The Building Blocks for Effective SWPBS TEAMS Maintaining Tier 1 and Growing the Other TiersMaintaining Tier 1 and Growing the Other Tiers; Tony L. Clower, Ed.S. Roane County Schools
The Agenda Is A Must I use these agendas for all meetings now. Never start a meeting without the correct agenda. Never attend a meeting without an agenda; you may be there longer than you want to stay!
Purpose of the Agendas… Efficient Meetings Focused Meetings Productive Meetings Prioritized Actions Proactive Meetings
Take the time NOW to Schedule Meetings throughout the Year! Get them on the School Calendar Make a task for someone to fill in the entire year. Rotating the roles ensure that this is a team effort and not one person’s mission. Always start with what is going well! Agenda Review allows all team members to have a voice in what is done in the team meeting.
Team Vision:
Only appropriate for Initial Agendas (beginning of the year) After phase 1/when in phase 2
Agenda Pointers Change meeting date at top of agenda. Update role chart. Add members into rotation as needed (if they were not included last meeting). Ensure that all members are shifting to a new role each meeting. Delete completed tasks from previous meeting’s agenda. Leave tasks that have not yet been completed. Use the task list from the most recent meeting to add tasks to the corresponding section(s) of the agenda Make sure minutes from previous meetings are not a part of the new/next agenda. Gray out (using the font color change icon in word) portions of the agenda which will not be addressed in this particular meeting. Avoid deleting portions of the standard agenda as each part will be addressed over the course of the year. Deleting the standard items may result in forgetting the need to address them at the appropriate times. Blacken the font on portions of the agenda which will be addressed at this meeting. Look over the amount of time allotted for each agenda item and alter, as needed, to ensure that there is enough time to address each portion of the agenda without going over two hours (or the time your team has allotted for team meetings). Highlight the time to assist the timekeeper in tracking. Change the date for the next meeting at the end of the agenda (change location and/or time as needed). Save the new document with the date of the meeting in the title. This will be what you send to the next Facilitator to be used for the next meeting’s agenda. Either the agenda to team members so they can print their own copy before the meeting or make enough copies for the meeting – depending on your ground rules. Add any items to the agenda that you’re aware of that need to be addressed but are not part of the standard agenda.
TEAM MEETINGS Monthly meetings are a must. Meetings during school are most effective Before school meetings are second most effective Food helps
TEAM MEETINGS Time of reinforcement of SWPBS concepts Everyone in the school should know who is on this team Team should be tasked with sharing team meeting information in their own grade level or team meetings Administrator should share information from team meetings in staff meetings
Importance of Internal Coaches Find a passionate but well-liked leader Needs to be someone other than an administrator Will probably be one of those teachers who is already doing 100 things Needs to be someone who can get along with Negative Nelly
Duties of the Internal Coaches Sets up monthly meeting schedule with aid of administrator Sets up schedule for who will create and disseminate agenda each month Makes sure all reports, surveys, etc… are completed and returned to office or district office
Duties (cont’d) Inform the district of trainings needed or desired Attend quarterly meeting with district-level coach if applicable Share ideas with other internal coaches within your district Serve as SWPBS ambassador within their school and district
Duties (cont’d) Report SWPBS celebrations in newsletters, local papers, etc… Help coordinate parent volunteers for SWPBS celebrations or activities
Maintaining Tier 1 Systems Send monthly reminders to schools from EdPro Development calendar reminders Coordinate completion of surveys within the district Assist schools in developing action plans Assist schools in gathering of appropriate data Serve as SWIS facilitator ; conduct SWIS training for new SWIS users
Maintaining Tier 1 Systems Score surveys and report back to schools Attend monthly meetings Gather and interpret SWIS data; correlation with success of school Report to the Board concerning the success of SWPBS schools Plan recognition and acknowledgement for schools who reach their goal on SET or BOQ
Let me know if I can help you: Tony L. Clower, Ed.S. ; Middle Schools Supervisor, Roane County Schools Phone: ; ext