Bulletin Guidance and Resources
BUL Format Provides a table of contents Organizes School Site Council (SSC), Compensatory Education Advisory Committee (CEAC) and English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) into nine areas Function Composition Election Regulations Officers Bylaws Rules of Order and Records Notice Procedures Agenda Procedures Administrative Responsibility
BUL-4148 Function Function sections have minimal changes from BUL ELAC is aligned to the Categorical Program Monitoring (CPM) conducted by the California Department of Education
BUL-4148 Composition Provides clear definitions for parents, legal guardians and community members Requires documentation for parents—Pupil Accounting Report (PAR) ELAC documentation is the EL Advisory Council Meeting Eligibility Roster Legal Guardians must have a current court order demonstrating control over the educational rights of the child.
BUL-4148 Composition Community members must live or work within the school boundaries Community members living within the school boundaries must provide evidence including: CA Driver’s License or CA Identification Card Property tax receipt; or Rent payment receipt; or Utility payment receipt
BUL-4148 Composition Community members working within the school boundaries must provide evidence including: Signed affidavit from employer; or Pay stub, including the business address Self-employed community members working within the school boundaries must provide evidence including: Property tax receipt for business; or Rent payment receipt for business; or Utility payment receipt for business
BUL-4148 Election Regulations Schools must provide ten day notice for elections and five day notice for orientations Orientations must occur for all stakeholder groups Schools must publicize the election in a visible and accessible area; and Provide written notice Post in community newspaper Notification must be sent to all parents in writing with a signed tear-off indicating an intent to participate Each school must have at least 21 parents to conduct an election Principals are responsible for staff, student and parent elections and should jointly supervise all elections. Elections of various stakeholder groups that represent employees of the district should be conducted by their respective bargaining units through their elected representatives Principals may count ballots in any election
BUL-4148 Officers No changes from BUL-1231
BUL-4148 Bylaws While not required by law, it is good practice for a council/committee to adopt bylaws to guide its actions Bylaws clarify matters such as terms of members, election procedures, officers, etc. Bylaws shall be dated and signed by all of the council/committee officers and submitted to the LD Superintendent or designee Bylaws are effective upon approval by LD Superintendent or designee
BUL-4148 Rules of Order and Records Strongly recommends that all council/committee meetings are conducted for a minimum of 60 minutes Requires eight meeting per year, in addition to the Orientation and Election Councils/committees approve minutes which become the official record of the council or committee actions and deliberations Schools must maintain records of Advisory Committee recommendations to the SSC Schools must maintain records of SSC review of recommendations and actions taken All documentation must be kept at the school site for five years, in a secure location and made available for review during District, State and Federal reviews
BUL-4148 Notice Procedures All Councils/Committees fall under the Greene Act Meeting notices must specify the time, date and location of the meeting and the agenda Schools must post agendas at least 72 hours before meetings Schools must post agendas at least 24 hours before emergency meetings Agendas must be posted in a visible and accessible location
BUL-4148 Agenda Procedures Council/committee cannot act on any item not described on the agenda, unless by unanimous vote it finds a need for action unknown when the agenda was posted The public may address the council/committee on any items under the jurisdiction of the council/committee Agendas must include an opportunity for public comments to allow discussion on any item within the subject matter of the council Councils/committees should determine the length of time afforded to members of the public. The length of time should be reasonable (2 to 3 minutes)
BUL-4148 Administrative Responsibilities Principals have a responsibility to inform all stakeholder groups of the function and purpose of the SSC and the provisions of the bulletin Councils/committees operate under the LAUSD Operating Norms for Advisory Committees and School Site Councils and include criteria for the conduct of members participating in meetings The principal has the responsibility for the proper functioning of the council/committees Principal may not veto decisions made by the SSC Schools must make all possible efforts to provide interpretation services and translation of written materials No voting by proxy Council/committee meetings should be arranged at a time convenient for all members. It is recommended that the meeting times do not conflict with instructional times. School council/advisory committee meetings are public meetings discussing District policy matters. Therefore, staff, council/commitee members, or members of the public have a right to make audio recordings of the meetings. Any materials provided to councils/committees should be made available to any members of the public who request the materials
BUL-4148 Administrative Responsibilities School must retain documentation for five years including: Orientation, Election and Meeting announcements; Verification of parent and community documentation; Agendas; Sign-Ins; Minutes; Motion Forms; Advisory Committee Recommendation Forms; and School Site Council Decision Forms
BUL-4148 Resources Bulletin contains samples of all required documentation, including: Orientation, Election and Meeting announcements; Verification of parent and community documentation; LAUSD Operating Norms for Advisory Committees and School Site Councils Agendas; Sign-Ins; Minutes; Motion Forms; Advisory Committee Recommendation Forms; and School Site Council Decision Forms Also contains minute correction forms and sample speaker lists