Healthy and Wealthy together PRWI, 9-11 June 2010, Roquetas de Mar Project Overview and Progress.


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Presentation transcript:

Healthy and Wealthy together PRWI, 9-11 June 2010, Roquetas de Mar Project Overview and Progress

Healthy and Wealthy together PRWI, 9-11 June 2010, Roquetas de Mar Content:  Context  Who co-finances this project?  Partners  Specific details of the Project  Aim of the Project  Activities and results  Recommendations

Healthy and Wealthy together PRWI, 9-11 June 2010, Roquetas de Mar CONTEXT I  2010 will be the Year against poverty and social exclusion. The European Commission has announced a series of actions to help Member States and other actors tackle the gaps in health and wealth which exist between and within countries in the EU where 78 million people live in poverty.  Health, Poverty and Social Exclusion are strongly inter-related concepts. Health is not only the absence of disease but a state of complete physical, mentaland social well-being.  Everyone coming to Europe should benefit from high level of protection of their health in different aspect. The health of the population is critical to economic performance. Net migration into Europe is increasing, and is now the largest component of population change.  From IOM organization, the number of migrant population in Europe in 2010 will be 69,8 million. 9,8% of the area's population.

Healthy and Wealthy together PRWI, 9-11 June 2010, Roquetas de Mar CONTEXT II We wanted to exchange knowledge, experiences and good practices among countries and cities with different situations, in order to learn from each other.

Healthy and Wealthy together PRWI, 9-11 June 2010, Roquetas de Mar Who co-finances this project?  INTI = Integration of Third Country Nationals ( milions euros)  Implemented by Directorate General of Freedom, Security and Justice  It is targeted primarily to newly arrived third country nationals and  in general to legally-residing Third-Country Nationals INTI’s purpose is to facilitate the integration of third country nationals into European societies, in accordance with the Common Basic Principles for immigrant integration policy in the European Union.

Healthy and Wealthy together PRWI, 9-11 June 2010, Roquetas de Mar Partnership ITProvince of Piacenza FRRéseau Samdarra ESMunicipality of Roquetas de Mar UKBelfast City Council ITMunicipality of Milan UKUniversity of Birmingham GRExfini Poli BEQeC-ERAN PTCamara Municipal Amadora

Healthy and Wealthy together PRWI, 9-11 June 2010, Roquetas de Mar DETAILS OF THE PROJECT PROJECT LENGTH: –18 MONTHS –Start date of project: 1 December 2009 End date of the project: 31 May 2011

Healthy and Wealthy together PRWI, 9-11 June 2010, Roquetas de Mar AIMS OF THE PROJECT The overall goal of this project is to identify and develop tools and good practice modules in addressing the issue of poverty and health inequalities among migrants.

Healthy and Wealthy together PRWI, 9-11 June 2010, Roquetas de Mar AIMS OF THE PROJECT II 1.To promote mutual learning and exchange of best practices and measures to diffuse at European, national,regional and local levels in relation to migrants' poverty and health inequalities. 2. To elaborate recommendations and operative conclusions targeted at European, national, regional and local stakeholders. 3. To support partners to develop local action plans

Healthy and Wealthy together PRWI, 9-11 June 2010, Roquetas de Mar ACTIONS I Local Action Groups Local mapping Transnational Peer Reviews Exchange and reflection on policy and practice Migrant Ngo’s Public Services Universities and Researcher Public Istitutions Report on the local situation to be publish. Three thematics to share Whorshops and Presentation of case studies Networking

Healthy and Wealthy together PRWI, 9-11 June 2010, Roquetas de Mar Activity II- Three Transnational Peer Reviews, Exchange & Development PRW 1 PRW 2 Workshps PRW 3 LAGs External Experts Local issues Share practice: Case studies

Healthy and Wealthy together PRWI, 9-11 June 2010, Roquetas de Mar THEME 1 Sensitising professionals from health services providers to meet the needs of migrant groups

