OWASP Website Workshop 5 th November 2008
OBJECTIVES Brainstorming, outlining high-level goals for the site. Defining the audience, setting the "tone" or voice for the site. Defining content, navigation paths and future expansion. Look and feel based on target audience. Review search engine and content management system. Marketing strategies. Web site metrics and trend analysis.
Train employees/students on InfoSec. Raise awareness around InfoSec. Peer-2-Peer collaboration. Chapters promotion? InfoSec Job Search Tool? Marketing tool? Other ideas… GOALS FOR THE SITE
Employees/Employers in different sectors (Financial, Soft Development, Healthcare, Government, etc) interested in the topic. University/High School IT Security/Dev. Students/Teachers looking for training resources. InfoSec Professionals. Others… AUDIENCE
Is the tone of the website right? –More formal vs informal approach? SETTING THE TONE
Content of the website –Is targeted at technical people only? –Separate contents clearly among education, events, careers opportunities, tools, etc? –Prioritization for topics displayed in the page? –Navigation Bar / References / Toolbar? –Forums? –Polls? CONTENT & NAVIGATION
Can content be simplified? Screenshot main page –WIKI vs traditional webpage Pros & cons LOOK & FEEL
Search results? Location inside webpage? SEARCH ENGINE
Push news to all subscribers through mailing lists. Links exchange with other websites. Adwords as a website promoter? Publish ads in magazines/newspapers? Other ideas… MARKETING STRATEGIES
Period: Sep 20, Oct 20, ,125 visits came from 185 countries/territories. Mainly English Speaking: US, India, UK. Majority visitors came from Search Engines. Most topics searched for: Webscarab, Webgoat, Top 10. Firefox most widely used browser. METRICS & TRENDS
Questions & Answers CONCLUSION