Strong Interest Inventory Career Center
The Strong Interest Inventory Assesses your interests, not your abilities What people do is a reflection of their interests Aligning our interests, skills, abilities, values & personality traits can assist us in finding a career we love
Interest Categories There are 6 interest categories These 6 categories= General Occupational Themes (GOT) 1. Realistic 2. Investigative 3. Artistic 4. Social 5. Enterprising 6. Conventional
REALISTIC: THE DOERS Interests Machines Computer networks Athletics Working outdoors Work Activities Operating equipment Using tools, building repairing Providing security
REALISTIC: THE DOERS Potential Skills Mechanical ingenuity Dexterity Physical coordination Values Tradition Practicality Common sense
REALISTIC JOB TITLES Sample of Realistic Jobs Law Enforcement Officer Engineer Veterinarian Computer & IS Manger Firefighter Physical Therapist Photographer Athletic Trainer
INVESTIGATIVE: THE THINKERS Interests Science, Medicine, Mathematics, Research Likes to gather information, uncover new facts/theories & interpret data Work Activities Performing lab work Solving abstract problems Conducting research Investigating, analyzing
INVESTIGATIVE: THE THINKERS Potential Skills Mathematical ability Researching Analyzing Writing Problem Solving Values Independence Reserved Curiosity Learning
INVESTIGATIVE JOB TITLES Chemist Software Developer Veterinarian University Professor Physician Science Teacher Doctor Lawyer Accountant
ARTISTIC: THE CREATORS Interests Self-expression Art Appreciation Communication and Culture Work Activities Composing music, performing Writing Creating Visual Art Developing ideas, concepts, events
ARTISTIC: THE CREATORS Potential Skills Creativity Music ability Artistic expression Developing programs Values Beauty, originality Independence Imagination
ARTISTIC JOB TITLES Architect Attorney Urban & Regional Planner Broadcast Journalist School, Career, Personal Counselor Public Relations Director Advertising Director Musician, Singer, Dancer, Actor Photographer, Photojournalist Events Planner
SOCIAL: THE HELPERS Interests People Teamwork Helping Community Service Work Activities Teaching Caring for people Counseling Training employees
SOCIAL: THE HELPERS Potential Skills People skills Verbal ability Listening Showing understanding Values Cooperation Generosity Service to others
SOCIAL JOB TITLES Parks & Recreation Manager Social Worker Athletic Trainer School Counselor School Administrator Registered Nurse Dietitian Community Service Director Event Planner Physical Therapist
ENTERPRISING: THE LEADERS Interests Business Politics Leadership Entrepreneurship Work Activities Selling Managing Persuading Marketing
ENTERPRISING: THE LEADERS Potential Skills Verbal ability Ability to motivate and direct others Values Risk taking Status Competition Influence
ENTERPRISING JOB TITLES Investment Manager Realtor Top Executive Marketing Manager Human Resources Manager Elected Public Official Lawyer College Professor School Principal Police Officer
CONVENTIONAL: THE ORGANIZERS Interests Organization Data management Accounting Investing Information systems Work Activities Setting up procedures & systems Organizing, keeping records Developing computer applications
CONVENTIONAL: THE ORGANIZERS Potential Skills Ability to work with numbers Data analysis Finances Strong attention to detail Values Accuracy Stability Efficiency
CONVENTIONAL JOB TITLES Accountant Computer Systems Analyst Paralegal Actuary Nursing Home Administrator Business Education Teacher Financial Analyst Engineer Architect