Deep Cognitive Planning (Required by DAIT, Good for teachers & kids!)
Steps to Cognitive Planning 1. Identify standard to be addressed. 2. Analyze & deconstruct standard. 3. Analyze assessment. 4. Identify level of rigor. 5. Break standard into the specific chunks of learning. 6. For every chunk, write instructional objective. 7. Establish time frame. 8. Identify key words. 9. Identify resources needed. 10. Identify groups of students for differentiation Step Lesson Plan for one lesson.
Grade 6 ELA Cluster Analysis ClusterWA, VOCRdg CompLit RespWrit ConvWrit Strat # Items % Min Adv88%73%80%84%78% % Min Prof74%59%67%70%60% % CVUSD70.1%58.9%64.4%67.4%58.3% % Emerald53.8%45.2%50%55.8%44.8% Diff EmSTEM/ Proficient -20.2%-13.8%-17%-14.2%-15.2%
Benchmark 1 ELA 6th WA, Flu, Voc Rdg Comp LR & Anal Writ Strat Writ/or al conv TotalPercent 5/62/37/95/62/322/2780/100 # Assessed169 Avg Score At/Ab Tgt Intensive Strategic Benchmark Challenge
Standards we’re addressing today (6 th Grade ELA) : ELA: Word Analysis, Fluency, and Systematic Vocabulary Development 1.2 Vocabulary and Concept Development: Identify and interpret figurative language and words with multiple meanings 1.4 Monitor epoditory text for unknown words or words with novel meanings by using word, sentence, and paragraph clues to determine meaning.
Grade 6 Math Cluster Analysis ClusterR,P,%,-Op/PS Frac Alg & Fcns Msmt & Geom Stat, DA, Prob # Items % Min Adv 83%85%88%79%85% % Min Prof 63%68%72%58%65% % CVUSD64.2%65.7%69.2%60.8%64.8% % Emerald55.8%56.5%59.6%48.1%49.1% Diff EmSTEM /Proficient -7.2%-11.5%-12.4%-9.9%-15.9%
Benchmark 1 Math 6th Num SenseAlg & FcnsMath ReasTotal 6/718/232/226/32 # Assessed175 Avg Score At/Ab Target Intensive Strategic Benchmark Challenge
Standards we’re addressing today (6 th Math) – please narrow focus to one of these: Math: Number Sense 1.1 Compare and order positive and negative fractions, decimals, and mixed numbers and place them on a number line. 2.2 Explain the meaning of multiplication and division of positive fractions and perform the calculations (e.g., 5/8 divided by 15/16 = 5/8 Å~ 16/15 = 2/3). 2.4* Determine the least common multiple and the greatest common divisor of whole numbers; use them to solve problems with fractions (e.g., to find a common denominator to add two fractions or to find the reduced form for a fraction).
Standards we’re addressing today (6 th Math) – please narrow focus to one of these: Math: Math Reasoning 1.1 Analyze problems by identifying relationships, distinguishing relevant from irrelevant information, identifying missing information, sequencing and prioritizing information, and observing patterns. 2.1 Use estimation to verify the reasonableness of calculated results. 3.1 Evaluate the reasonableness of the solution in the context of the original situation.
Grade 7 ELA Cluster Analysis ClusterWA, Voc Rdg Comp LR, Anal Writ Conv Writ Strat Writ Applic # Items % Min A87%86%83%80%77%91% % Min P73%71%70%65%54%82% % CV71.5%70.5%69.3%64.7%57.6%76.4% % Em60.3%61.3%60%55.4%46.6%65.5% Diff Em/P -12.7%-9.7%-10%-9.6%-7.4%-16.5%
Benchmark 1 ELA 7th Word Anal, Fl, Voc Rdg CompLit Resp & Anal Writ/Oral Conv TotalPercent 3/42/26/83/414/1880/100 # Assessed130 Avg Score At/Ab Target Intensive Strategic Benchmark Challenge
Grade 8 ELA Cluster Analysis ClusterWA, VocRdg CompLR, AnalWrit ConvWrit Strat # Items % Min A77%82%80% 79% % Min P65%70%63%65%63% % CV63.8%68.3%66%64.7%64.1% % Em54.1%58.1%56%55.2%55.4% Diff Em/P-10.9%-11.9%-7%-9.8%-7.6%
Benchmark 1 ELA 8th Word Anal, Flu, Voc Rdg CompLit Resp & Anal Written/O ral Conv TotalPercent 3/45/62/210/1320/1580/100 # Assessed138 Avg Score At/Ab Target Intensive Strategic Benchmark Challenge
Grade 7 Math Cluster Analysis ClusterRat #sExp, Pow, Rts Q Rshp, Eval Exp MltPrb, Gr,Fcn Msmt & Geom Stat,DA, Prob # Ittems % Min A85%79%82%84%82%88% % Min P63%54%63%65%63%73% % CV64%55.6%64.6%64.1%64.2%68.9% % Em55%45.9%54.1%57.8%58.3%60.3% Diff Em/P -8%-8.1%-8.9%-7.2%-4.7%-12.7%
Benchmark 1 Math Pre Alg
Grade 8 Gen Math Cluster Analysis ClusterRat #sExp, Pow, Rts QuanRel Ev Exp MS Prob Graph Msmt & Geom Stat,DA, Prob # Items % Min A85%77%86% 77%86% % Min P65%52%73%72%55%71% % CV46.8%36.9%53.9%52%39.7%50.6% % Em51.5%36.6%55.2%52.5%41.6%50.4% Diff Em/P -13.5%-15.4%-17.8%-19.5%-13.4%-20.6%
Benchmark 1 Alg Rdy Num SenseAlg & FcnsMath ReasTotal 7/98/101/116/20 # Assessed61 Avg Score At/Ab Target Intensive Strategic13907 Benchmark Challenge
Grade 8 Algebra Cluster Analysis ClusterNP, Op, LinEq Graph Syst Lin Eq Quad, PolyFcns, Rat Exp # Items % Min A84%82%83%68% % Min P70%56%60%43% % CV65.2%57.9%61.6%48.3% % Em58.1%49.7%55.3%42.8% Diff Em/P-11.9%-6.3%-4.7%-0.2%
Benchmark 1 Math Alg Num Prop, Op, Lin Fcns Fcns & Ratnl Expressions Total 16/204/520/25 # Assessed98 Avg Score At/Ab Target Intensive Strategic200 Benchmark Challenge113715
Standards we’re addressing today (7-8 ELA): ELA: Word Analysis, Fluency, and Systematic Vocabulary Development 7 th 1.3 Vocabulary and Concept Development: Clarify word meanings through the use of definition, example, restatement, or contrast. 8 th 1.3 Vocabulary and Concept Development: Use word meanings within the appropriate context and show ability to verify those meanings by definition, restatement, example, comparison, or contrast.
Standards we’re addressing today (Algebra): Math: Number Properties, Operations, and Linear Equations 5. Students solve multi-step problems, including word problems, involving linear equations and linear inequalities in one variable and provide justification for each step.