CSCI Milestones in Computer Development Fall 2007
CSCI Milestones in Computer Development 2000 B.C.: Abacus first used in computation Ancient abacuses (images are from
CSCI Milestones in Computer Development 2000 B.C.: Abacus first used in computation Medieval abacuses (images are from
CSCI Milestones in Computer Development 2000 B.C.: Abacus first used in computation Modern abacuses (images are from
CSCI Milestones in Computer Development 1642 A.D.: Blaise Pascal (French) creates a mechanical adding machine -- the “Pascalene” -- for tax computations (image is from
CSCI Milestones in Computer Development 1671 A.D.: Gottfried von Leibniz (German) creates a more reliable adding machine that adds, subtracts, multiplies, divides, and calculates square roots -- the "Staffelwalze" (image is from
CSCI Milestones in Computer Development 1842 A.D.: Charles Babbage designs analytical engine to perform calculations automatically; Ada, countess of Lovelace, programs this machine (image is from
CSCI Milestones in Computer Development 1890 A.D.: Herman Hollerith designs census recording system that uses punched cards; starts a company that later becomes IBM (image is from
CSCI Milestones in Computer Development 1939 A.D.: John Atanasoff designs and builds first electronic digital computer (w/ graduate student Clifford Berry); called the ABC (image is from
CSCI Milestones in Computer Development 1946 A.D.: J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly design and build the ENIAC; considered the first modern computer, used vacuum tubes (image is from
CSCI Milestones in Computer Development 1946 A.D.: John von Neumann proposes stored program architecture that bears his name (image is from
CSCI Milestones in Computer Development 1951 A.D.: Eckert & Mauchly build the first general-purpose computer, the UNIVAC I
CSCI Milestones in Computer Development 1957 A.D.: John Backus and his IBM team complete the first compiler (Fortran) PROGRAM TEST INTEGER N N = N + 1 PRINT *, N STOP END (image is from
CSCI Milestones in Computer Development 1958: IBM introduces the 7090 series, first to use transistors (image is from
CSCI Milestones in Computer Development 1964 A.D.: IBM announces the 360, first to use integrated circuitry (IC) (image is from
CSCI Milestones in Computer Development 1972 A.D.: Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs develops the C Programming Language; precursor of Java (image is from )
CSCI Milestones in Computer Development 1975 A.D.: The Altair, the first microcomputer, is introduced (image is from A.D.: The Cray-1, the first supercomputer, is announced (image is from
CSCI Milestones in Computer Development 1976 A.D.: DEC introduces its popular minicomputer, the VAX 11/780
CSCI Milestones in Computer Development 1977 A.D.: Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs release the Apple I on April Fool’s Day, and found Apple Computers (image is from
CSCI Milestones in Computer Development 1981 A.D.: IBM introduces its own PC (images are from A.D.: Apple introduces the Macintosh
CSCI Milestones in Computer Development 1985 A.D.: Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Labs develops the C++ Programming Language; the Object-Oriented extension of C; precursor of Java (image is from
CSCI Milestones in Computer Development 1991 A.D.: The internet is commercialized 1994: Netscape Navigator 1.0 is released; the WWW takes off
CSCI Milestones in Computer Development 1995 A.D.: Sun releases Java 1.0; object-oriented programming takes off 1997 A.D.: UNO CS Department adopts Java as object-oriented language support