Welcome Parents!
Introduction Experience: 9th year of teaching, 8 th year at Wilson, 7 th year as a 6 th grade teacher at Wilson Goals for the year: Inspire students to enjoy learning! Prepare all students for 7 th grade by meeting state standards Differentiate instruction to meet the needs and learning styles of all students (challenge/modify)
Agenda –Students are expected to write their homework in their agendas on a daily basis Great tool for being organized and responsible Homework Hotline: Communication – –Classroom phone Website: ls/wilson-k-8/teacher- staff/mr-smerz-class- webpage.aspx ls/wilson-k-8/teacher- staff/mr-smerz-class- webpage.aspx ls/wilson-k-8/teacher- staff/mr-smerz-class- webpage.aspx –Forms/Handouts –Due Dates/Class Updates Communication
Grading Standard grading scale: –A –A –A 6 th Grade Late Work Policy = - Automatic 60% on the first late day After day 1, NO credit. *Grades online—Parent Portal
Writing “Teaching Writing: Structure & Style” - program that is very concrete and skills-based. Provides students with a skill set that leads towards more independent, complex writing. Q1: Sentence structure, Paragraph writing, writing process Unit 1: Notemaking/outlines, Unit 2: Summarizing from notes, and Unit 3: Narrative stories, Q2: Poetry Unit, Unit 4: Summarizing a reference, and friendly letter writing Q3: Persuasive Writing, Responding to Prompts, Business letter writing, Unit 5: Writing from pictures (PhotoStory/Movie Maker or Picture Book), Q4: Unit 6: Library Research Project (combined with Biography “Documentary” Movie Project in reading class) Writing in Social Studies: Unit 8: Basic Essay (Expository)
WRITING (cont.) Weekly Grammar Lessons and Homework - Unit Tests once a month ”Fix It!” Bellwork (vocabulary/parts of speech/sentence structure/grammar/conventions) – Monday thru Thursday, Quiz on Friday – Assesses skills practiced in bell work for the week. Writing Projects and Presentations
Reading Reading: Opportunities to practice and improve in all 4 language domains (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) in a variety of ways – read alouds, partners, small groups, independent. –Q1 – Mystery, Realistic Fiction, Myths –Q2 – Fantasy, Science Fiction, Poetry (tied to Poetry unit in writing class) –Q3 – Historical Fiction –Q4 – Biography (tied to Biography “Documentary” Movie in Writing class) Year Long Focus – Reading and responding to nonfiction articles and comprehension of functional texts.
Reading Daily Reading Warm-Ups (bell work) – daily comprehension practice from across all genres. Vocabulary Development – Roots and Derivatives (2 per week + 8 derivatives) Tests are given every other Thursday. Nightly reading – 20 minutes min. 1 Book Report per quarter (use of technology and creativity to present their book) –Q1: Power Point of mystery elements –Q2: Collage/illustration of fantasy elements –Q3: Historical time-capsule –Q4: Biography documentary
Social Studies Ancient World History –All students have a SS book at home. –Geography Unit: Maps (differences, purposes, how to read them, vocabulary) –Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Mesopotamia Ancient Egypt, India, China, America Ancient Greek and Roman Civilizations Medieval Europe and Africa Renaissance, Reformation, and Enlightenment Major Religions (tied to their influence on cultures and civilizations) –geographic origins, founding leaders/teachings, traditions, customs, and beliefs
How We Learn the Content Daily Oral Geography Bellwork Textbook Reading Comprehensive Tests Expository Essay Writing Hands-on Learning (mummies) Computer Simulations (Decisions, Decisions)Feudalism Feudalism Research
Social Studies Homework Mapping Activities Map locations (memorize for quizzes) Textbook reading assignments (book at home) Study for tests (using notes from units studied) –online support: Completion of tasks started in class 5 paragraph Essays (Unit 8: Basic Essay--Writing in Content Areas) M:\Social Studies\Ch. 4 and 5 Greeks\Five Paragraph Essay for the Greeks.doc M:\Social Studies\Ch. 4 and 5 Greeks\Five Paragraph Essay for the Greeks.docM:\Social Studies\Ch. 4 and 5 Greeks\Five Paragraph Essay for the Greeks.doc
Donations Give “Fundraisers” the boot – Each family is encouraged to make a donation to PTO (this is not AZ tax credit donation, but is still a tax deductible donation). PTO money has purchased smartboard software, printer, and supplies for my classroom! Individual Supplies – Make sure to get supplies from the supply list! Class Donations - Need them as they come throughout the year – s will be sent out ahead of time.
Thanks for coming this evening!