Presented by: Cara Hayden, Instructional Specialist Sharon Martinez, Instructional Specialist Kim Pirtle, Instructional Specialist Capacity Development and School Reform Accountability
Silence cell phones Participate and share Listen with an open mind Ask questions Work toward solutions Use time effectively
Group Objectives: Have a thorough understanding of coaching responsibilities Develop coaching calendar based on school needs Understand the components of the electronic log Become more comfortable with organization of support binders.
Calendars Prioritizing/ Time Management Developing Modifying Logs Accessing Samples Questions Binders Components
Take a few minutes and share with your group: the successes you have experienced the challenges you have faced Write some of those thoughts on the Post-It notes that are provide and place them on the appropriate chart paper. Table Discussion: 10 minutes Writing: 10 minutes Group Discussion: 10 minutes
Prioritizing Support Developing Calendars Modifying (be flexible)
Remember Every teach has a different level of experience and their needs are all different. Teacher needs may be identified: when analyzing data assisting the administrative team Classroom visits Teacher request
Consider time allocations Coaching Cycle What your week will look like Testing Calendar Diagnostics Embedded Assessments Holidays/Special Events
Consider Time Allocations Mathematics Coaches’ Recommended Time Allocation Percent Distribution What portion of the coaches’ time will be spent in each of these roles?
Pre-Conference Observation Plan/Model Lesson Co-Teach Observation Post- Conference
DayTask Monday Pre-Conference/Coach observes the teacher Tuesday Coach models the entire instructional block using required components Wednesday Coach and teacher co-teach Thursday Coach observes the teacher again/Debriefing Friday Coach attends District Coaches’ Training
Mathematics Coach Weekly Calendar Name ______________________________________ Week Of _______________________ MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday Friday Teacher’s Name Room Number Grade Level/Subject Purpose Follow-up Teacher’s Name Room Number Grade Level/Subject Purpose Follow-up Teacher’s Name Room Number Grade Level/Subject Purpose Follow-up Teacher’s Name Room Number Grade Level/Subject Purpose Follow-up Teacher’s Name Room Number Grade Level/Subject Purpose Follow-up Teacher’s Name Room Number Grade Level/Subject Purpose Follow-up Teacher’s Name Room Number Grade Level/Subject Purpose Follow-up Teacher’s Name Room Number Grade Level/Subject Purpose Follow-up Teacher’s Name Room Number Grade Level/Subject Purpose Follow-up Teacher’s Name Room Number Grade Level/Subject Purpose Follow-up Teacher’s Name Room Number Grade Level/Subject Purpose Follow-up Teacher’s Name Room Number Grade Level/Subject Purpose Follow-up Teacher’s Name Room Number Grade Level/Subject Purpose Follow-up Teacher’s Name Room Number Grade Level/Subject Purpose Follow-up Teacher’s Name Room Number Grade Level/Subject Purpose Follow-up Teacher’s Name Room Number Grade Level/Subject Purpose Follow-up Teacher’s Name Room Number Grade Level/Subject Purpose Follow-up Teacher’s Name Room Number Grade Level/Subject Purpose Follow-up Teacher’s Name Room Number Grade Level/Subject Purpose Follow-up Teacher’s Name Room Number Grade Level/Subject Purpose Follow-up
Mathematics Coach Weekly Calendar Coaches Name: Mr. Sum Week of: 8/31/09 – 9/4/09 TimeMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY 8:15 – 9:15 Mrs. Divisor Rm: th Grade Pre-Conference (7:30 – 7:45) Observation Mrs. Divisor Rm: th Grade Model entire block Mrs. Divisor Rm: th Grade Co-Teach Mrs. Divisor Rm: th Grade Observe Post- Conference Coach attends required Professional Development 9:17- 10:17 Mr. Quotient Rm: rd Grade Pre-Conference (7:45-7:50) Observation Mr. Quotient Rm: rd Grade Model entire block Mr. Quotient Rm: rd Grade Co-Teach Mr. Quotient Rm: rd Grade Observe Post- Conference Coach attends required Professional Development Mr. Quotient Rm: th Grade Co-Teach Miss Squared Rm: th Grade Co-Teach Observe (Post-Conference on Monday) Mrs. Divisor Rm: th Grade Model entire block (Co-Teach later in the day)
CategoryDescription Professional Development Providing or facilitating professional development sessions such as workshops, trainings, learning communities to increase educator’s mathematical knowledge PlanningPlanning, developing and/or preparing professional development sessions. Coaching Model Modeling/Coaching/ Conferencing Coaching (pre-conference, modeling/co-teaching/observation, and post conference) teachers in classrooms. Data Analysis/Data Reporting Assisting teacher in interpreting data including diagnostics test, embedded assessments and FCAT. Compiling Data Reports. MeetingsAttending school, area and district meetings regarding mathematics issues. Knowledge BuildingRemaining current in trends of mathematic education through personal study or professional development sessions. OtherList other duties as assigned. List successes that have occurred in the last reporting period. Note any concerns that you would like to share with your principal.
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Components Weekly Calendar Logs Conference Forms PDD Schedule/Agendas Coach Created Materials ▪ Supplemental/Modified Curriculum ▪ Focus Calendars (Secondary Benchmarks) Data Chats ▪ (Students/Teachers)
Altoria Henley Sharon Martinez Kim Pirtle Carol Sheffield Noel Elvir Shabana Ahmad-Farook Bobbie Brooks Dale Carothers Cara Hayden Carla Clayton-Lewis Thank you for all that you do for our students!