (printed18 copies) Secretary’s Minutes (printed18 copies) El Piloto---4 color pages (printed 30 copies) COST: $45.00 We were nickel & diming members to death. Ink was a line item in our budget
THIS YEAR Executive Board (only printed 2 copies, down 8) Agendas, Minutes, & Treasurer’s Reports (only printed 2 copies, down 24) Meeting Agenda’s (only printed 1 per table, down 15) Treasurer’s Report (only printed 1 per table, down 15) Secretary’s Minutes (only printed 1 per table, down 15) El Piloto---4 color pages (only printed 14 copies, down 16, that’s 64 color pages!!!) COST: $12.60
PUTTING IT INTO PRACTICE Send all the above information through 2 days before the meeting. Savings = $32.40 each meeting. $45.00 (last year) (this year)= BIG SAVINGS Savings = $ $32.40 (each meeting) X 12 (meetings) = HUGE SAVINGS Members have enjoyed seeing the reports early, meetings have gone faster, and the topic being discussed bring members to meetings.
PUTTING IT INTO PRACTICE Had donated 4 jump drives for the President, President-Elect, Secretary, & Treasurer. These store all records and important documents in case it is needed at a meeting. Instant Access! Treasurer will receive her own laptop. Instant Access and Less files to store! Secretary will receive her own laptop. (She is using her own laptop now.) Useful for reviewing previous minutes.
PUTTING IT INTO PRACTICE Added a Technology Committee and have technology tips every meeting. All members who have a computer are on constant contact. Pass on all information, newsletters, etc. to all members which has increased communication within the club. We now have more money for program meetings and socials. Going Green brought in 3 prospective members.
Pilot Clubs CAN “Go Green”