Telecooperation Technische Universität Darmstadt Copyrighted material; for TUD student use only 1 Exercise TK3 Assigment 3: Application Scenario FG Telekooperation.


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Presentation transcript:

Telecooperation Technische Universität Darmstadt Copyrighted material; for TUD student use only 1 Exercise TK3 Assigment 3: Application Scenario FG Telekooperation Prof. Dr. Max Mühlhäuser Daniel Schreiber

Prof. Dr. M. Mühlhäuser Telekooperation © 2 Summary: Mundo Platform Application –Example Applications –Patterns for Ubiquitous Computing –Application Development Process Scenario Analysis Assignment Outline

Prof. Dr. M. Mühlhäuser Telekooperation © UbiComp problems solved by MundoCore communication in loosely coupled systems integration platform: call from Java to C and back sensing real world information –Location… (also available: weight, pressure, QR-codes) –RFID / Transponder Simulation and Testing –Dummy services (console in/out) –WorldView 3

Prof. Dr. M. Mühlhäuser Telekooperation © What is MundoCore? communication middleware –Pub/Sub –RMC –Java bindings set of generic services –WorldModelStore –Location Systems development tools –WorldView hardware devices (… not shown) –Talking Assistant documentation –MundoWiki 4

Prof. Dr. M. Mühlhäuser Telekooperation © What is MundoCore NOT? useful to end-users!!  MundoCore is a platform for building applications!!!  It is useful for the developer of a UbiComp application 5

Prof. Dr. M. Mühlhäuser Telekooperation © Applying MundoCore: Carshop 6

Prof. Dr. M. Mühlhäuser Telekooperation © Applying MundoCore: SmartSaeco 7

Prof. Dr. M. Mühlhäuser Telekooperation © Application Development define services –what is the interface? –where will it run? –use low level services as hardware abstraction layer e.g. sensor  sensing service implement services –in MundoCore –dummy implementations of low level services console in/out, test dummy test system –high level services –protocol low-level  high level deploy –compile low-level services with real hardware 8

Prof. Dr. M. Mühlhäuser Telekooperation © More examples and hints 9 patterns for ubicomp from course website

Prof. Dr. M. Mühlhäuser Telekooperation © Designing Your Own UbiComp App 10 think of an everyday scenario –shopping, cooking, transport identify a concrete problem propose a solution based on UbiComp technology –save time –save money –more fun –better experience –… why would someone pay for this? –how much? –who?

Prof. Dr. M. Mühlhäuser Telekooperation © Analyze your ideas SWOT: Does the idea have business value? –strength, weaknesses, opportunities, threads –don‘t restrict yourself too much (hardware costs, deployment problems) Scope: Can we implement a significant part of the idea? –TK3 time frame: 6 weeks –complexity: Not much experience with MundoCore / UbiComp Sane: Can the same thing be implemented „lowtech“? „Coolness“: Will we be able to show the key points of our solution in a video? –„business“ scenario everyday scenario 11

Prof. Dr. M. Mühlhäuser Telekooperation © 12 Assignment 3: Your Own UbiComp App It must involve –data from at least one sensor (location, weight… ) or RFID reader –user interaction away from the desktop (speech, gesture, GUI on mobile device) hand in –1-2p Description of your application –situation as-is –concrete problem that is solved by ubicomp –how does your application make the world a better place? –technical aspects: which sensors? how does the user interact? this should be detailed enough to make us believe you are able to implement it 4 slides in max. 8minutes in next weeks session!

Prof. Dr. M. Mühlhäuser Telekooperation © Assignment 3: Your Own UbiComp App Grading will be done on the quality of your documentation / presentation Documentation 75%: –is the scenario comprehensive and understandable? –does it use pictures for illustration? e.g. UI mock-ups, scenario photos… –are all necessary parts (sensors, interaction) identified? Presentation 25%: –time-limit kept? –message came across? 13

Prof. Dr. M. Mühlhäuser Telekooperation © Internet of Things Innovative User Interfaces (e.g. Pen/Paper) Ubiquitous Interaction Smartphone as ME We are hiring: Mobile Interaction 14