About Education Export Business and Projects Destinations Kabul, Riyadh, Beijing and Juba Pekka Makkonen (PMa) Updated: April 2,
How exporting education services? (1/2) Finland is one of the top countries in ICT In other countries level of the education and ICT use can differ from Finnish situation – Some countries have been more innovative and advanced compared to Finland (USA, South Korea, Estonia…?) – Most countries outside of Europe are behind Finland Reasons are versatile – Infrastructure undeveloped – Economic – Political – Religious In this presentation we look at how education can be exported from Europe to Asia and Africa 2
How exporting education services? (2/2) We have four different formats in international educ. export/co-operation 1.Exporting in a consortium with the help of a developing bank to a developing country 2.Rich country has no expertise enough-it needs international partners 3.EU-funded research/education co-operation 4.Developing infrastructure in a developing country - training services from Europe are a part of this activity 3
Background/PMa Born in Suonenjoki where childhood University of Jyväskylä (JyU) Master of Economic Sciences - major information systems JyU –teacher training Work assignments in ICT education and teaching since 1985 Rotary Group Study Exchange – Pennsylvania 1995 In teacher exchange programs since 1999 – E-learning and knowledge management as teaching topics – Especially EU Erasmus Research published in international forums since 1995 – E-learning and curriculum development 4
Case 1: Kabul 5
Kabul (1/4) August 2009-July 2010 Development banks such as World Bank (WB) support the development in developing countries Maxwell Stamp Plc international economics consultancy company contacted JyU-owned Uniservices Ltd. – These formed the consortium to submit an application to WB – The client was the technical and vocational education organization of Afghanistan (under the ministry of education) Establishing National Institute of Management and Administration (NIMA)
Kabul (2/4) Application process – Applications from the companies/the consortiums – Short listings Three companies/consortiums were on the last tender round Team and its key experts should be defined 7
Kabul (3/4) Schools – School of ICT – School of Management – School of Accounting – Each school had the head of the school 500 students Double diploma – Local diploma – Diploma based on the accreditation from JyU Teacher training – Local bachelors from those three areas were trained to become the teachers at NIMA in the future – Teacher trainer Pedagogical training – Content training by a faculty trainer and a head of a school 8
Kabul (4/4) Project control – Working in each positions based on the Terms of Reference (ToR) description Outputs in each position were defined The control of the superior was based on ToR – Reporting is needed for the donor (WB) and the client – Based on the approval by the donor the project was able to go ahead and the amounts defined on the contract were paid – Each head of the school contributed the reports for the donor and the client 9
Organization structure Team Leader Head of the ICT school Head of the Management school Head of the accounting Teacher trainerExam expert Curriculum expert Deputy Team Leader 10 Supervision: WorldBank, TVE agency of Afghanistan Maxwell Stamp (lead organization) and Uniservices (subcontractor)
ICT School in Kabul Head of the school Teacher 1Teacher 2Taecher…Teacher 7 Faculty trainer 11
Main street 12
Ahead on the main street 13
Near NIMA on the street 14
NIMA yard 15
One school building in NIMA area 16
In Kabul good points were International team – I learnt a lot things from the other team members The challenging culture and different cultures in one team developed flexibility and stress management Once in month allowed to visit Finland It was so visible how NIMA developed – Learning environment – Language skills – Motivation 17
In Kabul challenging points were War condition – Not allowed to move and be outside many times Lack of electricity Empty buildings at the beginning 18
Case 2: Riyadh 19
Riyadh From August 2012 to June 2013 Saudi Arabia has a need to quadruple the amount of technical and vocational education in next five years – (see weaknesses) There are no local teachers for technical and vocational teaching Germany and other countries are needed to help Saudis Companies or consortiums participated in the competitions about the education contracts with Saudi Technical Vocational Education Company (TVTC) – GIZ ( Owned by German Federal Government employees in different projects around the world Technical trainers’ college (TTC) is one of nine colleges led by GIZ in Saudi Arabia 20
GIZ areas (source 21 d
TTC (Technical Trainers’ College) Teacher training college – YouTube – Bachelor (engineering) degree in one field of technology (for example in ICT) and teacher’s qualification 4 years Qualification for Master Degree studies in Europe – The idea of the education is that the bachelors graduated from TTC go the vocational colleges to teach there 22
ICT school at TTC Telecomm Networking Application development 23
In Riyadh good points were Good international work community Saudi education budget excellent 24
In Riyadh challenging points were Islamic way of life was other way of life Some students were challenging – Too young to have a professional touch? 25
One local source of livelihood 26
Compound 27
Visible economic growth in Riyadh 28
Immigrant workers 29
Interesting architecture 30
TTC students 31
Case 3: Beijing 32
Beijing October and November in 2011 China is the most promising market in many areas E-business is developing as well – e-berea program, in which running research and training – My contribution was producing e-learning exercises for knowledge management course at Renmin University- in a high-quality scientific university Internet censorship restricted running courses 33
A downtown view in Beijing 34
Case 4: Juba 35
Juba (1/2) A project started in July 2013 South Sudan on the newest country in the world – Independence in the year 2011 – Lot of development targets See for example Ministries under establishing Ministry of finance – Need to create comprehensive ICT infrastructure The donor was consortium – Canada and five countries in Europe Competition – Written offers – Short-listed companies (3 kpl) – on line Datensysteme GmbH awarded with a partner from Romania 36
Juba (2/2) Project started in July 2013 Project team consisted of experts from different countries – They were on the field in Juba in different times The starting point was some separate applications for different activities Comprehensive developing targets were – Hardware – Software – Telecommunications – Reorganizing ICT unit based on services lines – Training Project had/has a Facebook page – II/ II/ – See the development of the project starting at the end of this page 37
Juba project on Facebook 38
Staff structure 39 Ministry staff Ministry ICT crew Project team -project had four goals and that’s why different team members were onboard on different times -for each goal different team members have been defined in the ToR of the project
In Juba good points were Versatile project New country People friendly 40
In Juba challenging points were 41 Epidemic as threat – Vaccination helps Political instability Restrictions – Photographing – While visiting most countries in Africa and Asia, it is better be careful in these issues The concept of time may be different
On the left hotel area inside the wall 42
Juba airport road 43
Meeting with the ministry ICT team 44
Where to get work? (1/2) LinkedIn – Groups 45
Where to get work? (2/2) Companies (example GIZ) 46
What do you need for your application? Cover letter CV – EU format – WorldBank format – Other formats Diploma copies Reference letters Recommendations 47
Additional information Pictures: Pekka: I am on LindkedIn and if you like to be connected on this services, please send your request 48