Goals: ● To encourage students to be lifelong readers ● To develop critical reading skills Means: ● Book Clubs ● Mentor Texts ● Independent Reading ● One-on-One Conferences
Quarter 1 ● Building Fluency: Writing Notebooks ● Writing Process: Narrative Non-Fiction—Memoir ● Editing: Reader Response Journals ● Analytical Writing: Character Analysis
● Independent Reading: 30 Minutes Every Day Enrichment Activities ● Writing Contests ● NanoWriMo: ● Spelling Bee Practice ● Vocabulary Practice
Formative Assessment ● Daily assessments are used to determine students’ progress toward mastery of learning targets. ● Formative assessments do not count toward the report card grade.
1 st Quarter Summative Assessments ● Vocabulary Quiz ● Character Analysis & Figurative Language Quiz ● Character Analysis Essay ● Revised Reader Response Journal ● Non-Fiction Narrative: Memoir
Re-Teaching ● Students learn at different rates. Our goal as teachers is to make sure that each student masters the skills, even if it takes more than one assessment. ● 69% or lower on summative assessment: Teacher Directed Reassessment Students are required to attend a re-teach session and re-take.
70 and above—Student–Directed Reassessment Students who have completed all formative assessments but would like to improve their summative grade must follow these procedures: Quizzes and Tests: 1. All formative assessments and study guides must have been completed on time. 2. Tell the teacher that they would like to retake the assessment. 3. Attend the scheduled re-teach session 4. Retake the assessment within a two week window Reteach/Retest con’t.
Projects & Essays Students will receive teacher feedback throughout the drafting process regarding necessary revisions. Students are expected to incorporate the revisions into their final projects and essays. Therefore, final products that earn a grade 70 or above are not eligible for retakes.
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Follow us on Our goal: To open communication pathways with parents using available technology. Assignment updates Important Info
Google Classroom ° Each child has a Google Locker and a Google Classroom account. ° To log into their Google Locker account: Username: first initial.last name last three digits of their student locker.lcps.org Ex. Larry Lion 864: ° Password: Same as what they use to log onto the school computers. ° From there, they can access Google classroom and don’t forget to check the teacher websites as well.
English 7 Website Please check out our website
How Can I Help? ● Ask your student: What book are you reading? ● Read the same book as your child and discuss it. ● Model your reading habits (books, blogs, newspapers, magazines, etc.) ● Donate an item to our comfy corner: bean bag, reading pillow, lamp. ● Contribute to our Workshop Supply Center: cardstock, colored pencils, magic markers, highlighters, glue sticks, EXPO markers. ● Donate books to our classroom library.