Aeroflot Aviation personnel training center. Moscow
- What is Aeroflot Aviation personnel training center The purpose of this presentation: - What is Aeroflot Aviation personnel training center Using of CBT for aviation personnel CBT products and examples (computer assisted language learning - CALL) Possible future plans in CALL Discussion
CONTENT: - Aeroflot aviation personnel training center - Aeroflot Russian Airlines - Aeroflot aviation personnel training center - Pilot Training - Cabin Crew Training - Maintenance Training - Ground Personnel Training - Computer-assisted Language Learning (CALL)
The Aeroflot Aircrafts: Aeroflot Russian Airlines is the largest in Russian Federation. We carry more than 5 million passengers a year on international and domestic flights. The Aeroflot Aircrafts: Tu-154M - 20 B-777-200 - 2 A-310 - 11 Tu-134 - 13 B-767-300 - 5 Il-96-300 - 6 DC-10-40F - 4 Il-86 - 14 B-737-400 - 10 Il-76TD - 10 Now we are undergoing replacing B-737 for A-320 (319). Soon we’ll have 18 A-320. Employees - 1500 pilots, 3000 flight attendants.
Aeroflot Destinations: More than 100 cities in Europe, Asia, North America, Latin America and Africa.
Aeroflot Aviation Personnel Training Center Was founded in 1965 specially for training aviation personnel involved in the international flights. Location: Moscow, Airport Sheremetievo Our director is G.M. Prikhodchenko – former Aeroflot vice-president, retired chief pilot, honoured pilot of Russian Federation.
Training facilities: 36 classrooms, equipped with high technology teaching devices; More, than 40 highly professional instructors and teachers certified by Russian Federal aviation authority and foreign aviation authorities. 10000 students attend our courses a year. 6 FFS (1 – A-310) In 2002 we were certified by ISO 9001 – 2000 standards. Preparation for JAR-147 certification is undergoing now.
Aviation Personal Training Cockpit Crew Training Cabin Crew Training Maintenance Training Conversion courses: Tu-134, Tu-154, IL-96, IL-86, IL-76 A-310, B-777, B-767, B-737 -Recurrent Training -Simulator Training -Emergency Training -Human Factor Training -Ab Initio Training Conversion courses: Tu-134, Tu-154, IL-96, IL-86, IL-76 A-310, B-777, B-767, B-737 -Recurrent Training -Service Training -Simulator Training -Emergency Training -Human Factor Training Conversion courses: Tu-134, Tu-154, IL-96, IL-86, IL-76 A-310, A-319/320,B-767, B-737 -Recurrent Training A-310, A319/320, B-767, B-737
Aviation Personal Training Foreign Languages Courses -English language courses Elementary level Pre-intermediate level Intermediate level Upper-intermediate level Advanced level -Aviation languages courses ATC phraseology Courses of aviation(technical) language -Special Courses for flight attendants (English, French, German, Spanish) -Special Course for Ground Handling Personnel (English)
Computer – assisted Language Learning (CALL) 2500 students attend our language courses every year. They spend about 25000 academic hours in training center to improve their language skills. Our Solution – Computer –assisted language learning. The latest software provides a total experience in language skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing), specific language activities (Vocabulary and Grammar).
Our Goal of CALL making courses content available anytime (everywhere) to reduce the cost of language courses making courses content available anytime (everywhere) update courseware faster and easier
CALL provides the ideal features, including : Individualization of learning : 1) students can work on content according to their proficiency level and own preferences 2) teachers can create lesson for specific students Evaluation tools, that provide immediate feedback (the most important) - A variety of learning environments ( integration of graphics, audio, video, voice recording and speech recognition)
Now the speech recognition software makes CALL more traditional face-to-face interaction. Software with speech recognition feature – “virtual” flight.
Simulations are one type of computer-based activity, that allows students to be immersed and activity involved in the environment that is not otherwise accessible. Software with simulation feature – QRH for B-767
What’s in the future: New ICAO requirements for pilots and ATC controllers : In 2008 every pilot certified for international flights shall speak English fluently. Two problems for non-native English speaking countries: 1. To learn English (common and aviation) 2. To keep English SOLUTION: Non-stop English learning and keeping process.
The Concept of Non-stop English learning and keeping process: Computer-Adaptive Testing Designing an individual CALL course Periodical teacher’s consulting Periodical control an individual’s level of achievement An immediate feed-back and redesigning individual course
The Concept of Non-stop English learning and keeping process: DATA BASE (adaptive tests, results, schedules …) Annual testing Periodical testing Teacher’s management Statistics and error’s analyze Language skills evaluation Tests results analysis Teacher’s schedule Error’s statistics Individual courses designing Individual course correction Tests and consultations account Tests and courses correction Tests and consultations schedule Individual tests and consultations schedule Correction Request for additional consultations
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