Pulaski Technical College Committee Training August 11, 2014
Facilitated Discussion Conducting an Effective Meeting Committee Responsibilities Committee Tools Questions & Answers Outline
Effective Meetings Meeting management is a set of skills that is often overlooked. Meetings are very expensive activities when the cost of labor is considered. Therefore it is important to accomplish as much as possible within a particular time frame.
Effective Meetings Pre-Work Call for agenda items Create agenda and collect any handouts Send out agenda with handouts attached at least 2 days ahead of time
Effective Meetings Opening Meetings Start on time. This respects those who have shown up on time and reminds late-comers that the scheduling is serious Welcome everyone and thank them for their time. Take roll in some fashion—Roll call or sign in sheet Review/add to agenda Remember the ground rules of the charter**** Review action items from previous meeting for updates on them
Effective Meetings Facilitating Meetings Stay on task. Follow the agenda. Pull members back to the agenda/task. Stay in your role as chair/facilitator. Listen and follow the discussion. Summarize what you hear. Ask clarifying questions. Express confusion when it exists. Ask: Are we ready to move on?
Effective Meetings Facilitating Meetings Know and follow basic rules of order (RR) Keep track of time. Watch communication flow….Solicit input from members who rarely contribute. Learn how to handle difficult situations/people. (see below) Use the issue bin/action items to track what will be done between meetings.
Effective Meetings Evaluating the Meeting: Leave 5 minutes to evaluate the meeting ** Do Not Skip Use the plus/delta item on the agenda Evaluate the content; evaluate the process Closing the Meeting: Always close on time Quickly review action items Remind members where to find minutes posted
Effective Meetings Ground Rules of Charters at PTC Begin and end on time: use cell phones as universal time. Come prepared; Read all materials prior to meeting. The meeting environment is a safe zone; there is no rank in the room. One speaker at a time. Agree only if it makes sense to do so. Support decisions made on consensus. Keep comments on target with topics/tasks at hand.
Effective Meetings Ground Rules of Charters at PTC Be professional to each other. Use quality tools as often as possible to find consensus. All action items must be completed in a timely manner; preferably by the established deadline. Agenda items and related material may be submitted by committee members and non-committee members to the chair/liaison for consideration. They should be submitted one week prior to the meeting by 5 PM. All ringers on cell phones/electronic devices should be turned off or set on vibrate.
Effective Meetings Committees, Governance, and Integrated Planning Workshop
Committee Responsibilities Mission/Purpose and Initiatives Roles and Responsibilities: o PEC Liaisons o Chair/Co-Chair o Recorder o Committee Members
PEC Liaison Primary responsibility: to be a resource to the committee, especially the Chair Advises Standing Committee Chair on all committee matters Provides committee charges each academic year Stays in communication with the committee Chair and assists in resolving any issues that arise Ensures any action items assigned by Quality Council are placed on the Standing Committee agenda Ensures communication line from Quality Council to Standing Committee Ensures communication line from Standing Committee to PEC Monitors committee effectiveness
Committee Chair Understands and is committed to the mission, goals, and values of the college Leads by example Consensus builder Fully informed and ensures all members have the information they need to make informed decision and take part in discussion Ensures discussion and decision-making are orderly and deliberate
Committee Chair Ensures respectful and ongoing communication among members Ensures communication line from Standing Committee to Quality Council Ensures committee charges are fulfilled each academic year Stays in communication with the PEC Liaison Note: All subgroup chairs are responsible for ensuring the communication line to the main standing committee.
Recorder Takes accurate minutes (including attendance records) Ensures posting of approved minutes to the portal Assists Chair in creating agendas
Committee Members Attend meetings Come to meeting prepared to participate Thoroughly reads the agenda, minutes, and other materials Submit agenda items Contribute to the discussion Be respectful of others and actively listen Assume responsibility for certain activities or projects as appropriate Communicate as needed with chair and other members between meetings regarding projects and concerns Discuss committee work with others and obtain feedback
Agenda & Minutes Templates Global Charter Template Committee Checklist Committee Information Form Membership Worksheet Template Committee Tools
Best tool to assist both the facilitator and participants in keeping meeting on track Clarifies the objectives of the meeting Provides direction and focus for discussion during the meeting Helps the team accomplish much and results in a productive meeting
Action Item/Issue Bin Stores valuable ideas for consideration at an appropriate time Allows discussion to stay focused on the agenda topic Record action or issue bin items throughout the meeting Action items should be placed on the agenda for the next meeting
Standing Committee NameCommunity and Cultural Involvement Proposed Chair (By Title or Name)AVP of PR & Mktg or Communications / Special Events Mgr. PEC Liaison (Non-voting member)VP for Economic Development Proposed Total Committee Members14 (not counting PEC Liaison) Breakdown of Committee Members # of Permanent Members (By Title) # of At Large Members (Faculty) # of At Large Members (Staff) # of At Large Members (Student) # of At Large Members (Outside Constituency Groups) Tota l