Building Teacher Effectiveness A Lab School Protocol
Description – “The WHAT” In an effort to improve the distribution of effective teachers, this partnership to support for five schools will collaborate with professional development with both teachers and administrators. An anticipated outcome will be to create a sustainable process for school improvement that can be replicated across the district.
Targeted Professional Learning – The “WHY” Data literacy Quality Professional Learning Communities Common, Effective Instructional Strategies Culture of Collaboration Enhance Teacher Effectiveness and Student Outcomes
The “HOW” Each site will engage in deliberate professional learning activities to involve collegial conversations, professional accountability and peer observations to support the following emphasis: Learning By Doing – Dufour,Eaker Classroom Instruction That Works 2 nd Edition -Dean, Hubbell, Pilter & Stone
Process Site staff will participate in intentional leadership sessions that will facilitate effective, intentional discussions and assist in establishing protocols for monitoring and educator accountability in utilizing strategies and protocols learned to improve instruction, and ultimately student achievement
Teacher Leadership Development All certified staff will participate in the intentional professional development throughout the year Up to 3 teachers and the school administrator will have an opportunity to attend the fall ASCD Instructional Leaders Conference in Orlando, FL on October 31- November 2, 2014 $10,000 will be allotted to each school for other teachers to participate in professional development opportunities
Teacher Leadership Development Records will be kept throughout the year that document collaboration within the school PLC structure – these logs will be kept on a public wiki for accountability Peer observations will be utilized for documentation and feedback throughout the year A year-end evaluation will be utilized to provide feedback on the process
Lab Schools Rex Rennert Elementary Townsend Middle W.H. Knuckles Elementary Rosenwald Elementary R.B. Dean Elementary
Anticipated Outcome 1 All teachers will participate in an effective Professional Learning Community as evidence by documentation in PLC agendas. Common agendas will be developed to include quality PLC alignment and detailed minutes that ensure proper utilization of time and resources
Anticipated Outcome 2 All teachers will use data to inform instruction as evidenced by lesson plans (diffentiation), collaborative conversations (PLC agendas/minutes), and student achievement
Anticipated Outcome 3 All teachers will utilize identified effective instructional strategies as evidenced by lesson plans (differentiation), collaborative conversations (PLC agendas/minutes), and student achievement
Anticipated Outcome 4 All teachers will work to develop a common understanding of rigor and relevance of classroom content and expectations through professional development as evidenced by lesson plans (differentiation), collaborative conversations (PLC agendas/Minutes), and student achievement
Anticipated Outcome 5 All schools will realize increased student outcome growth and proficiency as evidenced in assessment data
Anticipated Outcome 6 All schools will realize an increase of effective and highly effective teachers in Standard 6 measures according to data