hccarchive\fdtncomp\communication\tools template\MtgCklistWksht.pot © 2000 HCC, Inc. CD XX 1.Input Request Letter: Meeting participants Includes “strawman agenda” for edits Request for Bios Special Diet Requests Questions regarding: - Dress code - Travel/ accomm. - A/V logistics - Phone/fax contact at location 2.Pre-Meeting Courtesy Letter: With final agenda and enclosures Dress Code Travel/accomm. Logistics A/V “On location” phone and fax Confirm agendas / letters sent out fax / mail. 3.Documents to prepare: Flash reports Project Plan Project Book HCC Team Project Manual Non-disclosure Statement Sponsor Disclosure Guide W-9’s secured 1.Duty Delegation: Minutes Scribe Recorder (tape) Runner/Support HCC Communications 2.Contact Documentation: Contact/F.C. worksheet Secure Business Cards Update Fact Pack with new information 1.Discussion: Issues definition in minutes Priority 1 issues Attendee “Hot buttons”/force field analysis Action Items review Next meeting schedule Project Plan Revisions Expense summary 2.Documentation Revisions: Minutes Project Plans Graphics 1. Correspondence: F.U. memo with assigned tasks and next steps F.U. letter with minutes and enclosures (books/ giveaways) 2. Documentation: Final minutes (internal and external) 3. Follow-up calls: F.U. call assignments re: action items F.U. cross-check others’ actions 4. Meetings: Preparation for next meeting with details for Meeting Plan Checklist Meeting Plan Checklist Meeting Plan Checklist Pre-Meeting Checklist Pre-Meeting Checklist Meeting Checklist Meeting Checklist Debrief Checklist Debrief Checklist TEXAS MEDICAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCARD Meeting Checklist Worksheet – 9/12/03 Follow-up Checklist Follow-up Checklist 1.Meeting Specifications Room Size adjusted to no. of people. 10 people = 24’ x 36’ min. size Cross check meeting times with agendas / letters. Dinner reservations made offsite. 2.A/V Capability: Overhead projector Computer projector Computer/Ext. cords Recorder and tapes Conference phone Easels for poster boards Meeting accessories (white boards, projector, etc. USB Drive 3.Content: Computer presentations Overheads backup Extra agendas Handouts Booklets CRD approval of poster board graphics CRD/BR with Fed- Ex info (sent to whom and where) Meeting Plan Checklist Meeting Plan Checklist Meeting Checklist Meeting Checklist Follow-up Checklist Follow-up Checklist Pre-Meeting Checklist Pre-Meeting Checklist X MT1. Get Agenda from SCARD MT2. Obtain Logistic reqs – dress code ___3 ___4. ___5. ___ 6. ___ 7. ___ 8. X X ML 1.AV Agenda MT 2.Document Prep for binder MT 3.Contact Info. Sheet MT 4.Travel pack list for BR/HB MT 5.Travel to staff & Teresa MT 6.confirm hotel HB7.TMIT Business Cards – for CRD ML 8.ML TMIT Bus Cards MT 9.Phone for ML HB 10. Pack Laguna Equip Supplies HB 11.Digital Recorder HB 12.Digital Camera HB 13.Infrared Mouse HB14.Back-up Mouse HB15.Scrim HB16.Blue Background HB17.Pres. Computer x X x x X X X ALL 1. Reference AV Agenda for Meeting Checklist ___2. ___ 3. ___ 4. ___ 5. ___ 6. ___ 7. FG1. Follow up letters MT 2. Document all info MT/CS3. Expenses – SCARD payment MT 4. Order Disk Inserts for Document Binder ___ 5. ___ 6. ___ 7. ___ 8. ___ 9. ___ 10. ___ 11. X Debrief Checklist Debrief Checklist FG 1. Post meeting project plan draft FG2. Issues determination FG 3. Run Debrief Checklist FG 4. Lead Action Items ALL5. Priority 1 Issues ___ 6. ___ 7. ___ 8. ___ 9. ___ 10. ___ 11. X HB 18.Projector MT19.Get Exchange Rate TB 20.Quiet Signs Laminate MT21.Release Forms ML 22.Preso on CD take to Van ML23.USB, extra ML 24.2 Day Extra Meeting Room ___ 25. ___ 26. ___ 27. x X X X X X X X X X Pre-Meeting Checklist cont’d Pre-Meeting Checklist cont’d 4.Tools: Content worksheet (Market plan) Minutes worksheet Contact/F.C. worksheet Glossary worksheet 5.Duties: Minutes scribe Recorder operator Computer operator Runner/Support HCC Communications Office Supplies Review Dir. Presentation 3.Document Action/Clarification: Read backs on issues/actions/decisions Adds to glossary 4.Outside Content: Get others slides Meeting Checklist cont’d Meeting Checklist cont’d
