Kentucky Primary Behavioral Health Care Integration > Karen Chrisman, JD MA CHP CSCS > Staff Attorney > Governor’s Office of Electronic Health Information
Query based model CCD exchange 200+ “Live” facilities Participation Agreements from 108 of approximately 130 hospitals in the Commonwealth 27 of 29 Participation Agreements are CAH No further consent needed state Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS) funds and provides support to the Commonwealth’s 14 CMHCs but does not have direct control of the centers Kentucky HIE Background
Primary Behavioral Health Care Integration Pennyroyal Center received a grant under the PBHCI initiative Pennyroyal Center has a primary care license KHIE delivered KHIE CCD to Pennyroyal with Medicaid claims data and all “live” provider lab results Pennyroyal will share consolidated CCD with medical trading partners (needs 42 CFR Part 2 language) Current live medical trading partners Baptist Health, Madisonville, Lourdes Hospital, Paducah
Community Mental Health Center KHIE CCD to Pathways with Medicaid claims data and all “live” provider lab results (requires development) Pathways shares consolidated CCD with medical trading partners, primary care providers currently live King’s Daughters Medical Center, Fleming County Hospital, St. Claire Regional Medical Center (ready with connection to Care Connect) Primary Behavioral Health Care Integration
Community Mental Health Center Currently teaming with primary care providers KHIE CCD to Kentucky River Community Care with Medicaid claims data, all “live” provider lab results Kentucky River identified team practices: ARH, Quantum Healthcare, Mercy Medical Clinic. KRCC co-located with St. Joseph Martin but unable to share medical records Will use KHIE to deliver KRCC CCD consolidated with Medicaid claims data, all “live”provider lab results.
Primary Behavioral Health Care Integration Community Mental Health Center Partnering with FQHC Primary Plus KHIE CCD to Comprehend with Medicaid claims data, all “Live” provider lab results including St. Claire Regional Medical Center and Fleming County Hospital Comprehend using KHIE to deliver Comprehend CCD, Medicaid data and lab results to Primary Plus
KHIE required modifications Must release all patient data Must release all patient data to all providers in the HIE Must release all types of data Must release all data for all uses TPO TPO is also required by the GOEHI participation agreement Requires a 6 month consent period If another consent is not signed within 6 months the consent expires Consent Form
Importance of explaining use of health information for treatment Background explaining source and development of the consent form gives it credibility Importance of explaining form for release of behavioral health records and 42 CFR Part 2 only Finding Goal to determine if consumers understood the consent form Consumer Input
The patient needed assistance from medical office staff, advocate, or mental health mentor to complete the form Finding Goal to determine if consumers agreed form needed staff assistance for completion Consumer Input
Open comments received: Form should have larger font even if increased number of pages Signature from guardian only allowed if guardianship order produced Suggestion that KHIE video Kentucky doctors discussing the use of KHIE and how it helps doctors treat patients
Behavioral Health Education Center Partnership UK HealthCare CECentral Mission Statement University of Kentucky HealthCare CECentral delivers high-quality live and enduring continuing professional development activities to health care professionals using evidence-based practice, adult learning principles and innovative web-based technology. Vision Statement UK HealthCare CECentral aims to be the premier provider of continuing professional development for health care professionals in Kentucky and to establish our educational and technological resources worldwide. Purpose UK HealthCare CECentral provides health care professionals continuing professional development activities to increase knowledge, competence and performance levels for better patient-centered care, improved patient safety and enhanced clinical outcomes.
UK HealthCare CECentral KHIE will be hosting Behavioral Health Education Center modules on the University of Kentucky HealthCare website. UK HealthCare CECentral plans to issue statements for up to 1 hour of credit per module for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™, Social Work and Psychology to eligible participants completing the CE Activity.
UK HealthCare CECentral Planned Modules for Behavioral Health CE Credit include: I. An Overview II. Integrated Care I III. Integrated Care II IV. Consent Form Overview V. Consent Form Case Studies KHIE & UK HealthCare CECentral collaborated in developing a needs assessment, learning objectives, goals, expected outcomes and an evaluation tool for the CE Activity.
UK HealthCare CECentral Activity Modules Overview What is KHIE? National Perspectives Behavioral Health Overview Overview What is KHIE? National Perspectives Behavioral Health Overview Integrated Care I Overview of IC Reflection from a Primary Care perspective on IC Integrated Care I Overview of IC Reflection from a Primary Care perspective on IC Integrated Care II Traditional IC Pennyroyal’s Story Non Traditional IC Kentucky River Integrated Care II Traditional IC Pennyroyal’s Story Non Traditional IC Kentucky River Consent Form I Overview Why, Who, When? Form Details Screen Demo Consent Form I Overview Why, Who, When? Form Details Screen Demo Consent Form II Cases in Consent Patient Situations Options Refusal? Consent Form II Cases in Consent Patient Situations Options Refusal? UK HealthCare CECentral will issue statements of continuing education credits to eligible participants once training has been completed.
I. Introduction II. Background III. Connectivity I.Connectivity Option 1: Participants with CCD Capability II.Connectivity Option 2: Participants without CCD Capability IV. Presentation The KHIE Connection Partnering to Improve PATIENT Health Outcomes KHIE Consent Form for Behavioral Health Centers V. Patient Consent and Authorization Form for Disclosure of Certain Health Information to the Kentucky Health Information Exchange VI. Kentucky Health Information Exchange Consent Explanation for Behavioral Health Patient Records VII. Training for the KHIE Consent Form for use in Behavioral Health Centers I.Consent Explanation Form II.Rules Regarding Consent Kentucky Behavioral Health Stakeholders Training Manual Table of Contents
Projected Consent Form Use Kentucky State-Owned Behavioral Health Facilities
For additional information contact: For information on Kentucky’s Behavioral Health Training Manual contact Charlese Blair at