I CEBREAKER Describe something that happened in your life during the year on the coin.
T ODAY ’ S O UTCOMES Participants will: Analyze lesson plan components. Develop an understanding of two types of instructional and assessment tasks - Practice Forward Task and Integrative Task. Watch a demonstration of the Curriculum Management System (CMS). Clarify their questions about the EEA Project requirements
W ARM U P - O UTCOME Participants will reflect on the important parts and elements that should be in a lesson plan.
W ARM U P - A CTIVITY Rally Table What are critical components of a lesson plan?
MSDE L ESSON P LAN COMPONENTS IN AN MSDE LESSON PLAN Background Information Learning Experience Supporting Information
Background Information Content/Grade Level Unit/Cluster Essential Questions Enduring Understandings Standards Addressed in This Lesson Lesson Topic Relevance/Connections Student Outcomes Prior Knowledge Needed Determining Student Readiness
Learning Experience Warm Up Motivation Activities UDL Components Key Questions Formative Assessment Evidence of Student Learning Closure
Supporting Information Interventions/Enrichments o Students with Disabilities o Struggling Learners o English Language Learners o Gifted and Talented Materials Technology Resources
A NALYSIS - O UTCOME Participants will analyze an MSDE lesson plan to determine how UDL, the SMP, and the content standards are addressed.
G UIDING Q UESTIONS 1.How do lesson activities support SMP proficiencies? 2.How do UDL connections modify lesson activities to assist all students, including students with special needs? 3.Explain how the lesson activities target and support instruction of the content standard.
A NALYSIS – FINAL NOTE!!! FINAL NOTE!!! Any pre-made lesson plan should be adapted to meet the needs of the students in your classroom.
J UMP FOR J OY … Take A Break!!!!!
T YPES OF T ASKS - O UTCOME Participants will develop an understanding of two types of instructional and assessment tasks: Practice Forward Task Integrative Task
T YPES OF T ASKS - A CTIVITY Let’s Do a Little Math!!!
W HAT S HAPES C AN I M AKE ? If this square is one quarter of a whole shape, what would the whole shape look like? How many different shapes could you make? Be ready to explain how you knew which shapes you could make.
W HAT S HAPES C AN I M AKE ? E VALUATING THE P ROBLEM Which behaviors described in the Standards for Mathematical Practice would come into play as students solve this problem?
P RACTICE F ORWARD T ASK 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2. Reason Abstractly and quantitatively. 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others 4. Model with mathematics. 5. Use appropriate tools strategically. 6. Attend to precision. 7. Look for and make use of structure. 8. Look for and express regularity in reasoning. Standards for Mathematical Practice
Practice Forward Task A task that is intentionally designed to elicit one or more Standards for Mathematical Practice in connection to specified content standards PARCC Definition
N EW T ERMS - A CTIVITY Frayer Model Practice Forward Task Practice Forward Task
D EBRIEFING … Share your “Example” and “Non-Example” within your group of 4. Justify why you believe your “Example” is an example of a Practice Forward Task.
T YPES OF T ASKS - A CTIVITY Let’s Do a Little MORE Math!!!
T HE T WO THOUSAND P ROBLEM Find two numbers in this table that differ by approximately two thousand. 893, , , , , , , , , ,398
S O WHAT DO YOU THINK ??? What mathematics concepts and skills are measured in this problem? Besides the content included, were the Standards for Mathematical Practice employed in order to solve the problem?
I NTEGRATIVE T ASK Grade 4 Domain: Number and Operations in Base Ten CLUSTER: Generalize place value understanding for multi-digit whole numbers. (4.NBT.1-3) CLUSTER: Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic. (4.NBT.4)
PARCC D EFINITION Integrative Task A task that may best be coded to a cluster heading, domain or grade (course) rather than a specific standard.
N EW T ERMS - A CTIVITY Frayer Model Integrative Task Integrative Task
D EBRIEFING … Share your “Example” and “Non-Example” within your group of 4. Justify why you believe your “Example” is an example of an Integrative Task.
S AMPLES TO S HARE Work with your group to select one “Example” of either a Practice Forward Task or an Integrative Task to display on chart paper. If desired, your group can create a new task. Post your “Example” around the room. Do not identify which type of task it is.
C HECKING O UT E XAMPLES Each participant takes a sticky note for each “Example.” First, write either ‘PF’ for Practice Forward or ‘INT’ for Integrative Task to identify the type of task it is. List the SMP that are employed in solving the different “Examples” shared.
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2. Reason Abstractly and quantitatively. 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others 4. Model with mathematics. 5. Use appropriate tools strategically. 6. Attend to precision. 7. Look for and make use of structure. 8. Look for and express regularity in reasoning. Standards for Mathematical Practice
Is it possible that a task could be labeled as both a Practice Forward Task and an Integrative Task? Is the label identifying the type of task more important to instruction or assessment? Two Questions…
T YPES OF T ASKS - S UMMARY In the future, students must be able to solve: Integrative and Practice Forward tasks As well as: Traditional types of problems.
T YPES OF T ASKS - S UMMARY BIG Question: How will you modify your instruction to build student capacity for successful completion of Integrative Tasks and Practice Forward Tasks?
Group members should stand one behind another.
H OT S EAT Q UESTION #1 Which type of task is intentionally designed to elicit one or more Standards for Mathematical Practice in connection to specified content standards?
H OT S EAT Q UESTION #2 Which type of task is best coded to a cluster heading, domain, grade or course rather than a specific standard?
H OT S EAT Q UESTION #3 The three principles of Universal Design for Learning call for instruction that provides Multiple Means of: Principle I: ______________ Principle II: ______________ Principle III: ______________
H OT S EAT Q UESTION #4 Which set of standards describe the varieties of expertise that mathematics educators at all levels should seek to develop in their students?
H OT S EAT Q UESTION #5 Which Unit Plan component would include information on prior learning that supports the learning of the standards in the unit?
CMS - O UTCOME Participants will watch a demonstration of the Curriculum Management System (CMS).
P ROJECT - O UTCOME Participants will clarify their questions about the EEA Project requirements.
PD Module Lesson Seed Power Point Project Choices Power Point Professional Development Module Intervention Activity Enrichment Activity UDL Activity
U NTIL TOMORROW … It’s time to be creative, thoughtful, and productive as you tackle your Project which you will share tomorrow! Have fun!!