Graduate Program School of e-Education Adult Development & Collaborative Learning 210ADC106 The Educational Bag Project in action Aalya Mesmar
The introduction This is a presentation to a practical lesson done for the grade 4 students in the mathematics class. The main subject of this lesson is to teach the students the principle of ascending and descending decimal numbers as well as doing some simple calculations with them. The main thing is to use the educational bag for mathematics that contain number of games and puzzles. The students are to be working in a group of 4 students each and will use different kits to reach the same result and see how effective was the bag for their understanding.
Tools used from the mathematics educational bag: - The instruments used are as follows: 1. Two worm dolls made of hard papers, where numbers are written on each part. 2. Two samples of doll-dress models. The Lesson Plan The Subject: - Mathematics for Grade 4: - Addition/Subtraction/Sorting Decimal Numbers.
Each group which consists of 4 students are assigned to a specific activity as shown in the previous video. Two of them are using the worm, while the other two using the doll-dress model. One of the first group student will put the parts of the worm in an ascending order while her colleague will do the descending part. The other group has been given the doll-dress in order to match the subtraction/addition of the decimal numbers. The Lesson Plan The activity process using the mathematics bag:
One of the activities done in the classroom (video) The Lesson Plan
The lesson objectives: The outcome of this lesson is : 1. To understand the concept of ascending and descending decimal numbers. 2. To be able to sort out them correctly. 3. -To be able to do simple calculations (subtraction + addition) with the decimal numbers. 4. To solve the problems/worksheets given based on the same concept. The Lesson Plan
The activity summary The idea is to work individually, yet they can share ideas between them as well. The benefit is scaled by the results we get from the students and how well they have worked with these materials and kits. The students worked both individually as well as there was a collaborative involvement when discussing and sharing ideas. Worksheets have been given at the end of the lesson in order to measure the level of understanding and how well those activities served the educational process.. The Lesson Plan
The community involved For the mathematics educational bag, all teachers of the school who teaches from grade 1 to 4 can use it as they will find different types of games, puzzles as well as worksheets related to different lessons. Nevertheless, the bag is yet to be developed and many more materials to be added since it definitely did not cover all the areas of the subject. The Lesson Plan
Conclusion These types of games and puzzles proved to be an affective tool which is called learning by games. Students show a great interest to these sort of activities and it does not only engage the students with the subject, but also enriches their collaborative skills.
Appendices The mathematics bags
Examples of other materials that can be found in the mathematics bags