K ATHOLIEKE U NIVERSITEIT L EUVEN D EPT. OF C OMPUTER S CIENCE SEESCOA Kick-off Meeting Project Management Topics 1 u Overview of Tasks of first 6 months u Short-Term Project Milestones u Responsibilities u Information & Communication u Planning Next Meetings
K ATHOLIEKE U NIVERSITEIT L EUVEN D EPT. OF C OMPUTER S CIENCE SEESCOA Kick-off Meeting Project Management Topics 2 Short-Term Project Overview uWP1: Orientation wTask 1.1: Visits at the Companies of the User Group wTask 1.2: Literature Study of Embedded Systems wTask 1.3: Literature Study of Component Software wTask 1.4: Choice of Common Platform uWP2: Component Modeling wTask 2.1: Real-Time UML uWP3: Architecture for Light Weight Components wTask 3.1: Delimitation of Components in First Case uWP4: User Interfaces for Embedded Systems wTask 4.1: Evaluation of Existing Systems for the Realization of UIs uWP5: Debugging wTask 5.1: Overview of Existing On-Chip Debugging Techniques uWP6: Coordination and Project Management wTask 6.1: Development of Communication Tools wTask 6.2: Organization of Internal Informal Meetings wTask 6.3: Use of Progress Monitoring Tools wTask 6.4: Organization of Project Meetings every 6 Months wTask 6.5: Open Eye on Developments related to SEESCOA wTask 6.6: Support for Dissemination of Results
K ATHOLIEKE U NIVERSITEIT L EUVEN D EPT. OF C OMPUTER S CIENCE SEESCOA Kick-off Meeting Project Management Topics 3 Short-Term Project Milestones
K ATHOLIEKE U NIVERSITEIT L EUVEN D EPT. OF C OMPUTER S CIENCE SEESCOA Kick-off Meeting Project Management Topics 4 Responsibilities uWP1: Orientation: ALL (see next slide) uWP2: Component modeling: VUB uWP3: Architecture for light-weight components: K.U.Leuven uWP4: User Interface: LUC uWP5: Debugging: RUG uWP6: Coordination and project management: K.U.Leuven uWP7: Final validation: ALL
K ATHOLIEKE U NIVERSITEIT L EUVEN D EPT. OF C OMPUTER S CIENCE SEESCOA Kick-off Meeting Project Management Topics 5 uTask 1.1: Visits at the user group and writing reports (D1.1.[1-6]): wAgfa-Gevaert: wAlcatel: wBarco: wSummarizing report (D1.2): wTypical applications and choice of common test case (D1.3): uTask 1.2: Literature study of embedded systems (part of D1.2): uTask 1.3: Literature study of component software (D1.4): VUB and K.U.Leuven uTask 1.4: Choice of common platform (D1.5): w IMEC: w Philips: Siemens Atea: Responsibilities: WP1
K ATHOLIEKE U NIVERSITEIT L EUVEN D EPT. OF C OMPUTER S CIENCE SEESCOA Kick-off Meeting Project Management Topics 6 Information & Communication - Web Pages uCentral web site for SEESCOA project with public and private (partners & user group only) pages: wGeneral documents like the Project Proposal etc. wPartner information: home pages, people, addresses and tasks wMeeting information: agendas, minutes and location links wThe project timetable with milestones and deliverables wSpecific pages of work packages: deliverables, intermediate results, … => links to pages of responsible partner better than centralized pages wLatest news about the SEESCOA project & related information wEvents: conferences, meetings,... wMailing list information, archives,... uCurrent web site is located at: wInternal user id: “SEESCOA”, password: “compstww”
K ATHOLIEKE U NIVERSITEIT L EUVEN D EPT. OF C OMPUTER S CIENCE SEESCOA Kick-off Meeting Project Management Topics 7 Information & Communication: Mailing Lists useescoa project partners: wlist intended for the 4 universities involved in the project waddress: wif you are experiencing trouble with this list please send a mail to useescoa user group: wlist intended for the members of the user group (not operational yet) waddress: wif you are experiencing trouble with this list please send a mail to ualias for seescoa project partners and user group wintended to reach all involved parties (not operational yet) waddress:
K ATHOLIEKE U NIVERSITEIT L EUVEN D EPT. OF C OMPUTER S CIENCE SEESCOA Kick-off Meeting Project Management Topics 8 Planning Next Meetings uTo be decided: dates and places uOfficial project meetings after 6/15/24/30/36/42/48 months: w04/2000 (6m): Presentation of first set of deliverables w01/2001 (15m): Presentation of second set of deliverables uInformal meetings every 2 months: wbefore first project meeting 01/2000: Synchronization of partial results 03/2000: Preparation of deliverables wbefore second project meeting 04/2000: Synchronization start second period (9 months) 06/2000: Synchronization of partial results 09/2000: Synchronization of partial results 11/2000: Preparation of deliverables