Mobile P2P - Creating a mobile file-sharing environment Johnny Biström, Ville Partanen
Agenda zResearch questions zWhat is mobile P2P zSolution: Full mobile phone based P2P zSolution: Computer aided mobile P2P zSolution: The future of mobile P2P: JXTA zThreats to mobile P2P zConclusion
Research questions zHow can file sharing be realized in mobile networks today? zHow will the upcoming 3G-networks support file sharing? What are the threats for file sharing and how can they be overcome?
Mobile P2P? zTransferring data from one mobile phone to another zMobile phone and network limit the possibilities of mobile P2P yLow efficiency (CPU and memory) yLow bandwidth yLow power yBilling
Full mobile P2P in 2/2.5G zIn 2/2.5 there are limitations that are impossible to overcome: yOperators do not allow to see mobile phones IP address yOperators control data traffic including ports suitable for them yNetwork does not offer any way to sustain active connection in all situations yVoice and data can not be transferred simultaneously
A solution to 2/2.5 P2P: MMS zMMS could be used as a way of sending data from one mobile note to another. However there are problems: yHow to know who has the information you need? yMMS size is limited yMMS costs more than GPRS data
A solution to 2/2.5 P2P: MMS zWe have to have a server that keeps a record of MSISDN number and the data that can be found from that number zDownloader asks the data and the person who is downloaded permits or denies download
A better solution: computer aided P2P zAll the major limitations could be overcome if the mobile phone would be connected to a computer which has P2P software zWe would only need a software to communicate between the computer and mobile phone: yShort distance: IR, BT, PC suite etc. yRemotely: Over HTTP
Computer aided P2P: short distance zWithin short distance we would not have true mobile P2P: zA better solution would be to control fixed network peer remotely
Computer aided mobile P2P: remotely zFor example over http we could control the fixed network peer by using a program called mobile eMule
Computer aided mobile P2P: eMule 1. login 3. download to computer 2. search 4. download to phone zeMule is a working solution but does not currently implement full download to mobile phone
JXTA – Tomorrow’s P2P solution zBackground zSoftware Architecture zNetwork Architecture zProtocols zExample Applications zJXME
JXTA - Background zstarted by Sun Microsystems in 2001 zOpen Source, royalty free licence zplatform independent (mobile phone ->) zarchitecture and protocols zuses HTTP, TCP/IP and XML zbuilds virtual ad-hoc network on top of physical network
JXTA – Software Architecture
JXTA – Network Architecture JXTA 2
JXTA - Protocols Core Specification Protocols zPeer Resolver Protocol (PRP) zEndpoint Routing Protocol (ERP) Standard Service Protocols zRendezvous Protocol (RVP) zPeer Discovery Protocol (PDP) zPeer Information Protocol (PIP) zPeer Binding Protocol (PBP)
JXTA – Example Applications JXTA Shell zcommand line interface zenables publishing, searching, messaging, discovering, piping and more MyJXTA zopen soure example application zenables group chatting, secure chatting, credential groups in addition to JXTA Shell
JXTA – MyJXTA2 interface
JXTA – JXME (JXTA for J2ME) Working Proxy based solution exists
JXTA – JXME (JXTA for J2ME) Proxyless solution under development
Threats to mobile P2P zIn 3G true mobile P2P is possible due to high bandwidth, efficient mobile phones and simultaneous voice and data capability -> But will the operators allow P2P software since is would lead to the loss of revenues? zViruses, spy- and adware zDigital rights management
Conclusions z2/2.5G is not ready for mobile P2P. However with the aid of computer killer applications could be developed z3G does not have technical restrictions so the future of mobile P2P will be mainly in the hands of the operators