CURRENT STATUS AND PROGRESS IN ESTABLISHING THE SECRETARIAT Meeting of the African Group on National Accounts (AGNA) on the Implementation of the 2008 System of National Accounts Josephine Marealle Ulimwengu Office of Partnerships 5 February 2014 ADDIS ABABA United Nations Economic Commission for Africa EN/AGNA/2014/Pres/11
ECA Restructuring/ Refocusing - Highlights 1.Re-calibrated ECA’s Programme of Work and organizational structure to respond to the transformative development priorities and needs of member States. Nine interdependent and complementary subprogrammes which reflect and respond to priorities of member States More sharpened policy and issue-oriented research and analytical work Expansion of the African Centre of Statistics Streamlined and focused capacity development and technical assistance Capacity Development Division (AU/NEPAD Support Team) & IDEP - African Institute for Economic Development and Planning
ECA Restructuring/ Refocusing - Highlights … contd New emphasis on cross-sectoral issues and intersectoral linkages e.g. deepening the integration of the three dimensions of sustainable development (social, economic and environmental) into ECA Work Programme 2. Revamped and set new business standards To provide enhanced support to Member States through focused capacity development intervention New and harmonized rules of engagement and approaches for the management of centres, joint initiatives and associated entities
New ECA Partnership Strategy Articulates the key features of ECA’s new approach to partnerships Partnerships beyond resource mobilization Sharing knowledge and ideas, developing synergies, building upon respective comparative advantages and avoiding duplication of efforts Explore and forge horizontal partnerships in pursuit of ECA strategic agenda Leveraging partnerships to support the fulfilment of ECA’s mandate within the context of new and emerging opportunities and challenges
Strategy for Refocused African Centre for Statistics statistics at the forefront of generation of policy research and knowledge presents priority areas of the refocused ACS as well as the core functions of the different sections of the Centre Preparing country profiles/risk analysis Feeding ECA products Building macroeconomic models Developing and publishing a regional integration index
The New African Centre for Statistics
Structure and Role of ECA Sub-regional Offices Sub-regional Data Centres Generate robust statistics and data using innovative techniques, including ICTs, for evidence-based policy research and policy formulation (regularly updated Country Profiles, Risk Analysis and Forecasting) Sub-regional Initiatives Design, implement and coordinate subregional development initiatives Output 1.2: Establishment and strengthening of needed institutions (PRODOC)
Conclusions and Recommendations of the Task Force on Finalization of the Project Document on SNA Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Feb 2013 Continental Office – Background The Secretariat of the Project is renamed as the “Continental Office for the Implementation of the 2008 SNA” and the Office will be headed by a Manager. The Office will be physically established by April 2013 and hosted by ECA. – Done Office will be made up of staff from ECA, AfDB, and AUC. The Manager of the Continental Office should be full-time and physically stationed at the Continental Office.
Conclusions and Recommendations of the Task Force on Finalization of the Project Document on SNA Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Feb 2013 …. contd Responsibilities of the Continental Office Serving as the Secretariat to Project, the CSC and meetings of the Executive Board Coordinating the preparation of work plans, budgets and log-frames; Preparing, with input from the Executive Board, agendas and invitations for CSC and Executive Board meetings; Providing background documentation for meetings at least two weeks in advance of CSC or Executive Board meetings; Preparing and circulating the minutes of CSC and Executive Board meetings no later than two weeks after holding such meetings; Mobilizing and allocating resources; Monitoring, evaluating and reporting on the conduct and operation of the Project
a)Seed funds for establishment of the Continental Office ($1,7 million) Salaries (from RB) Organizing the meeting of CSC (Sponsorship of representatives from member States) Fully equipped offices (6); communication; furniture; IT hardware/software; utilities, conference facilities etc. Other in-kind services: security; library and IT support; cleaning, postal services; cafeterias etc.
b) Project implementation Status of resources: RB - $2.62 million approved, not yet secured XB - $695,000, secured XB requirements for running the Secretariat - $1.55 million Status of implementation Secondment of temporary qualified staff from any of the three Pan African Institutions – Negotiations with AfDB and AUC for secondment on-going. Recruitment of full time staff for the Continental Office Technical staff: Manager; 2 National Accounts Experts; 2 Regional Advisors (already recruited) Support staff: 1 Programme Officer (already recruited); 1Finance Officer and 1Administrative Assistant (Will be on board from 10 February 2014).
AUC, AfDB, and UNECA: Launch and operationalize the African Project on the Implementation of the 2008 SNA on 01 January 2014 – Started with training in Mauritania Put into place interim mechanisms aimed at the management and work of the Continental Office – On- going Further develop the Secretariat component of the budget to illustrate the use of funding for technical assistance and capacity building - On-going Develop a standard framework for monitoring, evaluating, reporting, and disseminating related reports in a timely manner - On-going Engage and follow up with development partners regarding the outcome of financial resource mobilization and report the status to the CSC on a quarterly basis - On-going Continue advocacy at the national, sub-regional, and regional levels - On-going Recommendations from the Inaugural Meeting of the Continental Steering Committee September 2013, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Responsibilities of the CSC Secretariat In support of the CSC Prior to each CSC meeting, preparing and circulating agendas and related background documents to be discussed at the meeting; After each CSC meeting, Prepares and circulates the report, conclusions, and recommendations of the meeting; and Serves as the focal point of contact between the CSC and external organizations. In support of the Project Preparing of work plans, budgets, and log-frames for the Project; Coordinating with Regional Coordinators and other partners for implementing the African Project; Mobilizing and allocating resources; Assist and backstop the countries to design their action plans in line with the Continental Framework, and Monitoring, evaluation, and reporting on the implementation of the African Project on SNA. Recommendations from the Inaugural Meeting of the Continental Steering Committee September 2013, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia … contd
Ongoing RM activities Ongoing consultations with potential funding/strategic partners including: AusAID Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation DfID; and European Union On-going support from the Office of Partnerships