1. IOC Budget Considerations as Proposed by ATIS Prepared for the IMSI Oversight Council Edward Hall Vice President, Technology Development IMSI/
2 IOC Budget Considerations Sponsor Support Services: Duties and Responsibilities of the IOC Secretariat Maintain Membership Rosters Web site/Database Administration & Posting Establish and Maintain Exploder List(s) Receive and Re-Direct Queries from Industry Organizations
3 IOC Budget Considerations Sponsor Support Services (con’t): Plan, Coordinate, & Co-convene Meetings Publish Documents as may be needed Preparation/Distribution of Minutes, Agendas and Notices Financial Administration Public Relations - Press Releases, Conferences, Facilitate Resolution of Legal Issues
4 IOC Budget Considerations Estimated Costs - July 1, June 30, 2002 Secretariat Services:$21,000 As Listed Other as may be defined Meetings: (25 attendees, No Meeting Fee) $ 4,500 One - Face 2 Face Two - Virtual TotalCosts $25,500
5 IOC Budget Considerations Proposed Source of Income: If an IMSI Annual Maintenance Fee were authorized, Fees would be collected annually by the Secretariat and used to balance the budget. Excess fees would be maintained for the IOC.
6 IOC Budget Considerations Estimated Income Source: IMSI Annual Maintenance Fee Codes Assigned to Date: –MCC –MCC –MCC 316 2
7 IOC Budget Considerations Estimated Income : Total IMSI Assigned to Date: 146 * Charged at Proposed Rate: $ 25,550 Estimated ‘01/’02 Excess $ 50 * Rate: $175 per IMSI, Billed to Operator
8 IOC Budget Considerations Advantages : Industry Support for IMSI Administrator Permanent Conduit for IMSI Administrator to contact the IOC: –Assignment Concern –Need for Meeting Centralized Contact for the Industry Simplified Processes
9 IOC Budget Considerations Advantages (con’t): No Overhead Expenses for IOC Members Adds Value and Awareness to the IMSI Resource Aids in the Tracking and Reclamation Process
10 Why ATIS? A member organization of global telecommunications companies with a U.S. and North American Presence Local Exchange Carriers Wireless Carriers Manufacturers of Equipment and Supplies Internet Service Providers Competitive Local Exchange Carriers Software Developers Data Local Exchange Carriers Interexchange Carriers Resellers Operations Support Systems Providers Consulting Companies
11 Sponsor industry committees, which address pressing Technical, and Operational issues impacting facilities and services. Provide an Open and Fair environment allowing the industry to reach Consensus agreements. Speed new telecommunications products and services to Market. Our Role in the Telecommunications Industry