Club Administration Essentials
Four Elements of an Effective Club Increase membership Implement successful projects Support the Rotary Foundation Develop leaders capable of serving beyond the club level
Club Administration Why is Club Administration Important? Provides the framework that enables the club to function effectively.
Key Elements of Club Administration Data Management Tracking, recording and reporting club and member information / data Successful Meetings Planning, quality programs, education, business, and fun Fellowship Events, member recognition, and Family of Rotary Effective Communication Club bulletin, meeting agendas / minutes, and club website
Data Management What data needs continual management in a rotary club?
Data that requires Continual updates… Basic club data (club name, meeting time and location, mailing address, etc.) Officer Data (organization of current officers in the club). Member data (name, address, contact info, etc. for all members) Attendance Data Basic club data such as club name, meeting time and location, mailing address, etc., needs to be updated as soon as it changes. Information about current club officers needs to be updated if it changes to insure critical communication does not get lost. General Membership data needs to be updated as soon as it changes in order for members to have uninterrupted communication from the District and from RI, including the Rotarian Magazine. It is required that club’s report monthly attendance by the 10th of each month. It is considered past due after the 15th day following the last meeting of the month.
It is critical to update all 3 whenever Managing Club Data Club Data is kept in 3 places: By the Club (RI-CAS, ClubRunner, Other) By the District (ClubRunner) By Rotary International (Member Access) It is very important to understand that membership data is kept in three places and it must be updated in 3 places whenever it changes. Club: Update local records in whatever format the club uses. Rotary International Update via Member Access District Send updates to District Secretary or enter on-line if applicable. Depending on reporting systems being used in the District and the club, the club may only have to maintain RI and club data. It is critical to update all 3 whenever this data changes
Privacy of Information Remember: The privacy of member data must be respected at all times. Club data should never be used for the purpose of soliciting or advertising for a club member’s business. It should never be sold or used for any purpose other than club and Rotary business. Club data should never be used for the purpose of soliciting or advertising for a club member’s business. It should never be sold or used for any purpose other than club and Rotary business.
Managing Club Data What can members do to help? Club Members should be encouraged to keep their own contact information current on the District and RI websites. Club Members can be encouraged to keep their own contact information current with RI. This can be done at: Some districts have on-line tools which can also be accessed by members to keep their own information current.
Managing Club Data What data needs periodic management in a rotary club? Club records such as meeting minutes Club history if applicable Club bylaws Club planning documents Normal club correspondence Club Records such as meeting minutes. Club History if applicable. Club By Laws. Club Planning Documents. Normal Club Correspondence
Duties of the Club Secretary What are the “official” duties of the club secretary? Maintain membership records. Record attendance at meetings. Report monthly attendance and membership figures to the club and District immediately following the last meeting of each month. Insure District Dues are paid Send out notices of meetings of the club, board, and committees. Record and preserve minutes of the club, board, and committee meetings. Make required reports to RI. These include: Semiannual reports of membership* (due 1 July and 1 January), which can also be made through Member Access** Per capita dues for each active member* (due 1 January and 1 July), which can also be made through Member Access Council on Legislation dues* (due 1 July) Insurance charges* (for the USA and its territories only) Prorated reports of active members who have been elected to the club between semiannual reporting periods (due 1 October and 1 April), which can also be made through Member Access Changes in membership, which should be submitted to the general secretary of RI, may be submitted at any time through Member Access Submit the club officers report form for the official director to Rotary International, via hard copy by mail or through Member Access. Check official club mailbox and distribute mail as appropriate. Verify club phone number is current and listed in the phone book and Chamber of Commerce. Perform such other duties that usually pertain to the office of secretary.
