THE ROLE OF MYWAGE IN MINIMUM WAGE COMPLIANCE Presented By: Chimpampwe Silvia M Campaign Coordinator – Zambia WIF – Regional Meeting, MAPUTO
THE ROLE OF MY WAGE IN MINIMUM WAGE COMPLIANCE Introduction : Introduction : My Wage Zambia is the on line medium employed by the Minimum Wage Campaign to spread information on wages and wage related information. MyWage is a web based tool managed by Wage Indicator Foundation that offers workers both formal and informal a platform to obtain wage and wage related information and also get links and contacts to relevant institutions and legislation. MyWage offers an indispensable tool for the dissemination of minimum wage information and an avenue for effective compliance.
MyWage and MW Compliance MyWage and MW Compliance The minimum wage information forms part of the core feature of the data available on MyWage. This ensures that all visitors to the site have “default” information on the current MW data available and also channels through which further information on this can be obtained. MyWage further offers information on how workers can seek compliance and case studies that give credence of compliance.
Through its strategic alliances with stakeholders in the labour industry, MyWage offers visitors to the site up to date and relevant linkages and networks that allow for follow up in ensuring compliance to the MW. MyWage does not act as a regulator for compliance but offers visitors to the site information on action for compliance.
MyWage offers easy access of MW information to workers who do not belong to trade unions such as informal sector workers. This information is made available to such workers at no extra cost or obligation for further action. MyWage offers easy access of MW information to workers who do not belong to trade unions such as informal sector workers. This information is made available to such workers at no extra cost or obligation for further action. The non biased mode of data available on the site ensures that the MW data is delivered in a non influential manner that merely seeks to inform and does not compel action on the part of the reader. The non biased mode of data available on the site ensures that the MW data is delivered in a non influential manner that merely seeks to inform and does not compel action on the part of the reader. It is this feature that makes the MW information posted on MyWage readily acceptable by its readers as it does not seek to question one’s choices on whether to demand or not to demand for compliance. It is this feature that makes the MW information posted on MyWage readily acceptable by its readers as it does not seek to question one’s choices on whether to demand or not to demand for compliance.
Conclusion Conclusion MyWage is an innovative mechanism in disseminating MW information which in turn helps to increase opportunities for enhanced compliance as most workers in precarious work are youths who readily have internet access but often times do not have access to trade unions or any other mode of accessing such vital information.
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