Iowa Code (5) “The Council shall determine its own rules and maintain records of its procedures.”
Why Council Rules of Procedure To effectively achieve purposes of council meetings: Conduct city business – make decisions Inform the public – discuss, debate Maintain records - minutes
Council Rules of Procedure Regulate and maintain order and decorum at meetings. Allow for participation in a democratic manner but – Provide structure so meetings don’t get “out of hand”.
Robert’s Rules? Who uses? Which edition? Copy available?
Robert’s Rules – Issues: Not designed or intended for law- making bodies such as City Councils Robert’s Rules are not “law” and not required by law to be followed. Iowa Sup Ct – failure by council to conform to a procedural rule or parl. procedure will not invalidate a vote that otherwise conforms to Iowa statutes.
Robert’s Rules – Issues: State Code requirements: Quorums Votes/readings required: Ordinances, Resolutions, Motions, Special Assessments, Remonstrances, etc. Suspension of readings Public Hearing requirements Mayoral authority/vetoes
Robert’s Rules – other considerations Open Meetings Law requirements “Old Business” “New Business” Motions to reconsider Citizen presentations Consent/non-controversial calendars
Recommendation Cities should adopt own rules of procedure – not just adopt Robert’s Rules without careful review:
Recommendation Reserve Robert’s Rules for arcane parliamentary issues, e.g.: Motion/seconds/withdrawals of motions Amendments Points of order
Council Rules of Procedure – Regular meeting time and location Regular meeting agendas: Who prepares? How can items get on agenda? Deadlines?
Council Rules of Procedure – Regular Meetings Ordinances/Resolutions/Motions – who determines? Adding/deleting items Order of business/ altering order Dept reports Citizen presentations Public hearings – when?
Presiding Officer Duties and responsibilities Control of discussion Mayor pro-tem Mayor pro-tem/pro-tem
Civility/Decorum Personal attacks Foul language Applause/hooting COUNCIL & AUDIENCE
Council Committees Who appoints? Duties and responsibilities Reports Open Meetings
Task Forces Who appoints? Duties and responsibilities Authority Reports Duration Open Meetings
Council Rules of Procedure – Consent calendar Removing items Rules regarding discussion Who determines what is on consent calendar Special meetings – who calls Closed/executive sessions Role of City Attorney
Council Rules of Procedure – Work sessions – time/location Who calls? Who determines agenda? Who can participate?
Voting Procedures Council discussion – before or after motion/second? Closing discussion Calling for vote Order of voting – roll call Voting ends debate Motions to reconsider, etc.
Voting Procedures Requirements to vote – except: Abstentions – conflicts of interest Declaration of conflict Recusal from discussion
Voting Procedures Rules of order – parliamentary procedure – Robert’s Rules? Motions to table Amendments Suspension of rules Points of order
Citizen presentations/discussion At public hearings Time limitations? Frequency? At regular meetings Agenda items Non-agenda items At special meetings At work sessions
Other potential issues Code of Ethics Enforcement of rules With council, with public Parliamentarian Suspension of rules; amendment Amendment of rules Seating arrangement – who determines?
More effective meetings Start meetings on time and end at a reasonable hour Stick to the agenda All members participate – nobody dominates discussion Set up procures to handle routine items No side conversations during meeting
More effective meetings Do not try to engineer “how-to” details at the meeting Use staff effectively Everybody does their homework Establish and follow rules of procedure