VPK Assessment Data Analysis Topics of Discussion Reflections Overview of VPK Assessment Process and Reports AP1 Data Analysis Resources Lesson Planning
Reflections Reflect on your recent administration of the VPK Assessment. What went well? What was challenging? Self Children Families
VPK Assessment Process Conduct Assessment Enter data into Bright Beginnings Review online reports Individual Child Classroom Use data to design developmentally appropriate activities
4 What am I looking for when reviewing the AP1 results? Which VPK Assessment Online Reporting System reports provide information for the child, for the classroom? How do I use the reports to determine next steps for the child/classroom? How do I use the reports to determine next steps for the child/classroom? Guiding Questions
Data Analysis Questions Comparing the numbers for each measure what measure appears to have more exceeding/meeting/below? Which measure appears to be the area of strength? The area of greatest need? Review the score range of the below expectations, meeting and exceeding? Where are the children in this range? How would you incorporate small groups and/ or 1-1 for each level? How many children are new to childcare? How many children are new to your center coming from other centers? How many have been with you for one or more years? How many children are dual language learners? How many children have an IEP? Others????
Child Level Report 6 ACTIVITY #3A
Child Level Report 7 ACTIVITY #3B
Classroom Level Report 8 ACTIVITY #3C
Websites Websites o Bright Beginnings o o Literacy Essentials and Reading Network (LEaRN) o o Example of Lesson Plan Format o o VPK Teacher Toolkit o Language and Vocabulary folder Mathematical Thinking folder 9 Additional Instructional Resources