Primary Secretary Responsibilities Maintain Membership Records Report changes to club, district, and RI Record Attendance Report monthly attendance to club and district Maintain current Club and Officer Information
Primary Secretary Responsibilities Prepare required Reports to RI Semiannual Report of Membership, Per Capita Dues, and Rotarian Subscriptions (due July 1st and Jan 1st) - These can now be done on-line through Member Access. Send in District Dues (due August 1st)
Duties of the Club Secretary What are some “other” duties of the club secretary? Although we will not cover all these responsibilities in this training, secretaries in some clubs may be expected to do one or more of the following in addition to their “official” responsibilities… Order Club Supplies, including forms and documents from RI. Assist the president with preparation for meetings. Prepare the club bulletin and send a copy monthly to the District Governor. Process membership applications / assign classifications. Maintain club constitution and bylaws Assist the president in electing new officers according to the bylaws. Handle general correspondence for club. Report Foundation contributions for RI. Keep receipts of club spending. Assist President in selecting delegates for the Council on Legislation Prepare a club history of events at the close of the year. Send out statements of club dues to members. Analyze trends reflected in reports and share this information with the club, including membership and attendance reports.
Purpose of Attendance Rotary has attendance requirements for members. What is the purpose of this requirement? The purpose of the attendance requirement is to: Foster fellowship among club members. Attending club meetings is an opportunity to make new friends and keep in touch with established friends. Meetings also keep Rotarians in touch with the current events of the club, District, and Rotary International. Education through speakers and programs.
Attendance Requirement Is it required that clubs record and report attendance at every meeting? Yes – Recording attendance at every meeting and reporting attendance is required by the Rotary International bylaws. Recording attendance at every meeting is required by the Rotary International Bylaws.
Attendance Requirement Why must I send a monthly attendance report to the District? The District Governor is required by the Rotary Constitution to report monthly attendance figures to the RI Secretariat. The District Governor and staff analyze club attendance reports as one indicator of overall club health and activity so they can offer help to struggling clubs as early as possible. The District Governor is required by the Rotary Constitution to report monthly attendance figures to the RI Secretariat. The District Governor and staff analyze club attendance reports as one indicator of overall club health and activity. A struggling club may have poor attendance or fail to make required attendance reports to the District. This may prompt the District Governor to offer additional assistance to the club so that any club problems can be addressed as early as possible. It is requested that this report be sent by the 10th of each month to the District Governor (District Secretary). According to the RI bylaws, this report is past due after 15 days from the last meeting of each month.
Attendance Requirement When is this report due? It is requested that this report be sent by the 10th of each month to the District Governor (District Secretary). According to the RI bylaws, this report is past due after 15 days from the last meeting of each month. The District Governor is required by the Rotary Constitution to report monthly attendance figures to the RI Secretariat. The District Governor and staff analyze club attendance reports as one indicator of overall club health and activity. A struggling club may have poor attendance or fail to make required attendance reports to the District. This may prompt the District Governor to offer additional assistance to the club so that any club problems can be addressed as early as possible. It is requested that this report be sent by the 10th of each month to the District Governor (District Secretary). According to the RI bylaws, this report is past due after 15 days from the last meeting of each month.
Attendance Requirement Rotary has specific membership requirements for attendance. What are these requirements? As explained in the Standard Rotary Club Constitution, each member must meet the following conditions to satisfy the attendance requirement: Attend or make up at least 60% of regular Rotary club meetings in each half of the year. Attend at least 30% of their club’s regular meetings in each half of the year. A member may not miss or fail to make up four consecutive meetings.
Counting Attendance at a Meeting You must be present for at least 60% of a club meeting for it to count towards the attendance requirement. For example, at a 60 minute meeting, you would need to be present for at least 36 minutes. 45 min 15 min 30 min
Counting Attendance at Your Club You also need to attend at least 30% of your own club’s regular meetings in each half of the year. For example, if your club holds 26 regular weekly meetings in a half year, you must attend at least 8 of these meetings.
Make-up Credit Rotary allows members to make-up meetings to maintain their attendance. What is the time limit for make-ups? Two weeks before or after the missed meeting - In order to get attendance credit, you must attend a make-up meeting or event within 14 days before or after the regular time of your missed meeting. - Besides attending another club’s meeting, attendance can be made up if you attend one of the following District or RI meetings: Is present at the usual time and place of another club’s regular meeting for the purpose of attending the meeting and that club is not meeting at the time and place Is on Rotary business serving as an officer or a member of a committee of Rotary International, a trustee of The Rotary Foundation, in the employ of Rotary International, or as special representative of the District governor in the formation of a new club Attends or travels with reasonable directness to or from: a convention of Rotary International; a Council on Legislation; an International Assembly; a Rotary zone institute for past, present, and incoming officers of RI; an RI committee meeting; any meeting held by direction of or approved by the RI Board of Directors; a multizone conference; a District conference; a District assembly; any District committee meeting held by direction of the District Governor or the RI Board of Directors; or a regularly announced intercity meeting of Rotary clubs Participates directly and actively in a District-sponsored or an RI- or Rotary Foundation-sponsored service project in a remote area where the opportunity of making up attendance is impossible Attends a regular meeting of a Rotaract or Interact club or Rotary Community Corps or a provisional Rotaract or Interact club or Rotary Community Corps Attends and participates in a club service project or a club-sponsored community event or meeting authorized by the board Attends a board meeting or, if authorized by the board, a meeting of a service committee to which the member is assigned
Make-up Credit Besides attending another club’s meeting, what other District, Zone or RI meetings count as make-ups? Present at the usual time and place of another club’s regular meeting and that club is not meeting. Attends a District conference; a District assembly; any District committee meeting or event. Attends and participates in a club service project or a club-sponsored community event or meeting authorized by the board. Attends a board meeting or, if authorized by the board, a meeting of a service committee to which the member is assigned Reasons related to Rotary officers and business – see Rotary bylaws - In order to get attendance credit, you must attend a make-up meeting or event within 14 days before or after the regular time of your missed meeting. - Besides attending another club’s meeting, attendance can be made up if you attend one of the following District or RI meetings: Is present at the usual time and place of another club’s regular meeting for the purpose of attending the meeting and that club is not meeting at the time and place Is on Rotary business serving as an officer or a member of a committee of Rotary International, a trustee of The Rotary Foundation, in the employ of Rotary International, or as special representative of the District governor in the formation of a new club Attends or travels with reasonable directness to or from: a convention of Rotary International; a Council on Legislation; an International Assembly; a Rotary zone institute for past, present, and incoming officers of RI; an RI committee meeting; any meeting held by direction of or approved by the RI Board of Directors; a multizone conference; a District conference; a District assembly; any District committee meeting held by direction of the District Governor or the RI Board of Directors; or a regularly announced intercity meeting of Rotary clubs Participates directly and actively in a District-sponsored or an RI- or Rotary Foundation-sponsored service project in a remote area where the opportunity of making up attendance is impossible Attends a regular meeting of a Rotaract or Interact club or Rotary Community Corps or a provisional Rotaract or Interact club or Rotary Community Corps Attends and participates in a club service project or a club-sponsored community event or meeting authorized by the board Attends a board meeting or, if authorized by the board, a meeting of a service committee to which the member is assigned
Excused Absences Rotary allows certain absences to be excused. What are some circumstances that absences can be excused? The board may excuse an absence for reasons it considers to be good and sufficient. See the manual of procedures (MOP) for details. Absences may be considered excused if: The absence complies with the conditions and under circumstances approved by your club’s board. The board may excuse an absence for reasons it considers to be good and sufficient. See the manual of procedures (MOP) for details. The sum of the member’s years of membership and age equals 85 or more. That member can request the club’s board make an exception to the attendance requirement. The member must notify the club secretary in writing regarding their desire to be excused from attendance. This is known as the Rule of 85 . Note: An excused absence does not provide attendance credit. Absent members who have been excused are still counted as absent when reporting attendance for the club.
Exception to the Membership Requirement Rule of 85 The sum of the member’s years of membership and age equals 85 or more and the member has requested in writing an exception to the attendance requirement.
Termination Failure to meet the attendance requirement may result in termination of membership if the member fails to Attend or make-up at least 60% of club meetings in each half of the year. Attend 30% of their own club’s regular meetings in each half of the year. Attend or make-up four consecutive meetings.
Calculating Attendance Only Active Members are included in attendance calculations (no honorary, guests, visiting Rotarians, etc.). A regular meeting can be omitted in calculating the clubs attendance if it is canceled because: Legal Holiday Death of a Club Member Disaster or armed conflict affecting the community Board may cancel up to 4 meetings per Rotary year for other causes.
