June 18, 2014 Office of Educator Quality Update
Shift to Praxis Core for Teacher Certification – Beginning Jan. 1, 2014 Recognition of Juris Doctorates and Masters of Fine Art degrees on the Specialist salary scale Office of Educator Licensure
Reporting period for Superintendents – 10 days Code of Ethics training – Please conduct annually Common Reporting offenses: –Texting –Sexting –Breach of Contract –Inappropriate Relationships – Physical –Inappropriate Relationships – Non-Physical –Violation of Student Rights to Privacy and Religion. Office of Educator Misconduct
Teacher Recruitment Changes – Website Teacher Job Vacancy Report – Online Future Educators of America – Support for creating charters Tuition/Loan Reimbursement Programs Teacher Center
Streamlined PGG’s to Domain 5 – Elimination of the 20% weight in overall evaluation score The Walkthroughs and Formal Observation requirements have been modified – 2 walkthroughs, 1 formal observation, 1 post- conference The Formal Observation time requirement has been reduced to a minimum of 30 minutes (rather than bell-to-bell). The collection of artifacts beyond the lesson plan used during the formal observation is left to the district’s discretion. Frequency words have been streamlined Educator Evaluations
Evaluation rubrics have been created for: –Speech Language Therapists –Library/Media Specialists –Guidance Counselors –More to come... Resources and videos are being updated regularly and available on our website. Evaluation training is open to those the district designates with authority to observe educators and not limited to principals. Missing components (sub-group scores) of the Principal Evaluation will receive a score of zero. Principal Evaluation Summative Assessment Conferences have been changed to August 31 st annually. Educator Evaluations - Continued
Evaluation training will be offered again in July in conjunction with the MASS Summer Conference. Registration forms are online. The training offered in July will be recorded and available to anyone on our website later in July. Student Learning Objective (SLO) will begin soon. Principal webinars are scheduled for June 20 and June 23 rd. Registration is available on our website. Please sign up for educator and principal evaluation updates on our website. Evaluation Training
Educator rosters were loaded into the Superintendent’s district SharePoint folder. For ease, the educator identification numbers were pre- populated. The scores for each of the standards should be loaded onto the excel spreadsheet and posted back into the SharePoint folder. We will import the evaluation information into ELMS at the end of June. M-STAR is not optional but a requirement of the state’s ESEA waiver Evaluation Scores Import
Recent Attorney General’s Opinion regarding National Board Supplements and the CALT supplement Teach MS Institute Salary placements Reading endorsement for Elementary Educators – Beginning Sept Critical Teacher Shortage Scholarship will phase out next year and replaced with MS Teacher Fellows program Expert license applications – If applicant is not an expert, please don’t request the license. Miscellaneous
Cerissa Neal, Bureau Manager, Office of Educator Quality – or Amy Daniel, Office Director, Educator Misconduct – or David Cook, ELMS Administrator – or Tarance Hart, Director, Educator Evaluations – or Lisa White, Educator in Residence, Principal Evaluations – or Contact Information