Mathematics Leadership Network September 17, 2012 METS Center
Mathematics Team Facilitators: O Diane Culbertson, NKCES O Sara Eisenhardt, NKU O Robin Hill, KDE O Kris Jarboe, KCM O Jill Parker, KCM O Jenny Ray, KDE/NKCES O Special Guest: Marty Park, KDE 3
The Goal of the Kentucky Leadership Networks “Ensure that every participant has a clear understanding of how to implement/support the implementation of the KCAS within the context of highly effective teaching, learning, and assessment practices so that all Kentucky students have the knowledge, skills, and abilities they will need to be successful and prepared for college and/or career.”
Targets for September O I can make connections with our work in MLN and the Teacher Professional Growth and Effectiveness System O I can find evidence of engineering effective discussions and questioning using language from CHETL and TPGES 3b. O I can use resources to deepen my own understanding of content standards through the lens of the practice standards and can lead others to develop their understanding in this way. O I can use Formative Assessment Lessons as a vehicle for effective teaching and learning and can lead other teachers to use FALs effectively. O I can reflect on my district leadership team and learn from others.
Please use this back channel to comment on our work all day O O Either enter the URL or use your code reader on your mobile device:
Connect to our working site O Connect to and choose the ‘Networks’ tab, then the MCLN tab. O Or…use the QR Code, below:
Teacher Professional Growth & Effectiveness System (TPGES) Laying the Groundwork September 2012
Proposed Multiple Measures Teacher Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Observation Peer Observation Professional Growth Reflective Practice Student Voice Student Growth All measures are supported through evidence.
Domain 1: Planning & Preparation Domain 2: Classroom Environment Domain 3: Instruction Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities Domain 5: Student Growth DRAFT
Digging into the TPGES O Take 5 minutes to read through pages 1 and 2 in the Framework. O Numbered Heads: Count off 1-4 at your table, then read the domain that corresponds to your number. O Highlight words, phrases, intent that all with the Wordles O Have discussion with your table group about each domain so that everyone has a general idea about each domain.
Vignettes O Read your given vignette, determine a domain evidenced and capture language from the Framework that matches O Based on the domain you selected for your vignette, move the corner for discussion of that domain and each of the vignettes O Return to your table and debrief conversations O Be sure to use Today’s Meet to comment.
The TPGES is just another thread that runs through the fabric of our work around improving the INSTRUCTIONAL CORE—the interactions of teachers and students around content. We are weaving the threads (standards, leadership, CHETL, assessment literacy, Formative Assessment Lessons, and PGES) together to have a strong fabric or net that SUPPORTS STUDENTS
Let’s Consider One Component of the TPGES Framework: O Take a few minutes to read through Domain 3, Section b, individually at your table.
Talking Chips Strategy O Respond to the following: O “After reading component 3b, in what ways does a highly effective teacher engineer effective discussions, questions, and learning tasks that elicit evidence of learning?” O IMPORTANT: Each participant has 2 chips; take turns speaking in response to the prompt, but only after everyone uses a chip can participants share again. O Have ONE recorder for each table.
CHUNKING information O From the recorder’s notes, CHUNK your table’s BIG IDEAS into categories or sub-topics and illustrate on chart paper.
One Stay—Others Stray O One person from each group will stay to answer/clarify for others while the rest of the team strays around the room to “steal” ideas from others O Whole group shares CHUNKS/BIG IDEAS from around the room
Video O rting-classifying-equations- overview?resume=0 rting-classifying-equations- overview?resume=0 O Look for evidence of effective questions, discussions, and tasks
Video O deos/CRD_Gr6.html deos/CRD_Gr6.html O Look for evidence of effective questions, discussions, and tasks
Effective Questioning + Discussion O Leads students to... Deeper understanding of content Rethinking hypotheses and viewpoints Making connections O Effective questioning also... Sets the stage for engaging discussions
Connections to CHETL… O Where is the language in the CHETL document that relates to the language in the TPGES Framework? Site Examples at your table.
Leadership Component O Before we meet in November, you will be expected to peer observe—looking specifically for evidence of the characteristics of effective questioning and engineering effective discussions. O OR, if you choose, you may video yourself teaching and use the same document to find evidence of the characteristics in your own teaching. Share the analysis with a peer.
Working LUNCH Welcome our Guest Speaker, Marty Park “Using Technology to Enhance Effective Teaching and Learning” 11:00-12:30 Be prepared to be actively engaged with your electronic device(s) beginning at 11:30!
Break out Groups O K-5 O 6-8 O 9-12 (See next slide)
District Time Partnership Agreements O Please be back in this room at 3:00 to work as a district team and to share ideas with other districts. O We will dismiss at 3:30, after final announcements
What are partnership agreements? 30 Mutual agreement between the coach (content specialist) and his/her client(s) that defines their working relationship Include parameters, scope, expectations, responsibilities, roles, etc. Can be renegotiated at any time when requested May be written and signed
Why are they important? 31 Clarify roles and expectations Avoid confusion or surprises Establish parameters for safety and trust Builds respect Others:
Clients 32 District Administrators Principals Individual teachers In-classroom work Out-of-classroom work Teams of teachers Resource staff Others?
What will the Partnership Agreements address? 33 Roles and responsibilities Clients--which teachers/grades/teams Boundaries of work Support and resources needed for success Timelines Ways to assess effectiveness Guidelines Expectations Confidentiality Communication Procedures DISTRICT ADMIN & PRINCIPALS
What will the Partnership Agreements Address? 34 Time Place Location Services requested Resources Responsibilities Expectations Data Confidentiality Follow-up TEACHERS
How are partnership agreements formed? 35 In conversations guided by questions to ask clients By presenting a list of topics to clarify and discussing each By offering suggested agreements and checking clients’ understanding of and agreement with each
What follow-up is necessary after forming partnership agreement? 36 Revisit agreements periodically Ask for feedback on the agreements Using data, determine the effectiveness of the agreement. Revise agreements based on needs assessments.
Partnership Agreements Discussion 10 minutes Identify a situation in which you wish you had formed a partnership agreement and did not? What were the effects? What agreement would you request now as a result? 37
Some teaching/learning strategies we modeled today: O Using a back channel to keep ‘connected’ O Using Google Docs/Forms to collect information in a timely manner O Think/Pair/Share O Numbered Heads O 4-Corners/Standing Meetings O Talking Chips O Chunking ideas O One stay—Others stray O Others…
How Can I Support You? Thanks for your participation today. Jenny Ray KDE Regional Mathematics Content Specialist Kentucky Department of Education Office of Next Generation Learners Northern Kentucky Cooperative for Educational Services