Mrs. White Language Arts 7 TH GRADE
ME! -Houston -Family -Hobbies -Schools
CLASS RULES Read them. Know them. Follow them.
DISCIPLINE -Tardies will not be tolerated. -Documentation will be kept, parents will be contacted, and the campus discipline steps will be followed. -Serious offenses will receive an immediate referral, as the campus discipline steps state. -Detention takes place at lunch or after school, regardless of after school activities. -A student in ISS will not be allowed to participate in any school activities on the days assigned.
CLASS SUPPLIES -spiral notebook -highlighter -pen & pencil -pencil sharpener -notebook paper
AGENDA BOARD TARGET: What you should be able to do after today’s lesson BW: Bell Work should be completed the first 3 minutes of class in your spiral and will be turned in on Friday. Use 1 page/week. CW: Class work that we will do in class that day HW: Homework for that night, due the next day
PLANNERS/AGENDAS -Hall pass -Fill it out every Monday for the entire week -Random planner checks **If you don’t have your planner, it is expected that you copy it on notebook paper and transfer to planner on your own time.
RESTROOM/GOING PLACES -You may not go in the first 15 minutes or the last 10 minutes of the class period. -Fill out your planner for me to sign. -Try to limit your leaving class to emergencies only. -You will still be responsible for everything you miss while you’re out of the room.
ABSENCES/MAKE-UP WORK -It is the student’s responsibility to make up work missed due to absence. -When you return, check the make-up work tray for your work. If it’s empty, ask me. -Make-up work is due within 5 days of the absence or it is will be a zero.
MISSING WORK/LATE WORK -If you don’t turn homework in when I collect it, then it’s late. -Late work is accepted for 30 points off the grade. -If you don’t turn in the class work, other measures may be taken: mandatory tutoring (working lunch/after school) Saturday school for 4 hours pulled from gym or elective to complete it **No 7 th graders failed Mrs. White’s class last year because she expects work to get done and follows through with efforts to get it turned in.
HOW TO RE-DO ASSIGNMENTS If you choose to re-do assignments* for a higher grade, you can get up to half the credit back. For example, if you made a 60 (-40 points), you can get up to an 80 (20 pts. back) by doing the following: 1.On notebook paper, write the questions with the answers that you missed and why you originally picked them/wrote them. 2.Under your original wrong answer, write your new answer, and justify why you picked it/wrote it based on the passage/grammar rules, etc. 3.Staple the notebook paper to the original assignment, and turn it in within 2 weeks of the original assignment date. Assignments near the end of the nine weeks may not allow for the two week window, and they must be submitted by Mrs. White’s deadline prior to the last week of the quarter. **Papers in the writing portfolio may not leave my classroom. Therefore, if a student wishes to re-do one, it must be done at lunch, during extra time in class, or after school.