Crime Scene Investigator Prepared by: Maria Guerrero Paul Hallman Deanne Kellner Paco Martinez Speech 1311: Group Speech
Introduction A career in crime scene investigation (CSI) offers a dynamic and challenging environment in a fast growing field that is well paid and directly contributes to the safety and security of the community. Image source:
Overview Need and Demand Compensation Education Experience Nature of the Job Job Requirements Information Other Information
Need and Demand Source: Bureau of Labor and Statistics (May 2008).
Compensation CSI Specialty Yearly Salary Evidence Technician$24,000 Forensic Photographer$34,500 Biomedical Technician$54,000 Criminalist$60,000 Firearms Examiner$71,500 Toxicologist$72,000 Forensic Mechanical Engineer$87,500 Evidence Custodian$115,200 Chief Medical Examiner$188,500
Compensation (continued) A criminalist earns a respectable salary of about $60K. That is about the median salary range for the CSI industry. It is about half of what a main cast member on CSI:Miami would earn for just one episode which is about $150K.
Education The most common degree is a bachelors degree in criminal justice Other popular degree programs for a CSI career are: Biology Degrees Computer Forensics Correctional Management Degree Criminal Justice Degree Other Physical Science Degrees
Experience The experience required depends on your area of focus and the agency with openings in that area Typing skills Critical Thinker Analytical Skills Other
Nature of the Job In no way shape or form is it a normal 8- 5 job Responsible for documenting One piece of evidence could make or break a case Definitely not for the weak stomach or faint hearted Requires a lot of time and dedication
Job Requirements and Skills Machine and computer skills Photography Communication skills Academic degree Physically demanding Psychologically demanding
Information Sample CSI Job Postings Criminalist I Senior Criminalist - Firearm Examiner Brochures International Forensic Science Academy Homeland Security Division Columbia Basin College
Other Information Visit CSI: The Experience exhibit showing at the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History
Conclusion CSI Career: Challenging environment in a fast growing field that is well paid and directly contributes to the safety and security of the community.