Maintain records Keep minutes Prepare and read executive board report Sign authorizations for payment Come to meetings prepared
Legal records ◦ Charter ◦ Bylaws and standing rules ◦ Minutes Previous minutes Agendas
List of officers, chairmen and committees Membership list Current reports Financial reports
Procedure book Notepad, paper, and/or laptop Motion blanks Blank paper for ballots Office supplies File for copies of motions and reports Correspondence file (corresponding secretary)
Name of organization Type of meeting Date, time, place of meeting Name and title of presiding officer
Attendance list Disposition of previous minutes Statement of account (treasurer’s report) Authorizations for payment/ratifications Project approvals
Executive board reports Motions, name of person making motion, result of vote Summary of reports Time of adjournment
Keep it brief Record what is done, not what is said Handwrite or type in permanent ink Number pages Use a bound book for permanent storage
Post at meeting Provide copies Summarize (use caution) to executive board Do not post on website
Only the group that created them may approve them Include on the agenda Committee approval may be used
Note correction(s) in current minutes Use red ink Circle or underline incorrect words Write correction in margin Date and initial Never erase
Send out meeting notices Conduct authorized correspondence Notify officers of election Notify council/district of new officers
Attend training Participate Follow policies and procedures Understand finances Meet deadlines Be a team player Pass on your files