History of Computers Created by:
1940s First color TV broadcast First terminals by Bell Laboratories Complex Number Calculator from Bell Laboratories
1950s 1953: First high-speed printer for UNIVAC First magnetic tape device (IBM 726) IBM’s 701: 1st generation computer
1960s Removable Disks are made 1966: 1968: Texas Instruments make hand-held calculator 1968: Apollo Guidance Computer used for Apollo 7
1970s 1975: 1976: 1978: 1st computer store opens in Santa Monica, CA Steve Wozniak designs Apple I 1978: SPRINT business service is in motion
1980s 1981: Osborne Computer make Osborne I, 1st portable computer 1982: Time Magazine calls the computer “Man of the Year” 1984: Apple introduces the Macintosh computer
1990s 1990: 1992: 1994: World Wide Web formed by Tim Bernerslee Microsoft introduces Windows for Workgroup 1994: Yahoo is founded as Internet search engine
2000s 2001: 2003: 2004: Runescape, an online game, was founded Myspace founded by Thomas Anderson 2004: Facebook founded by Mark Zuckerburg
Works Cited http://www.cyberstreet.com/hcs/museum/museum.htm http://www.computerhistory.org/timeline http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_computing