Healthy and Wealthy together PRWI, 9-11 June 2010, Roquetas de Mar RECOMMENDATIONS I BIRMINGHAM, UK Several researchers have noted the difficulties new migrants experience seeking to access primary care. Problems include: · Lack of understanding of the UK health system. · Insufficient GP places available in super-diverse areas. · Lack of ability for GPs to understand migrants health needs even when interpretation is provided. · Inappropriate use of A&E for minor problems that should have been referred to GPs. · Refusal to provide care for some individuals because of lack of knowledge about rights and entitlements. · Shortage of interpreters · Lack of translated materials · Cultural barriers to attending services · Reluctance to use health services because of lack of trust. PORTUGAL Conducting training actions to health professionals in order to convey wisdom and knowledge about immigrants (habits, customs), facilitating a better reception and integration. · Development of new research and systematization of information about the health of immigrants and health professionals about immigrants in Portugal. · Preparation of leaflets and brochures, translated into various languages to inform migrant communities about their rights as well as the various relevant issues in access to health services. · Promotion of synergies between the entities and public and private sector institutions and NGOs active in the field, in order to implement actions that perspective change processes and empowerment. · Promote and recognize the entrepreneurial spirit of immigrants, constituting themselves as an asset to the growth and development of the host country and empowerment of themselves. · Facilitate the process of recognition of academic and professional qualifications of immigrants.. · Simplification and bureaucracy of the procedures.

Healthy and Wealthy together PRWI, 9-11 June 2010, Roquetas de Mar RECOMMENDATIONS II ROQUETAS DE MAR, SPAIN In Andalusia the public system of Heath wants to consolidate the right of the citizen on Health protection using promotion, prevention and healthcare in an universal and equality way. Nobody will be discriminate for economics, social, geographical or any other reason. 1) Facilitar el acceso de la población inmigrante a los Servicios Sanitarios Públicos Andaluces 2) Organización de los servicios con el fin de integrar a toda la población 3) Adaptación de los Programas de Salud a las necesidades de la población 4) Estrategias de comunicación 5) Investigación para conseguir los mejores resultados en salud 6) Mejorar la competencia de los profesionales PIACENZA, ITALY - Lack of knowledge of Italian language - Poor understanding of technical terminology used by operators. - difficulties in the dynamics of relationship with the medical and nursing staff - Approaches / different beliefs regarding the care of the body and disease - Habit of gender diversity (different focus if the patient is male or female) differences between every Countries - Aspect of trust and intimacy - Fear of not understanding and not being understood. - Fear of being judged. - Aggression, suspicion, shyness - Different approaches/beliefs about body care and diseases. - Excessive traditionalism/Superstition (excessive value given to alternative treatments/natural healers, etc.)

Healthy and Wealthy together PRWI, 9-11 June 2010, Roquetas de Mar RECOMMENDATIONS III BELFAST, UK The Trust has an obligation to provide equitable services for all users from different backgrounds and to fulfil its statutory requirement. The Trust implements education and training for staff. Training focuses on the skills, attitudes and knowledge required for working with users and carers from the black and minority ethnic community. All the training integrates with government legislation and the Trust’s racial equality policies and strategies. There are a number of initiatives in Belfast that build capacity of black and minority ethnic communities. These initiatives aim to develop a vibrant and sustainable minority ethnic sector at both local and regional level, and to empower such communities to participate in a higher level of citizenship. The training initiatives for migrants have two main strands: language training and support and capacity building. GREECE There is no national training policy in Greece for either health professionals or administrative staff in hospitals or other public services in general. Training initiatives are funded by EU Programmes, like for example the “Programme for intercultural training of public servants who deal with hospitalisation issues of third country national in hospitals of Athens and Thessaloniki”. NGOs offering health services to immigrants, like the ones mentioned in section B II, train their volunteers on the specials needs of the immigrant population. For example, BABEL Day Centre operates an internal training programme for the professionals working in the Centre. This programme is implemented in the form of seminars and includes information on inter cultural psychiatry, on the cultural specificities of different ethnicity groups etc[1]. Another example is NGO PRAKSIS which offers free training on related subjects for its volunteers[2].[1][2] [1]

Healthy and Wealthy together PRWI, 9-11 June 2010, Roquetas de Mar Thank you!!!