Incorporating Formative Assessment Strategies into lesson planning
What is Formative Assessment? Any activity done during the instructional process for the purpose of gauging and improving student learning and guiding teaching Can be engaging and fun!
How do I incorporate formative assessment in my lesson plan?
How do I incorporate formative assessment in my lesson plan?
Formative Assessment Strategies Technology Based Formative Assessment 1 NearPod – www. Allows teachers to convert their PowerPoints into an online tool that students can access through their devices. There is a Nearpod app or students can access it through classroom computers. Applicable for any device with Internet access. Teachers can imbed formative assessment questions, surveys, open ended questions, videos, drawings into the presentation Advantages: Although this is similar to SmartBoard software, teachers can freely circulate the room to monitor students (I circulate with my personal iPad). Teachers can also share formative assessment results to student devices. Teacher paced!
Students “Join Session” by entering your code Code is given to the teacher when they open the NearPod and click “Live Session” Teachers log in with an email and password, students do not. They simply Join Session
Socrative (very similar to NearPod)
Formative Assessment Strategies Technology Based Formative Assessment 2 Kahoot! – Game based learning and formative assessment. Good opportunity to review vocabulary and concepts. Applicable for any device with Internet access. Web based; NOT an app
Formative Assessment Strategies Technology Based Formative Assessment 3 QR codes – Applicable for classes with Internet accessible devices. Requires a QR reader on student devices (free app) The websites: and are two of the many nice sites for making QR codes. Great opportunity for review, foramtive assessment prompts, scavenger hunts, and activating/summarizing lessons
Formative Assessment Strategies – Non-Tech Popsicle sticks (incorporate “hot seat”) Thumbs up/down White boards Reflective Learner Post – its Ball Toss Find the Fib Do Now Exit tickets Letter to the “absent student” summary Carousels – for peer editing and reflection 2 stars and a wish Homework help board Question strips