Welcome Environmental Envisioning Committee… please sign in and have refreshments…. FACILITIES CURRICULUM COMMUNITY SCHOOLS
Environmental Stewardship – utilizing a systemic approach to inspire our students to become stewards of the environment, resulting in improved student learning and academic achievement. Agenda: January 15 th Welcome and Introductions Review of the Initiative –Purpose and Goals “Where are we going?” –Results – The Vision and Plan –Website for Information Sub-committee Structures –Selections for Sub-committees/Meet together –Roles and Responsibilities –Framework for Planning and Communication –Organize and Begin the Work
Environmental Stewardship – utilizing a systemic approach to inspire our students to become stewards of the environment, resulting in improved student learning and academic achievement. Welcome and Introductions Meeting Objectives Overview of Current Practices Establishing the Vision Next Steps AGENDA OCTOBER 23 rd
Environmental Stewardship – utilizing a systemic approach to inspire our students to become stewards of the environment, resulting in improved student learning and academic achievement. FACILITIES CURRICULUM COMMUNITY SCHOOLS
Environmental Stewardship – utilizing a systemic approach to inspire our students to become stewards of the environment, resulting in improved student learning and academic achievement. Meeting Objectives 1.Identify current sustainability efforts and build on strengths. 2.Establish priorities and framework to establish a vision for sustainability.
Environmental Stewardship – utilizing a systemic approach to inspire our students to become stewards of the environment, resulting in improved student learning and academic achievement. This AISD – Community Framework for Stewardship of the Earth known, as the “Framework for Sustainability” will include: Teachers, Students, Administrators – Curriculum and School Initiatives Facilities – Green Buildings, Employees, waste management and construction -Community Resources – partners and environmental locations in the Austin area.
District Overview Curriculum Department State Science Curriculum – The TEKS “Students understand the effect of human behavior on the environment.” “Water quality” – Chemistry “Ecosystems” - Biology
Environmental Stewardship – utilizing a systemic approach to inspire our students to become stewards of the environment, resulting in improved student learning and academic achievement. Community Partnerships Austin Energy – Solar Panel Installations LCRA – Watershed, Colorado River, Highland Lakes Chain Austin Nature Center Lady Bird Wildflower Center Spring 2008 District Survey
Environmental Stewardship – utilizing a systemic approach to inspire our students to become stewards of the environment, resulting in improved student learning and academic achievement. Facilities and Transportation Energy, Water and Sustainability Renewable Energy Emission Reduction Water Conservation
Environmental Stewardship – utilizing a systemic approach to inspire our students to become stewards of the environment, resulting in improved student learning and academic achievement. Establishing the Vision – A System -Classrooms/Schools/District -Facilities, Construction, Transportation -Community “Draw the system, establish a vision”
Environmental Stewardship – utilizing a systemic approach to inspire our students to become stewards of the environment, resulting in improved student learning and academic achievement. Establishing the Vision – A System “Draw the system, establish a vision” 1.What does it Look Like? What are the essential/key components? 2.Draw and Label 3.Synthesize your drawings 4.Prepare to report
Environmental Stewardship – utilizing a systemic approach to inspire our students to become stewards of the environment, resulting in improved student learning and academic achievement. Establishing the Vision – A System “Brainstorm in your groups, then on stickies” 1.How can we establish the vision? Refer to the group charts. 2.What components are needed? 3.What other groups/organizations? 4.List all your ideas. One per stickie.
