ROUSSEAU 5th Grade "Education is not the filling of a bucket, but the lighting of a fire." - W B Yeats
The Teachers Nancy Coren Diane McDonald Rachelle Lennemann Shelley Clayburn
Fifth Grade Schedule :00-9:10 Homeroom 9:10-9:40 Enrichment 9:45-10:35 Specials 10:35-11:40 Math 11:40-12:15 Writing 12:18-12:53 Lunch/Recess 1:05-1:45 Large Group Reading 1:45-2:25 Guided Reading 2:25-2:40 Recess 2:40-3:30 Block Studies 3:30-3:38 Closure/Dismissal
Language Arts READING UNITS Eureka! I’ve Got It! Taking the Next Step Getting from Here to There It’s Up to You New Perspectives WRITING GENRES Focus: Personal Narrative/Memoir Poetry Descriptive Paragraph Personal Essay Research SPELLING The student will take a pre-test at the beginning of each Reading Unit. Each student tests from either the Approaching, On, or Beyond List. The student studies both at school and at home during the week with a post-test on Friday.
Math Number Sense Compare and order fractions and decimals Add, subtract, multiply, and divide whole numbers, fractions, and decimals Geometric/Measurement Convert among common units of measure Use properties of shapes, solids, lines, and angles Algebraic Evaluate expressions Write and solve equations Data Analysis and Probability Find mean, median, and mode Find and use probabilities to solve problems Math Fact Practice 45/50 in 3 minutes!
UNIT STUDIES Social Studies Units Tribal Nations European Exploration Colonial Heritage Stories of Americans Who Worked for Freedom & Equality Health Units Alcohol, Tobacco, and other Drugs Emotional/Family and Social Health Nutrition Growth & Development Science Units Rocks and Minerals Scientific Investigations Chemistry Water & Wetlands
TECHNOLOGY Creativity & Innovation Plans and develops original products using technology tools Communication & Collaboration Uses digital media and technology tools to communicate and collaborate Demonstrates the touch typing method, emphasizing technique Research & Information Fluency Uses digital tools to gather, evaluate, and process information Technology Operations & Concepts Selects and uses applications effectively and productively Work/Study Habits & Digital Citizenship Actively attends to instruction and contributes to a productive learning environment. Understands and practices responsible, safe, & ethical uses of information and technology THANK YOU ROUSSEAU PTO!!