hccarchive\fdtncomp\communication\tools template\MtgCklistWksht.pot © 2000 HCC, Inc. CD XX 1. Input Request Letter: Meeting participants Includes “strawman agenda” for edits Request for Bios Questions regarding: Dress code Travel/ accomm. A/V logistics Phone/fax contact at location 2. Pre-Meeting Courtesy Letter: With final agenda and enclosures Dress Code Travel/accomm. Logistics A/V “On location” phone and fax 3. Documents to prepare: Flash reports Project Plan Project Book HCC Team Project Manual Non-disclosure Statement Sponsor Disclosure Guide W-9’s secured 1. Duty Delegation: Minutes Scribe Recorder (tape) Runner/Support HCC Communications 2. Contact Documentation: Contact/F.C. worksheet Secure Business Cards Update Fact Pack with new information 3. Document Action/Clarification: Read backs on issues/actions/decisions Adds to glossary 4. Outside Content: Get others slides 1. Discussion: Issues definition in minutes Priority 1 issues Attendee “Hot buttons”/force field analysis Action Items review Next meeting schedule Project Plan Revisions Expense summary 2. Documentation Revisions: Minutes Project Plans Graphics 1. Correspondence: F.U. memo with assigned tasks and next steps F.U. letter with minutes and enclosures (books/ giveaways) 2. Documentation: Final minutes (internal and external) Revise graphics 3. Follow-up calls: F.U. call assignments re: action items F.U. cross-check others’ actions 4. Meetings: Preparation for next meeting with details for Meeting Plan Checklist Meeting Plan Checklist Meeting Plan Checklist Pre-Meeting Checklist Pre-Meeting Checklist Meeting Checklist Meeting Checklist Debrief Checklist Debrief Checklist HEALTH CARE CONCEPTS, INC Roche Clinico-economic Meeting Checklist Worksheet - 11/23-24/98 Follow up Checklist Follow up Checklist 1. A/V Capability: Overhead projector Computer projector Computer cords Recorder and tapes Extension cords Fax at mtg. room 2. Content: Computer presentations Overheads backup Extra agendas Handouts Booklets 3. Tools: Content worksheet (Market plan) Minutes worksheet Contact/F.C. worksheet Glossary worksheet Nametags Place cards 4. Duties: Minutes scribe Recorder operator Computer operator Runner/Support HCC Communications Office Supplies Review Dir. Presentation Meeting Plan Checklist Meeting Plan Checklist Meeting Checklist Meeting Checklist Follow up Checklist Follow up Checklist Pre-Meeting Checklist Pre-Meeting Checklist CD1. Pre Mtg Req ltr DJ 2. Pre Mtg Pkg/book AAS3.Reserve rooms (Renaissance) AAS4. Coordinate meals AAS 5. Coord. Travel FG1.Projector - Computer/Slide FG2.Call CJ Prep Cross Check AAS3.Transport/Itineraries CD4.Revise Proj. Description FG5.Work with Dale on notebooks DJ6.Documentation for notebooks CD7.Edit Director Presentation BR8.Download Director FG9.Tape Recorder and Tape FG10.Pre-call to participants: - Logistics LB1. Scribe/record DJ2. Participant Notebooks BR 3. Business cards HCC4. Production Mtg. Support KK5.Runner/Support AAS 6.Fax outside mtg. room BR 7.Color printer FG1. Follow up letter FG 2. Follow up minutes FG 3. Verify Full Doc. Archival in Austin FG 4. Mtg. expense summary FG 5. Oversee transcriptions FG 6.Final external minutes CD7.Comm. Act. Items for Roche Team FG8.F.U. w/ PC, CJ on Action Items Debrief Checklist Debrief Checklist FG1. Post meeting project plan draft FG 2. Issues determination FG 3. Run Debrief Checklist FG 4. Capture F.U. Graphics FG 5. Lead Action Items All 6.Priority 1 Issues All 7.Attendee “Hot buttons” force fields CD8.Heads-up Action Items Review FG9.Heads-up Document Revisions FG10.W-9’s Secured FG11. Honorariums FG12. Non-disclosures CD13.Review director pres. CD14.ID banners and documents to print for meeting AAS15.Confirm/Organize meals with caterer FG16.Audiovisual check FG17. W-9s & Honorariums AAS 18. Mtg. post outside room AAS 19. Runner & document coordination FG 20. Get Bussey’s slides to P. Campbell FG 21. Follow up w/ P. Campbell for his slides 11/20 CD 22. Call Mark Williams -Past example- Does not include “Meeting Room Size under Pre-Meeting Checklist