Helen Teague Creating Web-Based Learning Stations Helen Teague
Helen Teague Consider Interactive Learning Centers
Helen Teague
Involve Parents and Learning Multiplies: Online Postings without HTML
Helen Teague Involve Parents and Learning Multiplies: Online Postings without HTML and Electronic Flashcards
From Tammy Payton at
Helen Teague u Teacher-Directed u Testing u Introduce New Skills u “Big” Picture u Evaluation u Phonics u Reteach u Reading Aloud u Student-Oriented u Group Work u On Line Stories u Writing Spelling Words u Journals u Math Games u On Line Drill & Practice u Spreadsheets, Graphs u Listening Skills u Art/Theater
From Tammy Payton at Teacher Seatwork Computer Centers
From Tammy Payton at
Helen Teague “All About Me” Learning Center: Students find out interesting facts about themselves: Create a calendar for their birth month using software tools. What the moon looked like the day students were born: Student age in days: Name meaning: Handwriting analysis:
Helen Teague “Quest” Learning Center: u u Pack your bags for a global, online excursion for a small portion of daily or weekly classtime. ° For other project ideas, join the Hilites digest mailing list:
Helen Teague Classroom Management
Helen Teague General Research Learning Center: Encyberpedia Information Please Ask Jeeves for Kids Texas Information Literacy Tutorial KidsConnect A question-answering, help and referral service Website. Answers are received within two school days. Noodle Tools:
Helen Teague Computer History Learning Center: Microcomputer History Timeline *** me to receive questions that coorelate to this website. Old Computer Museum Trivial Net Game
Helen Teague SAT Help Learning Center: SAT Question of the Day: Cool Word of the Day: Educational Testing Network: Number 2, Inc.: (Go to "Free Stuff" Link for sample questions) Guide Test: High School Hub:
Helen Teague American Inventors and Inventions: Inventure Place: National Inventors Hall of Fame: The Mining Company Guide to Inventors: The Tech Museum of Innovation: Wacky Patent of the Month: Inventors Learning Center:
Helen Teague E-Story Learning Center: Post a thought starter sentence and student teams or lone writers answer the prompt and save their work. Rotating teams add character, weather element, geographic city, surprise twist, etc… to the e-story. Or visit Wacky Tales: or
Helen Teague Cyber Trip: Getting Around the Planet: ravel/ World of Culture: Circle of Friends: Patchwork of Cultures: patchtg.html Culture Studies Learning Center:
Helen Teague Math Magic Learning Center: MathMagic! MegaMath Workbook: Middle Grades Math Site: Ask Dr. Math: Brain Teasers: 21st Century Problem-Solving:
Helen Teague Career Search Learning Center: What Color is Your Parachute? The Bottom Line Newsletter: The Monster Board: The “Hot” Seat-Job Search:
Helen Teague The end result should be a Deliverable A product the student creates which demonstrates the integration of learning. For additional ideas, see: “Guidelines for Designing Internet Activities” by Doug Prouty, Contra Costa County of Education intergate.cccoe.k12.ca.us/online/guidelines/ Web-Based Learning Centers
Helen Teague Classroom Management
Helen Teague
Helen Teague Our Overnight Planning System Full-Day and Half-Day Inservice Helen Teague Leslie Koske (toll-free !) Is :
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