Environmental Stewardship – utilizing a systemic approach to inspire our students to become stewards of the environment, resulting in improved student learning and academic achievement. Establishing the Vision – A System 1.Sort the stickies into common themes 2.Label the themes 3.Vote for priority one – red dot 4.Vote for priority two – yellow dots Report out
Environmental Stewardship – utilizing a systemic approach to inspire our students to become stewards of the environment, resulting in improved student learning and academic achievement. Results: BE THINKING OF WHAT SUB- COMMITTEE YOU WANT TO JOIN
Environmental Stewardship – utilizing a systemic approach to inspire our students to become stewards of the environment, resulting in improved student learning and academic achievement. Results: 1.Institutional Policy Development 2.Communication Purchasing Curriculum Transportation Facilities Resources Programs
AISD – Community Environmental Envisioning Committee Results October 23, 2008 Results Priority 1:Institutional Policy Development AISD Board Green Policy/Interlocal Community Environmental Dept./Policies Purchasing Policy Compliance Policies State Recycling Laws Zero Waste Efficiency Clean Air Energy Maintenance Standards Campus/Dept. Policies and Guidelines Campus-based Environment Plans – CIP Guidelines for school “Green Teams” Priority 2 – Communication o Website/Staff Portal o Coordinate and communicate activities city and district o Maps – community resources and schools o AISD Enviro. Center o Contact points – city and district o District Green Teams o Planning Groups o “Go Green Initiative” Buttons, bumper stickers, mugs, bags, etc. Community - School sponsors o Community Presentations o Master Data base: Curriculum Resources Partners Business/Industry City Depts. Points of contact CurriculumPurchasing Resources Programs Transportation Energy Facilities Recycling
Environmental Stewardship – utilizing a systemic approach to inspire our students to become stewards of the environment, resulting in improved student learning and academic achievement. Agenda: January 15 th Welcome and Introductions Review of the Initiative –Purpose and Goals “Where are we going?” –Results – The Vision and Plan –Website for Information Sub-committee Structures –Selections for Sub-committees/Meet together –Roles and Responsibilities –Framework for Planning and Communication –Organize and Begin the Work
Environmental Stewardship – utilizing a systemic approach to inspire our students to become stewards of the environment, resulting in improved student learning and academic achievement. SUB-COMMITTEE STRUCTURES Steering Committee: composed of co-chairs Policy and Communication PRIMARY FOCUS Sub-Committees: Recycling, Facilities, Energy, Resources, Transportation Membership: Co-chairs, Recorder, Members, other roles as needed defined by sub-committee All sub-committees focus on their areas, but include POLICY, COMMUNICATIONS, CAMPUSES AND CURRICULUM
Sub-committee composition/roles: Co-chairs (policy & communication). –Schedule meetings & set agendas, maintain focus, ensure task – timeline – objective completion. –Steering Committee service – 1 policy, 1 communication. Recorder – minutes, attendance, location, dates, maintain artifacts, gather information, ensure communication for meetings. Establish Group Norms Record Membership TASK SHEET #1
Sub-committee ___________ Establish Goals and Objectives: 1.Review and Discuss 1 st meeting results 2.Establish Group Name 3.Discuss possible goals, objectives, tasks, etc.. 4.Prepare to report out to whole group TASK SHEET #2
Environmental Stewardship – utilizing a systemic approach to inspire our students to become stewards of the environment, resulting in improved student learning and academic achievement. SUB-COMMITTEE SELECTION Reflect on our work so far, determine your area of interest and focus. Join a sub-committee indicated by chart tablets, group yourselves accordingly: Recycling, Facilities, Energy, Resources, Transportation
COMPLETE TASK SHEETS #1 & #2 Co-chairs (policy & communication). –Schedule meetings & set agendas, maintain focus, ensure task – timeline – objective completion. –Steering Committee service – 1 policy, 1 communication. Recorder – minutes, attendance, location, dates, maintain artifacts, gather information, ensure communication for meetings. Establish Group Norms Record Membership TASK SHEET #1
Sub-committee ___________ Establish Goals and Objectives: 1.Review and Discuss 1 st meeting results 2.Establish Group Name 3.Discuss possible goals, objectives, tasks, etc.. 4.Prepare to report out to whole group TASK SHEET #2
Sub-committee ___________ 1.Share Group Name 2.Share goals, objectives, tasks, etc.. 3.Listen for overlaps, duplications, connections 4.Ask for clarification 5.Questions….. GROUP REPORTS
WHOLE GROUP Meeting Dates: Thursday, March 5 th Thursday, May 14 th Thursday, July 23 rd SUBCOMMITTEES PLAN ACCORDINGLY Meetings in between whole group Reporting Timelines On-going WHOLE GROUP Agenda Items: Group Progress Reports Issues/Barriers New Items Budgets Communication Policy
Tools: Sample Agenda Calendar Planning Document On-going Subcommittee Agenda Items: Welcome & Introductions Review Norms Review previous meeting results Establish/Review meeting objectives Meeting tasks Review agreements/assignments/next steps Review timeline and next meeting date/time/location SUBCOMMITTEES
Continue subcommittee process Establish timelines Next Whole Group Meeting is Thursday, March 5 th Thank You! Next Steps: