Community Themes & Strengths Assessment Jason Porter San Antonio Metropolitan Health District
Purpose Collect opinions of residents concerning community health problems and quality of life issues Identify important issues that can be addressed through community action Results will be used to develop a community health improvement plan
Survey Facts 342 total surveys were disseminated throughout the community –Neighborhood Associations –Community Organizations –City Hall Showcase 52 different area codes 198 completed surveys
Zip Codes of Respondents 30 to37 10 to19 1 to9 none
Age of Respondents
Sex of Respondents
Ethnicity of Respondents
Marital Status of Respondents
How Respondents Paid for Health Care
How Respondents Obtained Survey
Community Health
Low crime/Safe Neighborhoods (17.6%) Good Schools (11.8%) Good jobs/Healthy Economy (10.8%) Strong Family Life (9.1%) Access to health care (8.6%) Good Place to raise children (8.5%) Religious factors (8.0%) Healthy Behaviors and lifestyles (6.6%) Clean Environment (5.8%) Affordable housing (3.4%) Parks and recreation (2.2%) All others ( 8.2%) Most Important Factors for a Healthy Community
Diabetes (14.6%) Aging problems (11.3%) Teenage Pregnancy (10.6%) Heart Disease and Stroke (10.1%) Child Abuse (8.4%) Cancer (8.2%) Domestic Violence (7.2%) High Blood Pressure (4.8%) Sexually Transmitted Disease (2.2) Most Important Health Problems?
Obesity (15.8%) Alcohol abuse (15.3%) Dropping out of school (13.2%) Drug abuse (12.8%) Lack of exercise (9.0%) Poor eating habits (8.3%) Tobacco use (6.1%) Unsafe sex (5.5%) Not using seat belts/ Child safety seats (5.2%) Most Important Risky Behaviors?
Overall Health of Community?
Your Own Personal Health?
Monthly Hours Volunteered?
Quality of Life
Are you satisfied with the quality of life in our community?
Are you satisfied with the health care system in our community?
Is this community a good place to raise children?
Is this community a good place to grow old?
Is there economic opportunity in the community?
Is the community a safe place to live?
Are there networks of support for individuals and families?
Do all individuals and groups have the opportunity to contribute and participant in the community?
Do all residents perceive that they- individually and collectively- can make the community a better place?
Are there a broad variety of health services in the community?
Is there a sufficient number of health & social services in the community?
Are levels of mutual trust & respect increasing among community partners?
Is there an active sense of civic responsibility & engagement, and of civic pride in shared accomplishments?
Focus Group & Key Informant Interviews
Summary Performed by Margaret Brackley, PhD, as part of the Community Health Assessment 100 persons interviewed including community leaders, health care providers, and citizens from throughout Bexar County Interviews conducted in English & Spanish 12 major theme sets were expressed 6 theme sets emerged for special populations Consult packet for more information