VRA PROFESSIONAL STATUS SURVEY Preliminary Results Delivered at 2007 VRA Conference, Kansas City The PowerPoint slides included here were presented at the VRA Conference at Kansas City in March They reflect the raw data gathered by the VRA Professional Status Survey and are subject to change with future analysis. Comparative data from previous surveys relevant to the visual resources profession has been included for comparison whenever possible throughout this presentation. After a post-conference, post-spring semester hiatus the Professional Status Survey committee has resumed its work on the analysis and is currently in the process of making contact with a statistics professional. We will keep you informed of our activity as work progresses on this project. If you have questions regarding this data please feel free to contact either committee co-chair, Christine Hilker uark.edu) or Margaret Webster A big thank you to all of the members of the task force for their sustained and invaluable service in developing the survey. Co-Chairs: Christine Hilker, University of Arkansas uark.edu) Margaret Webster, Cornell University Current (2007) Task Force Members: Margo Ballantyne, Lewis and Clark College Jeanne Keefe, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Hildegard Lindschinger, Wilfrid Laurier University Lynda White, University of Virginia [Advisor] 2006 Task Force Members: Margo Ballantyne, Lewis and Clark College Jeanne Keefe, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Hildegard Lindschinger, Wilfrid Laurier University Susan Jane Williams, Independent Consultant Andrew Gessner, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Visual Resources Professional Status Survey Preliminary Report Christine Hilker, University of Arkansas & Margaret N. Webster, Cornell University Kansas City, 03/27/2007
Type of Institution
Type of Institution
Types of Institutions – VRA 2007 & 2000
Age Distribution
Age Distribution 2007
Age Distribution 2007 & 2000 Comparison
Degree Comparison Chart
Degree Comparisons VRA ARLIS VRA BA/BS/BFA75.10% (Highest degree obtained) 8.00%99.00% Art History BA31.38% Studio BFA14.00% MLS/MLIS41.40%37.00%32.00% MA/MS44.60%20.00%57.00% MLS & MA12.76%29.00% Art History MA32.00% Studio MFA9.50% 8.00% MBA0.70% 1.00% PhD5.30%4.00%8.00% Other10.90% 8.00%
Salary Comparison – VRA 2007 & 2000
Status Within Your Institution
Years in Current Position
Do you write an annual report?
If not required, do you write an annual report?
If position upgraded in last 5 years, why?
Has your position changed in the last 5 years without a change in rank, grade, pay scale, etc?
Technical Job Responsibilities
None2.20% American Association of Museums4.00% American Library Association13.60% American Institute of Archeology1.10% American Institute of Architects0.70% Art Libraries Society of North America40.10% Art History Association0.40% Canadian Visual Resources Association2.20% Computers and the History of Art0.40% College Art Association16.50% Museum Computer Network5.90% Society of Architectural Historians1.80% Southeast College Art Conference5.50% Special Libraries Association1.80% Union (local/national)1.80% Visual Resources Association88.60% Other18.00% VRA and ARLIS/NA32.06% VRA and ALA9.66% VRA and ARLIS/NA and ALA7.59% VRA and CAA7.59% VRA and Canadian VR Curators1.03% Professional Organizations VRA -2007
Organizations – VRA 2007 & 2000
Comparison of Major Professional Organizations
National Conference Attendance – VRA 2007 & 2000
Conference Participation – VRA 2000 & 2007
Served as Officer of a Professional Organization VRA 2007 & 2000
Slide Acquisitions Stopped – When? Not applicable
Slide Circulation per Annum
Slide Circulation per Annum 5 Years Ago
Average Total Number of Items Circulated Per Year for the Last 5 Years (VRA Survey of 2000) 32,555
Primary Responsibility for Locally Developed Digital Image Collection – VRA 2007
Year Percent Before % % % % % % % % % % % % % Skipped8.00%
Digital Images Acquisitions per Annum
Digital Images Average Acquisitions per Annum (VRA Survey of 2000) 351
Size of Digital Collection Developed locally within your institution, not online subscriptions. (Count “master” images only, not derivatives.):
Average Digital Collection Size (VRA Survey of 2000) 2,004
Anthropology9.60% Archaeology8.30% Architecture/LA/Urban Planning15.40% Architectural History/Preservation9.60% Art History23.10% Art Studio/Design10.90% Arts Administration2.60% Cultural Studies5.10% Education4.50% Film Studies8.30% Filmmaking & Photography4.50% Geography, Environmental Studies5.10% History9.60% Humanities10.30% Language & Literatures5.80% Museum Studies3.20% Religion & Culture5.80% Sciences12.80% Social Sciences6.40% Library48.70% Other33.30% Other Digital Collections at Institution VRA 2007
Unit’s Responsibility for Acquiring Licensed or Subscription Digital Images – VRA 2007
Other Unit(s) That Acquire Licensed Digital Images and/or Subscribe to Digital Image Collections.
Has the Presence of Licensed or Subscription Digital Collections Had an Impact on Your Job?
Manual/cards12.70% Access (Microsoft)17.00% EmbARK8.30% Endeavour – Voyager (staff mode)2.60% Excel21.00% Extensis Portfolio6.10% FileMaker Pro31.90% IRIS7.00% VireoCat7.90% Innovative Interfaces (staff mode)2.60% InMagic (staff mode)0.90% MultiMimsy0.40% The Museum System (TMS)3.10% SirsiDynix (staff mode)2.20% Other30.60% None2.20% NA or don't know3.90% Cataloging Systems Used – VRA 2007
Metadata Structure Standards Used VRA 2007
Data Content Standards Used – VRA 2007
Open public website Open public website (image size restricted) Public walk-in access to library/public use computer terminals Student access to course support by course enrollment only Full use for staff/ limited use for students (restrictions on image usage or size) Remote use by means of a password/login for entire institutional community On-campus/site use by means of a password/login for entire institutional community Access to Digital Collections