Common Core Math Professional Development Secondary Mathematics September 20, 2013
Essential Questions What knowledge do I need about the Common Core Standards to be able to support teachers’ math instruction? What questions do I ask and what do I look for in the classroom to support the teacher in implementing the Mathematical Practices? How do I encourage a teacher to reflect on the interaction between the students and mathematics?
Learning Goals: Participants will: Develop a deeper understanding of Common Core State Standards through the “unpacking” of standards. Gain an understanding of Mathematics CCSS Curriculum Documents and Resources Identify Elements within the Curriculum Documents that Relate to the FFT Domain 1 Components and Elements Identified by PGCPS Use the FFT 5 Es' Lesson Planner to plan an engaging and rigorous mathematics lesson embedding UDL strategies… 1 min. Read to teachers
How Did We Get Here? Please allow time for participants to explore PGCPS Secondary Mathematics Google Site as well as download curriculum onto their desktops. Presenter will briefly review tabs and content of Google site with participants. Presenter will emphasize the importance of Google Site. Participants will work in pairs/triads use the curriculum to identify which page from the curriculum a teacher can find the information to fill-out each component of the Collaborative Planning Template. Share Out. Unpacking the Common Core Curriculum Document through the Lesson Exemplar
Let’s Review a FFT Lesson… Review model lesson and relate each “E” in the lesson as you go through FFT. Participants will then use the completed FFT Lesson Plan to identify which section from the Collaborative Planning Template will assist teachers with completing their FFT Lesson Plan.
What Does Implementing the Common Core Standards Mean for Instruction? Ask participants to describe in 5 words what it means to them.
Content vs. Practice Standards Mathematical Concepts Content Standards: WHAT the students are learning The Common Core State Standards for Mathematics are comprised of BOTH practice standards and content standards. The Practice Standards focus on HOW students are learning math. The content standards focus on WHAT students are learning. The Standards for Mathematical Practice provide a vision to be applied to the teaching and learning of the content standards. In January, we will be focusing on the Standards for Mathematical Practice. The Content Standards will be covered in the month of February. Practice Standards focus on HOW, which is directly related to SIOP (best practice model) and WIDA standards and objectives (for LEP students) in that Language Objectives state HOW the students will demonstrate what they learn through the four domains of language: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Behaviors Practice Standards: HOW the students are learning
Implementing the Common Core Content Standards requires… Unpacking the standards and understanding what is contained within each. Developing clear learning goals or objectives for MULTIPLE Standards. Shifting students’ focus from “answer getting” to problem solving and critical thinking. Connecting standards to prior knowledge of students. Establishing the classroom environment as a community of learners. 2-5 min.
Implementing the Common Core Practice Standards requires… Refer to Mathematical Practices – Look- Fors as Classroom Indicators. This document can be used during formal and informal observations. Also have participants refer to curriculum where student behavior as well as assessing and advancing questions are specifically spelled out for each Practice Standard.
Unpacking the Standards: Digging Deep into the Content Standards Pose the question “Which picture best describes your teacher’s view of unpacking common core standards?”
Let’s Select a Content Standard 8.EE.4: Perform operations with numbers expressed in scientific notation, including problems where both decimals and scientific notation are used. Use scientific notation and choose units of appropriate size… 7.RP.3: Use proportional relationships to solve multistep ratio and percent problems. Let’s Select a Content Standard A.REI.10: Understand that the graph of an equation in two variables is the set of all its solutions plotted in the coordinate plane, often forming a curve (which could be a line). 6.RP.3. Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world and mathematical problems
Unpacking Questions: What do students need to know? note the nouns in the standards What do students need to do? note the verbs in the standards To what degree do student need to perform? note the verbs (e.g., Blooms Taxonomies and Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DOK)) As participants are thinking about the standard, they can ask themselves these 3 questions.
Question: How can I make a lesson or task accessible for ALL students? Answer: Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Unpacking the Standards Participants will begin the unpacking process.
Let’s Plan a Lesson… Participants will plan using the 5Es/FFT template. Participants will write a lesson from the upcoming Unit. Use resources from curriculum. Allow time to plan and participants will share out.
Planning Checklist Grade Level Curriculum Document Lesson Plan Template UDL Planning Sheet Collaborative Planning Graphic Organizer/ Template Supporting Resources 10 min. Review ho to access the Google site Tell them they can access the site when they have their PGCPS email. Let them know that all activities that they completed today are on the Google site. Show the sections of the Google site and how to access the curriculum documents, tasks, resources, etc. Pass out teacher editions and allow pairs to look at the book. Let them know that the text book is only a RESOURCE and should they should not turn page by page or go through it chapter by chapter.
Biggest Takeaways What have you learned about the structure of the units, lesson planning, unpacking content standards, and the mathematical practices? Turn and talk with a partner at your table about your biggest takeaways from this session. Assessment of participants knowledge. Homework is to bring an exemplar lesson from Unit be prepared to discuss the implementation and student understanding
Secondary Mathematics Department Contact Information Stephanie Secondary Mathematics Supervisor Michelle Middle School Mathematics Specialist Valerie Nelson- Secondary Mathematics Specialist/Special Education Beyunka Mathematics Resource Teacher Garnetta Office Phone (301) 749-5610