MI: Key to Success for Kids with Special Needs Labels Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D. (www.thomasarmstrong.com) “Best Practices in Teaching Leadership” Saint Mary’s College of California Moraga, CA April 21, 2007
Using MI in Special Needs Ed. Focus on Strengths Use Strengths to Help Weaknesses Teach Kids About MI Use MI in Expressive Arts Show Them Positive Role Models
The Eight Intelligences Linguistic Logical-Mathematical Spatial Bodily-Kinesthetic Musical Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalist
Boyle's Law Boyle’s Law Logical-Mathematical - equation Linguistic – definition Spatial – visual metaphor Naturalist – scuba diving example Musical – mnemonic chant Boyle’s Law Intrapersonal – personal reflection (“think of a time in your life….”) Bodily-Kinesthetic – mouth experiment Interpersonal – cooperative simulation
MI Lesson Plan Mind-Map Logical-Mathematical - How can I bring in numbers, calculations, logic, classifications, or critical thinking? Linguistic - How can I use the spoken or written word? Spatial - How can I use visual aids, visualization, color, art, or metaphor? Intrapersonal - How can I evoke personal feelings or memories, or give students choices? Musical - How can I bring in music or environmental sounds, or set key points in a rhythmic or melodic framework? Objective Interpersonal - How can I engage students in peer sharing, cooperative learning, or large group simulation? Bodily-Kinesthetic - How can I involve the whole body or the use of hands-on experiences? Naturalist - How can I incorporate living things or systems?
Multiplication – 8 Ways Times Tables Logical-Mathematical -Pattern Seeking Linguistic - Storytelling Spatial -Modular Math Intrapersonal - Self-Discovery Musical - Clapping Rhythms Times Tables Interpersonal - Cooperative Circle Bodily-Kinesthetic -Math Calisthentics Naturalist -Multiples In Nature
Human Intelligence Hunt Find Someone Who Can: whistle Mozart (M) do a dance step (BK) recite four lines of poetry (L) draw a picture of a horse (S) share a dream they’ve had (Intra) explain why the sky is blue (LM) say they’re feeling relaxed now (Inter) name 5 common birds in this area (N)
Charting Strengths in a Student Logical-Mathematical - Linguistic - Spatial - Intrapersonal - Name of Student Musical - Interpersonal - Bodily-Kinesthetic - Naturalist -
MI Lesson Plan Mind-Map Logical-Mathematical - Linguistic - Spatial - Intrapersonal - Musical - Objective Interpersonal - Bodily-Kinesthetic - Naturalist -
Resources – MI and Special Needs Armstrong, Thomas. The Myth of the A.D.D. Child. New York: Plume, 1997. Armstrong, Thomas. Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom, 2nd Ed.. Alexandria, VA: ASCD, 2000. Armstrong, Thomas. You’re Smarter Than You Think: A Kids Guide to Multiple Intelligences. Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit Publishing, 2003. Campbell, Linda, Bruce Campbell, and Dee Dickinson, Teaching and Learning Through Multiple Intelligences, Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1995. Campbell, Bruce, The Multiple Intelligences Handbook, Tucson, AZ: Zephyr Press, 1994. Davis, Ron. The Gift of Dyslexia. New York: Perigee, 1997. Fogarty, Robin and Judy Stoehr, Integrating Curricula with Multiple Intelligences, Palatine, IL: Skylight Publications, 1995. Gardner, Howard. Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. New York: Basic Books, 1993. Jirak, Mary Ellen, The Gift of A.D.D. San Francisco, CA: Great Beginnings, 2003. www.gr8beginnings.com. Jones, Ron. The Acorn People. New York: Laurel Leaf, 1996. www.neurodiversity.com. Honoring the Variety of Human Wiring. Lazear, David. Seven Ways of Knowing: Teaching for Multiple Intelligences, Palatine, IL: Skylight Publications, 1991.
Email: thomas@thomasarmstrong.com Website: www.thomasarmstrong.com Blog: www.thehumanodyssey.com