Calculating Weekly Attendance Number of Active Members Attending the Meeting X 100 Number of Active Members in the Club * * Does not include rule of 85 members
Calculating Monthly Attendance Average Monthly Attendance % = Wkly % 1 + Wkly % 2 + Wkly % 3 + ... Wkly % x Number of Meetings in the Month (x)
Reporting Monthly Attendance Reporting is done on-line at the district website. What is reported Monthly? Current number of active members Number of terminated members Number of new members Number of meetings held for the month Average weekly attendance for the month
Promoting Regular Attendance How can you promote regular attendance? Provide Relevant Programs Enjoyable Meetings Stress importance of attendance Involve members Encourage make-ups Recognize exemplary attendance
Attendance Concerns What can you do about attendance concerns? Get to know members Monitor trends Do a Club Inventory - Find out why Get feedback – Use results Create a support system to encourage/monitor attendance Follow-up with members that miss a meeting Ask AG or DG for help
Successful Meetings What should a successful weekly meeting achieve? Show time and money of “volunteers” is well spent Increase Rotary knowledge Show value of continued membership Provide fellowship Be fun
Successful Meetings How do you ensure that your club meetings are stimulating? Involve members in planning meetings Provide interesting and relevant programs Provide leadership and order Provide fellowship Have fun Ensure meetings begin/end on time – respect the time of club members.
Typical Order Of Business Call to Order Club Traditions (pledge, invocation, 4-way test, singing, etc.) Introductions Announcements Rotary Minute Committee Reports Unfinished Business New Business Program Adjournment
What information should be included in Weekly Programs? Interesting and Relevant Programs What information should be included in Weekly Programs? Rotary Subjects Club goals, projects, activities Special observances Foundation Month Paul Harris’ Birthday Community Events Info that benefits Rotarians personally/professionally Amusing & entertaining programs
Planning Programs What creative strategies does your club use to plan relevant and informative club programs?
Fellowship Why is Fellowship in Rotary important? “The First Object of Rotary gives fellowship as the basis of service…..As long as we have fellowship, service follows.” Richard H. Wells RI President 1944-45
Fellowship What can you do to stimulate and improve fellowship? Wear name badges Rotate seating Announce special dates—weddings, birthdays, anniversaries Plan family and social events Publish news in bulletin about members and upcoming events Recognize member accomplishments / contributions
Fellowship – The Family of Rotary Let your members know you care about them and their families. Designate a Family of Rotary Committee or Person to: Send birthday / anniversary cards or e-cards to members. Call or email them if they miss a meeting. When family members are ill, send flowers/cards, and visit them. Recognize members for Rotary and professional accomplishments.
Club Bulletins How does the club bulletin support effective club administration? Provides news of the club, its members and Rotary. Informs members of upcoming programs. Reports the highlights of various club meetings. Provides “District” news Fosters fellowship
What are important considerations in producing the Club Bulletin? Club Bulletins What are important considerations in producing the Club Bulletin? Publish regularly Regular features Club/committee activities Membership Updates Personal info about members Use photos to stimulate interest Send via e-mail or produce on-line version
Club Bulletins What are sources of info for the Bulletin? Members and committee chairs DG’s monthly newsletter The ROTARIAN Rotary World District 5490 website RI website
Club Websites How can Club Websites help with effective communications? Central and secure location for club data Responsive to younger member’s needs Always accessible by membership Easier to maintain then printed records Promotes membership development
Club Websites Important Tips about Websites Keep content current and changing . Be sensitive to members who do not have internet access or email. Subscribe to ClubRunner to make maintenance and District reporting easier. Distribute maintenance of the site to several members (easier if on ClubRunner).
Visual Identity Style Manual Publication 547-EN—(199) Rotary clubs and Districts throughout the world create thousands of pieces of printed materials to meet a variety of needs in a variety of designs and formats. This manual is intended to guide Rotarians toward a goal of creating a positive, professional image for publications at all levels of the organization. A major component of this effort to reinforce Rotary’s visual identity is to make Rotarians aware of how the organization’s Rotary gearwheel emblem is properly used, thereby protecting the integrity of this distinctive symbol. Refer to this publication when developing any club materials for bulletins or websites
Don’t hesitate to ask – District and RI staff are there to help! Resources Assistant Governor District Secretary District Governor RI and District Websites RI Staff Don’t hesitate to ask – District and RI staff are there to help!
Club Administration Essentials Questions?