Home page for the AIAA STC Acts like a table of content for the site Central column is the most dynamic TC meeting information publications events Links to the other AIAA web sites Reflects the interests of the committee (e.g. see the new “Lean Certification” heading) New topics can be added if needed Home page for the AIAA STC Acts like a table of content for the site Central column is the most dynamic TC meeting information publications events Links to the other AIAA web sites Reflects the interests of the committee (e.g. see the new “Lean Certification” heading) New topics can be added if needed
Information about the upcoming meeting updated every time new information becomes available Information about the upcoming meeting updated every time new information becomes available
Information about the most recent meeting Minutes, agendas, and other material Information about the most recent meeting Minutes, agendas, and other material Archived information from previous meetings Minutes, agendas, and other material Archived information from previous meetings Minutes, agendas, and other material
Complete contact information for the TC Chair Name, Affiliation and only for members and friends Privacy issues? ( Name, Affiliation and only for members and friends Privacy issues? (
Complete contact information for the TC Chair Name, Affiliation and only for members and friends (Privacy issues) Name, Affiliation and only for members and friends (Privacy issues)
Aerospace America Articles Archived Structures TC Featured articles Link to the AIAA website Aerospace America Articles Archived Structures TC Featured articles Link to the AIAA website